Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Auswandern Edition

Our Poll:

>upcoming elections
EU nuthouse: May 26 2019
Brandenburg: Sep. 1 2019 #ltwbb
Saxony: Sep. 1 2019 #ltwsn
Thuringia: Oct. 27 2019 #ltwth


>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht
>Ruhrpott Roulette

>Get active

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E


Attached: Auswandern Meuthen.png (293x495, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=sturmsegel&qid=1557596848&s=gateway&sr=8-2

Is Meuthen a traitor?

yes, he is just in there for the attention and young pussy

> Our Poll
there are people who've voted CDU :~)

Slava Stalinu!

Attached: compass.png (503x460, 19K)

No, just not a self sacrificing fool

Attached: freee.png (1064x190, 27K)

>not knowing the difference between good and bad propaganda
Typisch neudeutscher Dorftölpel. The second statement is true, however; her implications of it would've surely been completely foolish, though.

Thanks Germany for caring so much about the world in 1945. I really mean this, you helped us out about 6 million and 1 times, okay.

In USA I make people thank you for your extreme kindness.

Also Germans are super hot, please Germanize ASAP.

i can't really fault him, but yes.
i would not put it past people to fuck off if greens take absolute power.

>implying emigration of Germans and immigration of new Germans is a bad thing

Attached: Screenshot_20190511-154612.jpg (810x2231, 418K)

>the gynecologists-part
that guy is great at banter.

Germans just need to be confident again, there's extremely little reason to be unconfident. Thanks.

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Ich töte sie ficken.

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Stop smoking Meth, literally tbqh unironically

stop telling me what to do

You make me want to go smoke some meth, how about that, pussy.

best "typisch Deutsch" meme variant I've ever seen!

maybe it will overdose... Gods, please, make it so!

I will stay alive.

not much going on today

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You forgot
>born when you have to accept a partner as being a PoS or forever be alone

Attached: adhadhe.png (572x348, 57K)

>tfw they won't do it again

Attached: donaldnazi.jpg (796x583, 70K)

It has 0 appeal to today's youth because why have struggle when you can blindly follow? We have pills now that will make you submit, obey, and make everything look and feel like rainbows.

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Attached: gfh.jpg (1120x121, 20K)

Friend, everyone is a liar these days. Zero respect for friends.

Attached: 4.jpg (648x648, 279K)

Lmao you pathetic Germans never fail to make me laugh with your "/krautpol/ humor" threads

Fact is, most anglos will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Attached: Emily_Smiles.jpg (112x185, 5K)

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trying for your own pasta in Kraut/pol/? at least could have written something more original.
Now go and apologize to the based humour thread leaf poster for stealing his pasta

Why are women loving retarded motivation pictures like these? I've never seen a dude post something similar.

I've always thought of this.
This is from Heathen Women community, we have a lot of motivational artwork.

Attached: 1.jpg (648x839, 145K)

Just the vaginal jew pretending to be intellectual.

Also from the same community.

Attached: 7.jpg (648x648, 507K)

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It's very good, I try to put myself in my future form and imagine I am looking at myself in the past, this makes me feel more intelligent or gain knowledge, because now I know to do right things. People hate this philosophy because "young and dumb" is beyond what they wish for our youth.

Attached: 3.jpg (640x1024, 160K)

Lmao you pathetic Serbs never fail to make me laugh with your "Lmao you pathetic Germans never fail to make me laugh with your "/krautpol/ humor" threads

Fact is, most anglos will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers" posts

Fact is, most Croats will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Attached: 1551464238576.jpg (760x752, 70K)

If this helps you, do it.

Everyone should have respect for friends.

Attached: kkii.png (1062x90, 9K)

Not not but in few months once i get my financial aspects in check, would you then?

Attached: 1556208614976.jpg (286x385, 47K)

This is a German thread, you Baltic shyboy.
Say, "You WILL go out with me. Schnell!"
Say it!
this is cringe as fuck

Not now*

I have some Baltic german ancestry.


Daily reminder to boycott Kikerael.

Attached: CodeIsrael.jpg (480x500, 236K)

No, just not a retard.

How do you plan to become a billionaire in a few months?

Attached: DD71F993-4FDD-424C-9D0F-5F1F4910DCE1.png (406x546, 507K)

>The future belongs to those who believe in dreams, the world riches await those who are bold enough to grab them but when chasing your dreams be sure to always take them one step at a time.

