The Slavs are the pinnacle of white mankind, the salt of the land of Europe, the real Nordic elite.
And as a true white man, I have compiled a list of the whitest countries: 1) Russia. 2) Belarus. 3) Poland. (The most worthy opponent, and in the future, perhaps an ally)
List of not very white countries, but Ok: 1) Slovenia. 2) Slovakia. 3) Serbia. 4) Czech Republic.
List of non-white countries: 1) England (Island degenerates, incestors. Absolutely disgusting.) 2) USA (no comments..) 3) Finland 4) Germany/Austria (A fierce mix of English degenerates, Romanians, Albanians and other French, the only thing that gives them a human appearance is a small drop of Slavic blood.) 5) Belgium.
Country absolute color shit: 1) Ukraine (these are not Slavs, but turks, like Romanians or Albanians) 2) Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, (Mongoloid subhuman fraternity, like the Finns, but the Finns do not suffer from innate Russophobia, so I put them on a higher level in the hierarchy.) 3) Croatia 4) Norway/Sweden (All that remains of the Vikings is a name and a glorious, semi-mythical story.) 5) Italy 6) Spain 7) Albania 8) Romania 9) Hungary 10) Bulgaria 11) Greece. 12) France (These are the same Arabs.)
Latin American countries, I will not even list, this is the same as African countries.
Add Hungary to the good list and we can talk. Ukraine and maybe Romania should be moved up a spot, they can still be saved.
Parker Collins
Cool idk
Charles Harris
Easton Jones
Slav = white
Gavin Morgan
Get fucked igor, "russophobia" is a pretty natural response seeing what a bunch of loud, vile, annoying repulsive pieces of shit 80% of the russian migrants are
I'm not fully convinced. We need 100% Aryans in the colony. Huge-ass walls with gun turrets and snipers. Farmlands with enough water source and ways to cultivate more resources for ourselves. Without reliance from any mud races. This also includes our own food ideas, better transportation methods, weapons and firepower. And an alternative to transport resources to the moon. A real world for us whites.
Benjamin Perry
ill fuck about anything reallly
Thomas Howard
>our user, I don't know how to tell you this, but...
ive read ukrainians, belarussians and russians are the most genetically similar to each other. also russians on average have the most asian blood, ukrainians have a bit less and belurussians have barely any.
>Whites Fins are also white but a unique kind because they've been cut off from most of Europe due to harsh climate & it's almost impossible to walk to Finland without dying.
its because ukranians are alright too. The "russki" is right about slavs and all but he hinself isnprobably just some divide and conquer jew. All white people should stick together
Colton Clark
This. White socialism should be.
Isaiah Smith
Low quality bait. OP is a fag.
But! 1) Russia - white, with TON of shitskins 2) Finland - white 3) Estonia is white, Lithuania is white with ton of polaks, Latvia is white witj ton of russians. 4) Austria is white. 5) Croatia is white and slav. 6) Norhten Italy is pure white. 7) Norway is white. 8) Spain is mostly white. 9) Greece is white. 10) Hungary is white. 11) Latin America is potentional allies.
I bet im whiter than you mongol. I'm so white 5 mins at sun burns my skin.
Samuel Green
Quel thread pathétique..,
Robert Lewis
You're going to have to meme harder than that, dude.
Make a map like pic related, add some pseudo-scientific bullshit about slavic haplogroups + inflammatory bait about slavic nation x not being slavic and spam that shit every other day for weeks on end while trolling everyone who gets triggered enough to reply.
How comes this guy is suddenly being posted so much lately?
I've never heard of him, any more info on him?
Samuel Morris
Weak Faggot. Pushing 70k and not eating will soon tire you out. Grow extra cabbages and bulk up on cannibalism before you try again.
Isaac Kelly
You do know that all nordics have been taken by eastern europeans before they have become anything at all? Read into the source of the indo-europeans (ukraine) and the yamnaya, as well as the single source for all nordic gods. The less Eastern you are, the less european. Peak non whites are the sicilians and basque, and even they have something around 70% indo-euro admixture.
After NZ the Anglo/British white nationalists started to get memed. All of them are blacklisted from everywhere like two months ago. I wish them luck.
Aiden Russell
What about japan
Samuel Jones
was it true that hitler considered them honorary aryans?
Austin Jenkins
compare to japs, whites are niggers
Carson Roberts
Nope, Asians are not white & never will be.
Asia countries for Asians.
Europe, America's, Australia/NZ, & south Africa for Whites, simple!
All Asians will have to leave one way or another.
Just a white nationalist I like, he is okay but I never get my hopes up on any individual.
Leo Peterson
ive heard that their crime rates are really low and that they are generally very honest. apparently there a big store rooms full of property people have handed in thats been lost on trains. here if you lose something on the train youd be very lucky for someone to hand it in especially if its valuable.