This is wrong Fuck this shit!

How can we stop this?!

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Other urls found in this thread:

that look on the kid's eyes says it all


>If only you knew how bad things really are

Is he using a vibrator on that baby?

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>*if only you knew how bad the milk really tastes

There is nothing wrong with a mothers (fathers) love for her (his) surrogate born baby.

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That's actually a good photograph to rp normies. It was taken by The New Yorker, owned by Condé Nast. You can easily prove that there is a sick elite pushing for degeneracy

I've not seen anyone successfully answer what that sketchy cable actually is

God damn it.

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yesss.... yesss.... hehehehe

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In the midst of the horror, I did not notice the electrical chord seemingly plugged into the baby's butt.
Help. Help us.

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Give me the address, I will go in and get the baby out.
Those sick fucks.

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They haven't caused enough harm yet. So they cannot be stopped.

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If only you knew...


fucking bizarre. i tried searching for some article or anything associated with this image and its like it doesnt exist. wtf

Saw it in Black pilled IG. I was so disgusted that I had to post this on here due to the degeneracy.

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those is nervous footers. Baby is mucho uncomfortable

And of course they use a little boy.

>be child of transgender
>don't understand
>critical development age
>specialist suggests peg toy to further nurture development
>transgender parents seem on board
>can't wait to try to shove that square block into the round hole
>get home
>"here's your new peg toy, user"
>oh boy.jpg
>mfw it's not quite what I expected

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How can we stop this?!

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>literally just someone holding a baby
slow news day huh

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I have fallen hopelessly in love with a fictitious, Octopus girl dressed in twentieth century clothing. Emily means everything to me.
I know she's just a fictional character and that is what crushes me the most inside. I can no longer really see any other girl, real or otherwise, in the same way as Emily.
I haven't fapped for about two weeks, porn just doesn't do it for me anymore.
I wish I could play MGQ over and over until I fall in a coma and dream about being with my precious Emily for the rest of my life.
I don't leave my apartment often anyway so we would spend lots of time together and I would pay more attention to her than that fucker Cassadra ever did.
We would drink yakult together and we would hunt for Gold together.
We would go to the cinema and when the movie was over, some smart mouthed middle schoolers who would have been staring at us would make wise cracks about me playing with dolls, and I would just laugh as my lovely Emily eviscerated them with her super powers and turned them into pincushions with her magic! Emily would laugh with me and then we would head back home. "I love you, my octopus mistress," I would say, and then I would kiss her lightly on the lips. On the way home, we'd take a walk through the park and maybe stop by a cafe for some yakult.
I don't even care about the sex. I could spend the rest of my life with her and not even think about it once because I only care about making my Emily happy.

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Is he using a fucking dildo on the kids ass?

What the fuck is going on?


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>Condé Nast
Robert A. Sauerberg Jr.
(CEO and President)

Every single time

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By jumping on board and supporting it. The trans thing is the key. Do everything you can to support trans in woman’s spaces and organizations.

The only thing we can do is wait for the 2030s...

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I doubt it's from that site... there must be a true source

The New Yorker

No dude he posted it talking about the degeneracy of society. He is not the source he was just black pulling people. It’s the author Devon stack Instagram page.

Its called liberalism you fuckin white supremacist

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Are you fucking retarded. Have you never used a camera before in your life? It's a cable that connects to the camera so that you can remotely trigger the shutter. Americans and Brits are beyond fucking retarded.

No one gives a fuck. It’s a tranny faggot with an innocent kid that he probably fucks. Trannies are mentally unstable. So fuck You like faggot nigger!

you mean rapes

Attached: PURGE FAGS.jpg (2184x1706, 684K)

You are correct rapes!

You are correct, rapes!*

Mutt education at it's finest

don't cover the lap.

With a bolt-action long range rifle.

Preferably a .308 with a 24" barrel as well as a silencer and a mussel breaker. A 5 story height advantage should be good with little wind resistance at a max of 400 yards.

The problem we have here is non of us are Billionaires. None of us are running Billion Dollar Corporations. None of us are influencers of politicians. You all need to understand is that the only way to make real change happen is by breaking something that everyone is enjoying.

The only way to make real change happen in countries is by taking matters into your own hands. Why do you think the New Zealand Government is jailing people for 10 years for sharing/posting the Christchurch shooting?

This is all satire.

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I would recommend fire.

>Do everything you can to support trans in woman’s spaces and organizations.
And if you don't you're a TERF!

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bigoted fuck

>And if you don't you're a TERF!

TERFs will soon be part of the right. They have nowhere else to turn.

There has been a wireless version of that for over two decades now.


dafuq does that nigga have in his left hand? this is revolting

i mean right hand, dammit

You know how to stop this? You don't give a fuck and move on with your own life.

literally nothing wrong with this
please make an argument for why this is bad

btw which one of you faggots spoofed my ip cant handle the facts uh

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Die in a fire.

so much for the tolerant right

Fuck your tolerance.

pick one and only one, you projecting libshit

ok dude that just like your opinion man you do you


dude its a obviously a joke gosh

Literally thought this was a joke and the kids face was shooped

god I wish that were me

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>the right has the mentality of a literal baby

yeah dude that doesnt apply here have you never heard any1 say so much for the tolerant left this is an ironic subversion ya know
reveal yourself hackerman

>you notice now the cord, the expression of horror on the kids face AND that the kid is curling his toes

We need to burn it all down.

faggots seem more and more repulsive every day

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still no arguments
so this is the power of the intelectual dark web
bot bad... not bad at all

so much for facts and logic

these posts were written by degenerate hands

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still 0 arguments

>TFW the FBI is wasting their time hunting internet trolls instead of persecuting these trans alien insectoids shapeshifting through the societal stratum.

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Definitely more tolerant then the lefties you idiot

We do allow discussion and protect freedom of speech. So unfortunately we are weakened by this, because we tend to compromise, the problem is that your stupid actions are creating a reaction and we are becoming less and less tolerant.

>0 arguments
>doesn't see the fact there is a baby being raped and is literally crying
They are not sending their best to this board

What the fuck no hes not being raped

even if he was its just art whats ypur iasue exactly

It's his Creation. You can't stop that. I don't condone this but you can't control this. Not anymore. There are too many people and government is too big to stop. it's over

Ok, now I know that you are trolling. No one is that stupid.

>a man's grown penis is literally touching a baby's butthole
>not rape
>calls it art

hes just holdinf the baby you sick fuck what the fuck

Bullets and mass graves.

they can get worse

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Came to see this

>And then, one day, for no reason at all people voted hitler into power


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>help me

poor child

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where is our new hitler?
how can we summon him?