Evolution makes zero sense. Research indicates that a division of life into two major groups, the prokaryotes and eukaryotes, is not so simple. Although similar in cell structure, prokaryotes include at least two fundamentally distinct types of bacteria: the eubacteria and the archaea. An examination of equivalent DNA sequences reveals that eubacteria and archaea are as distantly related to one another as they are to the eukaryotes. Although eubacteria and archaea are similar in cell structure, some genetic processes in archaea, like transcription, are more similar to those in eukaryotes, and the archaea may actually be closer evolutionarily to eukaryotes than to eubacteria and from an evolutionary perspective, there are three major groups of organisms: eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.
Transcription, as previously mentioned , has similarities in eukaryotes and archaea, suggesting that these two groups are more closely related to each other than either is to the eubacteria. Eubacteria and archaea are superficially similar, both are unicellular and lack a nucleus, but results of studies of their DNA sequences and other biochemical properties indicate that they are as distantly related to each other as they are to eukaryotes.
Molecular genetics can't even explain why archae has the same transcription sequence as multicellular organisms and yet hasn't evolved into a multicellular organism.
Science never offers facts, only models that try to explain reality. At the moment evolution is the best theory we have to explain biodiversity as it is now.
Noah Gonzalez
Darwinian evolution doesn't even apply to unicellular organisms. If you want to argue about evolution, try talking about speciation of multicellular organisms.
>archae has similar transcription as multicellular organisms >has supposedly existed for billions of years >still hasn't evolved into a multicellular organism
>Why do they teach evolution as a fact? Undermines Christianity Better question is why do they ignore following evolution to its logical conclusion (social darwinism)?
my son, you hef 2 choice. 1. Animals change through random genetic expressions that is done through reproduction. Since survival is the number one priority genetic traits that result in more survival end up having more offspring (since they survive better probability wise) and so the species ends up changing depending on their environmental conditions; and that is also why a lot of animals are similar and have similar organs. 2. Something an old book written by ((god)) says that wants you to pay another tax to ((churches)) which a literal 10 year old child could make up. .. .. >America
>Better question is why do they ignore following evolution to its logical conclusion Exacly this. I don't understand how can a human being with normal iq be so stupid to still question evolution. It's so logical and makes perfectly sense. Even understanding some basic embryology, cellular biology, genetics can lead you to the concept of evolution.
Josiah Hughes
It's nothing to do with 'science'. It's jewish ideology. The rich preach a simple ideology of Total Competition to the mob to ensure they do not make any social formation on any other grounds - which would be 'fascist' because it would reduce the Absolute Power of the Rich.
The development of the vertebrate kidney shows that different organs aren't generated from homologous embryonic tissue in several species. In fish and amphibia the kidney is derived from an embryonic organ known as the mesonephros, but in reptiles and mammals the mesonephros degenerates towards the end of embryonic life and plays no role in the formation of the adult kidney. It's formed from a discrete spherical mass of mesodermal tissue, the metanephros, which develops quite independently from the mesonephros. The alimentary canal is formed differently in different vertebrates. In sharks it is formed from the roof of the embryonic gut cavity and in the lamprey it is formed from the floor of the gut, from the roof and floor in frogs and from the lower layer of the blastoderm in birds and reptiles.