You have 33 seconds to explain why Europeans and Asians should not eradicate rest of the subhuman scum

You have 33 seconds to explain why Europeans and Asians should not eradicate rest of the subhuman scum
You cannot

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Chinks are already taking over Africa, nigs do nothing against it but the day they try they'll go extinct once and for all.

Conscript workforce.


kike detected

Yes, China is already blatantly taking over Africa. However, the Africans and Moslems are taking over Europe instead. Lol

Ok slavshit but exterminate your own race first. That'll make a big difference.

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Does impregnating Busan pussy count as exterminating my own race?

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because they will lose...

Well considering you look more like a turk than a european, good luck doing that.

Practical. Use them for jobs too dangerous to risk actual people. Dispose of them when no longer necessary.

Yes. Why are you fucking animals?

what a beautiful skin.

Do you need a new lampshade Hans?

Because you can not degrade another race while not also degrading yourself.
By geocoding a barbaric race you yourself become barbaric

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checks flag
ofc loser mentality

god yes

im ready to take a hit hehe

Im ,drunk right now. And i say. Asians are. shit. Don't fuck these soulless monkey motherfuckers.

ok sure beta

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>asian fever thinks its appropriate to call others beta.
Fucking faggot.

"Thou shalt not kill."
- Exodus 20:13

Ill knock your bugs bunny teeth out you fucking chink.

Chinese are only taking what's left in Africa. Once they'll finish, they'll leave them with even more poverty.

Because it would mean the end of the human race with just niggers and spics running around. Violent corruption is all that happens when there aren't whites or asians around.

>Implying slavs aren't subhuman scum.

Thou shal castrate

heh its always mutt flags thus are mad

I can’t, but all I can say is that if this were to happen today, tomorrow the world would be a much, much better place. This is not racism or hatred, it is a simple fact of life. Non whites create misery for everyone around them, themselves included.

If natural selection was real we would have driven them to extinction by now.

Do you also count shitskin asians in the eradication too?

They're not Asian
Clearly yes

Natural selection is real, but it's more complicated than 'survival of the fittest'. Whites selected breed for pets and cattle, those survived and are doing well. Same goes for africans, the (((UN))) ransoms white countries to keep them alive. As long as nigs are seen as the potential death of Europe this will go on. Crush the kikery and natural selection will be restored.

>Non whites create misery for everyone around them, themselves included.
Are you serious? Whites are responsible for the most heinous atrocities in history. Genocide, enslavement, invasion, exploitation. The entire middle east is in chaos because rich white men in your government are amoral and greedy. Take your head out of your ass or fuck off.

>If natural selection was real
Oh. No wonder you are so fucking stupid. And a hypocrite too

Which app is that?

europeans are also subhumans and asians should eradicate them as well.

that didnt stop christian europeans from old making mountains out of dead sandniggers

Eurasians are the real true master race.

white people are ugly and dumb savages

if you don't have cheekbones just kill yourself

with what military force or any kind of power really. daddy china is being choked out by "zion don" meanwhile asain male cope posting has gone up

with that type of thinking, then jews should eradicate everyone, brainlet ethnic groups

eurasians are subhuman scum
back to Jow Forumsasian masculinity you freak

your face is flat

typical short term low iq mutt post. china will still exist in 1000 years. europeans will be a chapter in chinese history books.

no real argument huh well atleast youre somewhat aware of chinas inferiority compared to muttland. china almost always falls apart every sixty years and ww3 is almost here. along with a very anti china president and america being pumped full of racial tension who again is currently crippling you and forcing your allies to turn against you. its pretty easy to see the future of china. Sacrificial lamb. you guys should have talked so much shit about your biggest customer like that when youre just a sweatshop.

You’re absolutely ignorant of history and international events. You think Africa and the Mid East would be paradise if not for the evil white man? You think this because you have the IQ of a brain dead nigger. Kill yourself.

>if you don't have cheekbones just kill yourself


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Because you're retarded and only think with your dick. The girl in your webm has her hair dyed red, her skin bleached and is wearing eye lenses, why? To look as white as possible. Congratulate yourself when you marry this abomination and your kids turn out with disgusting black hair and black eyes with gook eyes.

You're attracted to the girl because she looks as white and as less Asian as she possibly can.

Can't sorry, kill'em all

Back to your chains, slave

>Europeans and East Asians
FIFY. Southeast Asians and Indians are subhuman.

What makes you so triggered kike ?

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What is it with Korean women and their craving for superior BJC???

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I'm afraid so



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The middle east throughout history has always been in perpetual war even before the white man set foot in that desert wasteland.
Those four actions you list happened in many regions that weren't even touched by the white man yet.

Europeans and Asians are the only way to a true bright future.

Let the chinks do it so we can guilt them forever.

he thinks Chinese can feel guilt

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This. They'll take the natural resources and perhaps colonize a few areas, and then let the Africans starve.

A 5 minute googling sessions would prove you wrong.

>poojeet poster with a memeflag
Go commit sewer slide.

Still waiting for every African nation other than South Africa to be built to first world developed status.

Doesn't matter we'll fill them with sanctions and shit.

You should know better than youing memeflags[read:kikes]

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jisoo is not chinese

>geocaching niggers

Asians would eventually turn on Whites as their women would prefer us.

>chinks > huns > germanic tribes > rome
History is repeating itself once again