The Earth is Flat

Fuck the Jewish (((dominated))) 'scientific' community. The earth is flat.

The evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment performed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach.

NASA spent $650 million on a plane (dreamchaser) that takes off, Hides in the clouds, Then lands again with the astronauts who are shot into the upper atmosphere on the other dreamchaser, but land secretly in the ocean shortly after. This is done as a ruse to ensure we keep believing in a round earth. How do you feel about nasa spending $650 million of taxpayers money to continue faking round earth?

I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
1. Fake JEW math
2. Fake CGI images/video
3. Hearsay 'witness' accounts from PAID government employees

It's time to wake up and unlock your mind. You're better than this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>oy goyim the earth is flat just trust me you goy

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what the fuck is a lithuania

ooga booga

fuck off poof
I didn't read beyond "The Earth is Flat" because you're a retard and a jew hiding behind a meme flag

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I knew it. The eternal jew reveals his jew flag

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Earth is round fags will never understand

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Your brain is fucking flat mate and you need to lay off the YouTube scientific documentaries that anyone with a camera on there phone can make

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Yeah, and communism really works, you're right.

Edit: No, you're retarded and a faggot OP

'evening mossad


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There is zero evidence that the earth is flat.

Why do people have to be like retarded? Hang yourself tranny

>T. Meme flag

You can disprove flat earth with experiments at home

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Who the fuck is the retarded monkey who did those calculations?

I guess honestly where I fall most flat with this one is the sheer effort/manpower or just number of people involved in order for this to actually be happening. The scope would be unreal. I don't know enough about the science to know, I've never researched the topic.

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>earth is flat because my feelings
Didn't read by the way.

When will flat-cucks be flattened so they stop shitting on the achievements of nazi science and white ingenuity?

The Chicago Skyline viewed from Michigan City, Indiana

get into airplane. Observe the earth's curvature yourself. sage

I can see Venezuela mountains from the shoreline.


>what the fuck is a lithuania
he doesn't know where his country deploys troops

It's relatively cheap and easy to send a weather balloon and camera into space. Why not do that? I've talked to flat-earthers before and heard out their ideas, and let me tell you they (their ideas) tend to not be too sound.

Their answer to that is that the plane has a monitor on the window that is just showing an image of the curved Earth. Even though the technology for us to observe the curvature from a plane was there way before we had the monitor screen tech

I believe you user, but tell me more about Agartha and the secret race living beyond "Antarctica"

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Npcs really do see the earth as flat. They are goyim on a 2D masonic chessboard. Literally they are animal incarnations part of the earth matrix and thus cannot seperate or perceive outerspace. Also they are all sociopaths but hide it through mimicry. Very disturbing but goyim all the same no wonder aliens harvest them trying to turn the world into a dead nigger cattle feedlot.

Just think, would an animal besided whales dolphins or bigfoot perceive it's world as flat? Probably

Npcs also don't have freewill so how can i rape them like the aliens do obviously they are shortcutting some cosmic law.

no you cant, which is why youn didnt menytion an experiment

google 'how to send a weather balloon to space' and click on the first link.

Whales dolphins and bigfoot are telepathic that's why and bigfoot can teleport. A lot of humans due to overpopulation got inserted with a squirrel, dog, velociraptor, octopus soul though they are really bad evil things aka The Beast of the bible. Sorry to say but if anime isn't real how can they be real we need to purge them Lord of Heaven help us.

LOL high elevation infrared weather baloon dumbass, 2 hours non stop footage going 150k feet in the air w/no curvature ...heres a link LMAO

LOL high elevation infrared weather baloon dumbass, 2 hours non stop footage going 150k feet in the air w/no curvature ...heres a link

OP got the full anti genital german omnipotent treatment to cure his dangerously strong case of pea brain

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Npcs have a rational monkey brain and most of this board is their inane drivel and destructive ego machinations KILL THEM OUR ANNUNAKI FRIENDS KILL THEM ALL AAAAASSHHHHHH

a flat earther calling me a dumbass? The link you sent me has clear curvature. You realize the Earth is so big that the curvature you see is slight, right? Sage this low IQ thread


from a german school book they removed it

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But you can clearly see curvature. You are literally schizo


One time a guy asked his sister who I know is a NPC if she ever though about outerspace, she got very uncomfortable and said NO
Another one tried to get philosophical with me and said God is going to open the sky and reach down (into his pen?) or something lol now he acts like a distrustful angsty onions last we met dumb animal mimic

This is one of the hardest pills to swallow because of the near universal belief in ball earth. We are all programmed from early childhood into this worldview.
It's hard to come to grips with the fact that we will never "explore outer space". Lots of us grew up reading sci-fiction and watching shows like star trek.
The programming that people have to instantly think that someone who believes in flat earth is stupid is very hard coded. It's been drilled into us for so long that people long ago were so stupid that they "even believed that the earth is flat."

If people knew that we lived on a flat plane, there was no "outer space" and we were created and not a product of "evolution" then obviously more people would believe in God.
So the motivation is clear, deceive people into not believing in God.


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Friendly reminder flat earth faggotrys purpose is to discredit actual conspiracies.

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FUCK OFF BACK TO >>>/X/ you thread slider fag

>Jow Forums believes in a flat Earth
thank you base Anarchist

>Fake Jew Math
I'm done, I'm done, I got my comedy for the night, goodbye.

user, watch your own video. The curvature is visible.

Your model is a ball but a really retarded one. I mean look at those mountains they make Olympus Mons look like a bitch.

That's not high enough to see curvature.

A Nazi was the head of Nazi, the master manipulators and you niggers revere these serpent tongues devils. Surely this Germanic nobleman wouldn’t promote Jewish lies, surely he wouldn’t sustain the fabricated illusion due to their valiant opposition to the global power structure. Go fuck your self

wtf does that even mean

So much wasted text.

*head of NASA

It means controlled opposition gets a unfair reception of reverence despite being sock puppets, if you reverse evil then why praise the lowly pet when you can instead praise the master

Flat earth is distracting you from hollow earth, unironically

If the earth is flat, what causes tectonic plates to move? How would it even happen?
Or are you going to tell us that earthquakes are a NASA scam and not an actual thing