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Attached: TayDrugs101.jpg (1596x897, 303K)

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Obviusly i dont (at least in couple of months) and can't, but the idea is once i will become 100% self sufisient you can go and grab a cofee with me, you dated a fucking nurse i am sure you can at least give me a chance.

Attached: 3264.jpg (700x454, 53K)

Yeah but she lives just 10km away and also is female. I'm still not interested in men and you aren't even a man you're still s kid.

Attached: B40D2075-12EC-41F5-A76B-4705D4201B04.png (1024x1024, 481K)

don't worry user, that won't happen

>incel status = destroyed

>Being concerned about distance

> I'm still not interested in men
Oh COMON, i don't ask you to marry me (yet :DD) i just want to go on one date, it's not that hard, if you will not want to keep going out i will get it, i'm just asking for a chance.Because i rely like you.
>you aren't even a man you're still s kid.
What gives?I can drink legaly and gamble what makes one a kid and other not?

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Attached: fgh.jpg (541x170, 17K)

i hob a scho übas aaswandern nodenkt. plan is to go to switzerland and stay near vaterland, yet not being a good little dimmi.

Attached: awwwww.gif (312x253, 21K)

this is so fucking cringe
unironically kys

I am staying to make sure my siblings are through their education (currently: abi, ausbildung, phd medicine)... Germany is soooo done it's incredible, and I do not want to live in a Lebanon/South African scenario.. whatever will happen

>Uses Jow Forums
>Complains about cringe
Look buddy i rely like her and i'm not sorry for expressing it, so you can suck a big fat cock and choke on it because i will not hang muself just so make you mad, just so that the fact that human like me is living on this planet make your guts turn and twist untill they brake and you bled to death.

Attached: 1551983508208.jpg (640x606, 21K)

hmm. would you mind having a look at pic related? its a plan which enables us to get rid of the invaders... i can give you my OP for Jow Forums shilling too if you like, thats the basic plan, anyway.

Attached: my books.png (101x161, 7K)

fuck off, we don't want you if you aren't black or at least a darker shade of brown. greens are taking over here.

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dude, if men* would strike... these feminist cunts really dont get it and are absolutely living in lala land.

Is that the book that you wrote again, Hans?

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Do you browse, Jow Forums?

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Welp, i tried............

Attached: original.gif (500x543, 790K)

why would I shill something I haven't even been reading?

Attached: animal_torturing_psyche_cutie.jpg (717x717, 64K)

What would be the fate of me as the Scotposter under your preffered regime, Hans?

Attached: ca147a93a315b5d7367a2b99c2c91880.jpg (446x700, 117K)

Do you see it? It looks wrong.

Attached: sturmsegel_daily_post.png (630x221, 15K)

Why are you lying?

Attached: when-i-ordered-a-42-inch-tv-i-wasnt-expecting-a-7553702.png (500x522, 157K)

He's Latvian... they all are Kraut rapebabies :D

didnt ask to shill, i can give you my Jow Forums OP shill if you want to get the tl;dr.

be a proud scot who is voting properly and who is making sure his wife is voting properly too. and support the right wing social system.

whut? the white lines? must be a bug. have not gotten a proof copy, but the horizontal line should not be there. set up in amazonKDP is pretty ylear about it.

Lads my gf is German and very much a normie she's a bit conservative but likes the Green Party
Give me some shit on them that can try and swing her right

theres plenty of 'we need 50:50 vaginas or else' shit from them... you could also point out that they are onto the muh-CO2-train whilst china is building 600 coal power plants at the moment, so taxing co2 is not going to be an answer. you can also point out that they just want more moey from the people, they want to introduce 11 new taxes.

yep its a bug of display in the amazon store, heres pic related enlarged.ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=sturmsegel&qid=1557596848&s=gateway&sr=8-2

You're welcome.

Attached: sturmsegel_zugeschnitten.png (98x158, 7K)

>my gf is German
My condolence.

its not enlarged, click on it and the lines disappear.

>dated a fucking nurse

...or fucked a dating nurse. However you prefer it. Sorry for not replying anymore yesterday, was on the road again then.

Fren! Glad to see you again! :)

Attached: deal_with_it.jpg (636x382, 45K)

I did enlarge it.

well, i didnt care about that. you have the same buggy lines in there as i do in the non-enlarged pic of the book...

See: [pic rel]

Attached: post_enlarged.png (1196x264, 22K)

Yes, the world's smallest population MUST tax itself to 80% for global warming to end! The more black cocks a white rides, the less CO2 in the air!!!