>becomes the number one conservative intellectual because he can talk fast
>gets exposed the moment he debates someone older than 19.


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Other urls found in this thread:



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>implying Neil is a “leftist”
you know he owns a conservative magazine right? the only thing this interview proved is that benji isn’t as good as a debater as many people thought (which Jow Forums already knows). If you think a British interviewer playing devils advocate against Ben shekelpiro means the destruction of the right wing then you’re an even worse debater than men.

This is now a spiderman thread

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Ben was about to cry lmao

>number one conservative intellectual
Not so fast!

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Shapiro clearly went on there to BTFO the BBC, he assumed whoever was interviewing him would be a lefty shill he could steamroll.

If the manlet had spent 5 mins googling Neil we could have gotten a real debate instead of ''muh bbc shekels'' and ''I am famous and you are not hurrr durr de duurrrr''

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>Two Jleft and Jright shills arguing about shit that doesn't matter.

Stop calling him "Ben". He wasn’t born “Ben”, he was born Benjamin. I refuse to indulge the delusion he continues to operate under that he should call himself anything other than his birth name. Even if he were to legally change it, his name would be Benjamin. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

Fact is that Ben is a shortened version of Benajmin you autistic dumb piece of ahit.

Get fucked op no one here is going to the defense of ben " I dont care about the browning of america " shipiro

Ben Shapiro is an opportunistic Zionist faggot who only has a show because of (((connections))). It's satisfying to see him exposed for the piece of shit coward that he is.

that is even by Jow Forums's standards, extreme autist.

it’s clearly a joke you tards

Ben Franklin calls you a homo.

Thinking benji the autist kike or this fat boomer hack came off well just means you’re a faggot

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>both are zionists

I don’t know user, you must be autistic not to understand the joke

You were born faggot but we call you fag.

Another autist who can’t understand a joke on the internet

He started with a faulty preconception. That's always going to get you blitzed.

>ben shapiro
>right wing

Semites don't have "wings" of ideological support. Jews push Jew agendas across and between spectrums. Ben Shapiro is the snake in the grass used to push people away from the truth and back into the "acceptable mainstream".

>he pulled the "I'm more popular than you" card
>he instantly loses his shit when Palestine is mentioned
>he loses his shit again when his own words show how much of zionist he is

Even worse the brit used his own tactics against him, and he couldn't defend against it.

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People are missing the obvious humorous intent of this post to mimic Shapiro's Autistic reasoning.

woah he's not conservative he's aktually a left wing classical liberal sceptic who just happens to hate black people

it's the spike in pols drink

Aren't you guys busy dealing with that conservative jewcunt that is your president?

Lmfao, Americans always get owned by Brits. American IQ is too low to keep up with superior British wit. Sad!

>implying that pudgy sóyboy is an intellectual

Good joke

What's Conservative about Ben Shapiro?
a.) he's anti-abortion
Anything else?

>intentionally leave interview
>get most coverage every received from all sides

Well played, Ben.

not a fan of ben, but he made a few minor mistakes. interviewer was a cunt, and ben should have left.

Hes a fiscal conservative unless were talking about sending Israel money.

It almost seems as if Ben is an over-rated faggot who is only liked by 12 years old radical anti feminists

brits think they can treat americans like dirt. It's why the brit-american alliance is crumbling.

Look at how they've treated Trump.


only shills are saying shapiro got "owned". this board is being raided. there was nothing wrong with shapiro's actions. if anything he was B&R for calling out the media.

You're literally nothing to us

>superior British wit

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Why are you so triggered?

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>retorts to the lowest common denominator

Lol. You are way out of your depth.

No because he's too stupid to understand he is not in a debate, he is being interviewed. He isn't there to ask the personal opinions on subjects of the person interviewing him.

Andrew Neil treats right/left wing people the same, he's rarely biased, sure he asks loaded questions but that's his job.

i can't wait until this leftist tactic of drudging up everything slightly contradictory someone has ever said in public is used to anally rape Joe Biden and guarantee TRUMP 2020

>"So what are (((judeo-christian values)))?"
>"I am not inclined to continue an interview with a badly motivated interviewer"

They are all the same. All pilpul, no substance.

Am I red*it? Tell me more?

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judeo-christian values is when they agree with me, and the more they agree with me the judeo-christianer they are

the manlet is also against regulation, taxes, worker's rights, welfare state
>but that's not real conservatism
fuck off

judeo christian values is how you sell zionism to christian extremists

is sardine of a cod going to rage quit too?

>you didn't answer my questions I'm leaving
>I never heard of you
>you are badly motivated
>bye I'm leaving

does he not understand what an interview is?

Why did he get so mad then?

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can you post him giving similar treatment to someone who is left-wing? if so i will concede to you.

>goes on BBC to be interviewed
>doesn't like questions
>questions host as rebuttal instead of answering questions
>accuse interviewer of not answering interviewee's questions
>take that
>talk fast to confuse everyone
>chalk one up to my internet debates won scorecard
I for one am proud to have such a conservative intellectual that can so passionately and articulately defend our political stance. God bless BS.

Jewish people are never conservative. It's always an act

Sure, he even pretty much accuses her of being racist.


>go on BBC
>get asked a loaded question
>question the good faith of such a loaded question
>get asked about tweet you said many years ago
>denounce it and point to a place where you already denounced it
>somehow everyone thinks you got destroyed

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Cause he just found out he has to move to the UK?

i dont even like benji at all, but this was so retarded
>"heres this thing you said 10 years ago that i think was kind of mean, any thoughts?"
>repeat that a few times

Are there jewish conservatives who aren't Israeli firsters?

>Probably rare.

