Indians are everywhere and they expanding in the most rural areas of america.

Indians will take over the middle class and soon the prevailing political power in the US soon.

When will you faggots realize this?


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I don't think Indians are that bad. They do the jobs that whites don't want to do like doctor and engineer. And they do such a horrible job that more people need to be hired to fix their mistakes so it drives the job market forward.

>He wants to keep his Jewish overlords instead of based paneets

>shilling for indians


fuck off pajeet. we don't want your smelly ugly kind here.

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Supplanting any race other than the original race of that country is traitorous and jewish.

kys commie.

>Unlimited spic invasion already happened
>Muslims congregating in mosques to bring sharia to the west
>Nigs killing white people left and right
>Chinese stealing your country's tech and sending it back to China
>Muh Indians! They are the fucking problem! Bloody model minority coming to my country and not being a thorn in the foot like other communities!

deus ex predicted this

You all have to go back. Indians are worse than niggers.

Giving india the internet was a mistake.



good pole

Ok, then hand over your country to native Americans and go back to Europe

Ew Smelly Whites Should Fuck Off.

Thinking all Indian Women are like that shows High IQ of White Male

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White bois

>I don't think Indians are that bad
whats the weather like there in brampton prajeet?

successfully fall in front of any cars today?

They truly are. They come off as passive and many want to go back to their home after they have drained enough money from Silicon Valley but there are hardened SJW Indians (women, with pussy weak husbands) dedicated to fucking shit up. They are intelligent as far as understanding Java syntax but they are liberal scum. Keep an eye out for your hometowns to be overrun by poo.

Talked with the natives, they said they are cool with whiteys. They did say stop calling them and bringing these smelly shitskins called indians.

Honestly would fuck that white cow over that indian shit pile any day of the year.

This. The worst part is they aren't some mindless zerg like spics. They are sentient and know exactly what they are doing which makes their motives even more insidious. They are deliberately trying to oust the native population in ever country.

Imagine sitting through meetings where they pat themselves on the back (while eating free Indian catered food) for hitting great gender diversity numbers, meanwhile the room is 85% Indian.

OP you're Exactly right.

Exactly fucking right. I've been trying to tell people this but they don't understand. Niggers and muzzies chimp out and cause damage but they're not silently spreading DEEP within our countries like Poojeets are.

This site:
Has it all. Read it right now. Spread the word. Information and intel is why the White race stays ahead of these subhumans.

I got redpilled when someone showed a list of politicians who supported H1B and every single Indian politician supported it.

Good luck dude. The US fucked up by not promoting better STEM education to combat these poos. I can go to ANY company in Silicon Valley because I don’t need a sponsorship to work there but I am the minority. These big companies use hiring agencies that pull the cream of the poo from India and hand out Visas like nothing. Its a fucking travesty.

>middle class
the avregae income is way higher than white

This is true because they are hired to fill high paying jobs on a Visa. Kill the Visa, kill the poo.

You will return to Bangalore where you run from large cats and sidestep turds on the street from your lesser brethren.

>Kill the Visa
go ahead do it, your or any corporate fags would prefer dirt cheaper over any day, you are at the point of no retrurn


the worst part is these indians cant innovate or do a job as well as a white

but you better bet your bottom dollar they take it up the ass from white stockholders and do what they are told

that is why they are so prevalent in tech

Look at this poo that couldn’t even make it to America on a Visa. You must be the great shame of your family. Still unmarried and a complete loser.

Your opinion is the same as your sidewalk.

Ignore the thread. They are paid to make these. Use sage when replying

Sneed predicted this

Most of these are pakis on proxy. They organize these threads on telegram

>"Everyone's a fucking Paki, pajeet"
Holy shit, these curryniggers are losing it. Pakis aren't the only ones who want you poos dead, Sanjay. I want all shitskins dead.

Poos are too wimpy to stop the Pakis.

They just can’t man up.

Now I know my words hurt your precious feelings.

>couldn't bring any arguement
starts to chimp out noice, my points still you can get rid of visa

t. pajeer habarata prasheenda dbrahnma nidgh

well said, lets completely fuck everything

Have fun masturbating the rest of your miserable life. There will always be white women on the internet to look at.

i was in thailand, taking a dinner cruise.
2 ukraians a chinese a korean and some americans allxwatijg for boat nice nice


litteraly 300 shitstain pajeets arrive. the STENCH is aweful. all of us in groip are so dcared we are on boat of indan shit even thai waiters and helpers are horrified.

thanks god they grt on there own boat. we all get on our boat and chinese man says he hope therr boat sink

it was like watching line of orcs walk onto boat.

I now dub thee Ben Shapooro

Yeah You wish you get out of the basement

They have no sense if their own stench. Its horrifying when you are shopping for groceries

Wow a fascist and a racist

I'd rather have Indians than spics and muzzies.

what does that even mean?

do you wobble your head side to side?

you think income has to do with class lol

brown people lol

I've noticed this too. Whenever there are a bunch of these ugly shitskins around, the stench is unbearable. And they're all so fucking ugly, they legit look like orcs. Looking at their shit colored faces is outright depressing.

Their ugliness is why I don't want non-Whites around. White faces are okay to look at. Pajeet, Paki, Chink and nigger faces are straight up repulsive.

Why have any AT ALL retard?

My biggest pet peeve from poofaces is when I am explaining something they have no understanding of and they begin to bob their heads as if to say “I get it”. (Left and right doodiedoo)

So I stop. And then they realize I stopped talking so they ask me to finish because they don’t understand.

Fucking morons.

sure but they are cheap as hell


POOper power 2020

upload your sextape mate

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Another triggered poo. One day you might actually travel out of Bangalore.

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Why are all the poojeets so feminine, weak and latently homosexual?
Literally every pajeet poster I see is somehow trying to get nudes out of other dudes or trying to get sexual with them. What the fuck is wrong with you subhumans?

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Hoards and hoards of vile spics and other South American mongrels and now we have to deal with fucking Indian shitskins smelly street shitting raping Indian animals. White Americans cannot be left alone

Because they thought their mommy would land them their dreamgirl from the movies.

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Dealing with Indians in a professional setting is a nightmare.

They’ve exploited corporate HR’s obsession with credentials to get themselves into positions of nominal power and are completely insufferable, entitled, fucking morons.

God help you if you have to do business with them in any capacity. I honestly prefer working with blacks over Indians.


Kys pajeet

You know what to do
Remind them they belong in India

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I’ll prefer poos over niggers and spics any day

Fuck off.

Poo’s are niggers with an IQ above water.

>T. Poojeet
A real White nationalist would not CHOOSE what kind of shitskin he wants. He would tell ALL shitskins to fuck off