No one ever liked Shapiro

>video related.

an interview is when the interviewee interviews the interviewer when interviewee can't handle questions

>a loaded question
all he asked was why ben was engaged in the very coarse politics that his book was complaining about.
How could he fuck up such softball questions

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Yeah, he was actually right here and I don't fully agree with a lot of his views. This interviewer fucking sucked.

destroyed by a christian , he will cry his eyes out.

theyll be another mudslime country soon.

>At last, a burgerbro who I don't have to link Neils wiki to to validate his non left wing opinions

I think this disparity in the acceptance of the agent provocateur role that so many Brit journos play can be highlighted by the way in which someone like Milo was much less controversial this side of the Atlantic than yours.
"Gotcha" interviews are low IQ tier bait, but when dealing with politicians the bar is set so low, what else suffices?

Neil gave him fabulous opportunities to clarify his position and Shapiro instead took huge offence. Neil even had to explain to Shapiro what was going on but Shapiro made the mistake of treating Neil like he was some sjw student and it backfired.

Good, fuck ((Ben)).

He's a typical neo-con shill more interested in what benefits Israel then what benefits the American people. He can get fucked.

Yes. There is zero overlap in morality and theology between Judaism and Christianity (ignoring retarded American protestantism, which isn't Christianity at all).

so i will concede that he's actually a journalist based on this (even though im not sure if he was shilling for a different liberal here) but the notion that shapiro "got owned" is way out of proportion to what happened in his interview. i dont even care for shapiro and OP's video was being shilled for a few days before i even watched it but it was hardly a "massive defeat" for shapiro and he didnt come off bad at all.

He's been doing this for a very long time. This raging manlet was nothing to based Neil.



right and he was doing decently in the middle, sperging out at the end there on the kikery didn't help him look good at all.

Whole thing kinda sucked desu

The loaded question was when he asked him about his views on abortion whilst implicitly asserting that those views would "take us back to the dark ages", the implication of which is that Shapiro is backward.

The overall argument that Neil was pushing regarding the "coarsening" public dialogue hypocrisy was fundamentally weak since it relied on a complete misunderstanding of the intention of Shapiro when he used those words, trying to pretend that Shapiro meant coarse as in anything that wasn't perfectly cordial, as opposed to the coarse as in disrupting social discourse. Shapiro even clarified that when he specifically referred to dehumanising language that aims to purport that anyone holding a particular view must automatically be a bad person, this argument was manifestly ridiculous since Shapiro regularly holds discussions with people who he disagrees with, something that those on their equal positions on the left do not.

I do agree however that Shapiro could've easily manoeuvred this interview
in a more favourable way, and it was cringe when he threw around "i don't even know who you are".

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I'm halfway through and he's doing just fine. What are you talking about?

Shhh, this is a bait thread to "get back at the trolls'

Fuck off iqbal

shapiro owned that madcunt
and I don't even like shapiro that much
the cunt kept attacking him, not on the content of the book, but by reading old tweets, supposedly to attack the book's content

an absolute non sequitur laden with character destruction tactics

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Correct. That grubby little kike was correct about the fact that the BBC guy was asking him gotchya questions, and the abortion question was phrased to frame him as a backwards retard no matter what he said, which is an example of exactly what Kikebot 5000 was explaining ruins political discourse.

yeah, it's was more like "Watch ben shapiro destroy ben shapiro"

Shapiro only exists to help subvert conservative values in the minds of liberals.
Kikes have no business speaking in America anyway.

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10/10 post user.

All the anons who missed the point of this post are legit sub 90 IQ subhumans and mods should ban their entire IP range

I've been hearing him say Ben Shapiro will be seating in Tucker's place within a year or two and it makes more sense every time I remember it.

jesus, zoomers really need to find a conservative role model who isn't jewish

you know that anyone who starts their post with "OH NO NO NO NO", is a fucking idiot, and not worth reading their post

the astroturf popularity of ben shapiro is just enraging the more you think about it

and Mike is 100% right. ben shapiro exists to steer the american right back into kosher conservatism.

Interviewer is British, he's asking questions from a British perspective. That's not really a loaded question, it's a common perspective there. The interviewer doesn't even have to have that perspective on abortion himself to present the question to Shapiro.

You don't know what a loaded question is.

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Shapiro is a dishonest kike but holy shit the interviewer is fucking thick.
>muh only the left comes up with new ideas
No fucking shit they're reformers, conservatives are CONSERVATIVES. Just because its new doesn't mean its quality. Leftists will always find stuff to complain about because its about complaining, not the substance of the complaints. Shapiro did point out debates within conservative circles but those are admittedly not new ideas.
>muh abortion laws is dark age mentality
For fuck sake are you senile gramps? When exactly was roe v. wade? And stop bringing up the fake news "miscarriage" meme about the dishonest spic. Shapiro is right to point out his bias and his dishonest dial of such strong bias.
>muh trump
Unsurprisingly with all the Israel cock sucking Trump has been doing it's not surprising Shapiro is considering voting for now.
All the questions were in fact loaded as hell and his pathetic attempts to retreat to his moat "im just asking a question teehee" are pathetic.
And going back over old tweets is also a pathetic thing to do in a debate which isn't about Shapiro's character. And even then, considering how rotten it is, its amazing how bad of a job the bong did at attacking it.

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I'm only responding to this because it has a lot of (You)s and I want to be in the screen cap.

Facts don't care about your feelings. Shapiro can't recover from this.

It’s like a child talking to his father

>Taking quotes from Reddit
Get the fuck out ffs

>Ben calls him out on his bullshit, puts up with it for about 10 minutes, finally realizes it's a hopeless dead end and calls it quits


many such cases

how does it feel to be this much of a faggot? mother fucking fuck youre an idiot