I don't think the Superpower by 2020 thing is a meme anymore. India will truly become a superpower
India gearing up
Other urls found in this thread:
>Makes 3 Billion dollar sub
>Leaves hatch open
>No more sub
Can't wait to see how this plays out...
ZThe great garbage collaspe of 2025 incoming
You could say, Shit is about to hit the fan
why the fuck do we give things to subhumans our (((military))) is so fucking stupid
>leave missiles armed
>crap on missiles
>Can't wait to see how this plays out...
They'll install ejection seats.
Indian 82 iq is showing, they can't build anything on their own and they have bought some military equipment full of cianigger back doors.
Pooper power by 2020 kek
My bad the garbage collaspe was 2016,2017, 2018 and pretty sure another garbage collapse will happen again this year!
idiocracy 2,3,4,5
>do we give thing
State allowed Boeing to export them to India and Boeing charged them full price. It's also the Guardian variant and nowhere near as capable as Domestic Apaches.
They got the helo equivalent of the Honda Civic DX.
World Pooper Power!
>blocks your path
Is it going to have smaller SCAT missles?
>State allowed Boeing to export them to India and Boeing charged them full price. It's also the Guardian variant and nowhere near as capable as Domestic Apaches.
You know you are shit when people start pulling for Pakistan over you in war!
Could you imagine the mental retardation of these things in duty, if the Indians can barely fix computers how do you expect them to fly an Apache helicopter
>Be CWO Pajeet Patel Patel
>Column on Paki tanks in Kashmir
>Go to fire Poofire missiles
>Syskey the weapons system out of rote habit from last job at "Microsoft Technical Support"
Superpower by 2020? More like Super-poo-er.
If India ditches kike-run communication networks they will be a world power by 2030
Stop fluffing your ally kike. India is a country of subhumans (with the exception of top 5% of the population which is decent). It can never be a superpower. Pakistan (1/10 the size of India) just BTFO India in an international confrontation just a few months ago.
>fake news
The writer is Editor, Defence Forum India
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this column are that of the writer. The facts and opinions expressed here do not reflect the views of www.economictimes.com.)
Your point? Can you prove him wrong?
Based child rapists BTFO of India as usual
Fuck off p*ki scum
We probably over charged the shit out of them for it too.
Show bobs and vegana.
>this is my propaganda
>i love my propaganda
>best propaganda
Face it, poo, your people are shit.
As long as they fuck with and decimate the paki population I’m entirely content with US military making this choice.
You realise that all military equipment sold to foreign countries outside of the US have a literal kill switch?
Post a proof paki
>Buying American garbage.
>Gearing up.
holy shit this just made me realize... what if american military gear sold abroad had some kind of "switch off" technology that the US army can activate at any time ?
>buying poorly built outdated US "technology"
yeah and that killswitch is the sheer size of the US army
who would attack them anyway
your people almost nuked north carolina
>the best insult 1 pajeet out of 1.5 billion pajeets could come up with is an inactivated nuclear bomb from the 60s
Rajesh please, wash your hands after you poo you smell like actual literal shit
Will they load bombs full of poo to drop?
ok retard
>like that means something
Running into an unknown underwater mound is not the same thing as forgetting to close a door.
Still better deal than any other country has received
More like "aPOOche"! Amirite, Guise?!?
India wants to help us fight Pakistan don't be dumb
You are this guy right ?
>says the mutt
Don't worry when the streetshitters will try to go underwater with these guys they'll keep the doors closed.
Both are mistakes of the highest order...
Watching where you go should be a priority
>hide your true country behind memeflag because
>youve gotten the shit kicked out of you by Apache Helicopters, the single most deadly chopper EVER
>get on Jow Forums, whining "Buying American garbage" because of the pain, envy and familial loss done by your superiors, the Americans, and their war machines.
>wipe the tears away, knowing the APACHES will haunt your inferior life for eternity.
They could have used that money to clean their smelly holy river...
Tbf with the amount of bells and whistles on those things it kind of is.
>buying poorly built outdated US "technology"
Most successful attack helicopter in World History
Not as hard as we are at you with your inferior, cucked glass bottom boat navy etc, archie BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
Not showing my flag because semi rare. Do not want the attention.
>blocks your path
in some nigger video game maybe, but that slug couldnt block a yugo from driving through your mothers whore house
>>hide your true country behind memeflag because
>>youve gotten the shit kicked out of you by Apache Helicopters, the single most deadly chopper EVER
Fake news paki
The American helicopters specialise in removing commies.
Indians are so cute.
>muh sub sinks due to incompetence
>Indian shill writers shill
>see?? Indian best military
Border spat
Indian air force crushed by fucking Pakistan
>but but but it was an old Russian piece of shit
>we’re gonna be a superpower rocking old piece of crap Russian shit
Keep up the stupid India
You mean that country that sank a submarine because they forgot to close its doors ?
Fuck off pigfucker. How does it feel to lose your f16 to an ancient plane?
always a paki
Literally the plural of "anus".
They violently resist potty training. They'll never be a superpower.
The Arihant LITERALLY doesn't have a hatch and it conducted a patrol successfully last November. The National Interest quotes the report from The Hindu which is the only source as of now.
You realize that didn’t happen right?
Deluded and losing since the Harappans.
>muh sub doesn’t have a hatch
>Indian super tech warps sailors inside
Do you understand how stupid you sound?
>you people almost nuked North Carolina
Hindus shit in the street. They anally rape old ladies while THEY shit in the street. They worship cartoon characters, demons, animals, American celebrities, and horror movie villains. They gangrape their women on busses (probably because that's the only way the women will feel anything, men from India are on record as having the smallest penises in the world). They consider effeminate dancing and singing to be masculine. Bollywood pushes this degeneracy and they aren't even controlled by jews. Hindus are so gay Justin Trudeau emulates them. Hindus are pathetic.
How do they get in and out, idiot?
India is a superpower.
You cannot even fathom how their sailors get in and out of their sinkboats.
Think about it, it is a very very smart move.
India/Pakistan are likely to be skirmishing for years - isn't it wise for the USA to know all about the hardware that one of the potential combatants is using?
If things go tits up over Kashmir, it is in the interests of the USA to have it end quickly. Nobody wants to send trillions in aid for refugees etc that war creates.
Keep crying porki
I'm going to eat a steak later. Or as you inbred heathen freaks call it, "krishna".
No reply?
Try calling people names.
Can I get indian wife
>a poo pretending to be a Jew
You have fallen even below shit levels, pajeet
I prefer the one about the Austrian army defeating *itself*. en.m.wikipedia.org
>boohoo based Indians defeated us with outdated tech
Yes, easily. Just have a voice deeper than a call center operator and a dick over 4" erect, and you've just outclassed 99 percent of men on the subcontinent.
How is that relevant, commie?
Protip: if in addition to this you can watch a movie without singing and dancing like a retarded woman, Indian women will literally faint at your masculinity
I'm just waiting to see how insane the poos get when they realize that the jews have been their enemies all along.
hindu gods will get their revenge for the filthing of the sacred rivers.
Who do you think your talking to?
>the filthing of the sacred rivers
That isn’t what makes the rivers sacred in the first place?
We shall shit on the beaches, we shall shit on the landing grounds, we shall shit in the fields and in the streets, we shall shit in the hills; we shall defend our shithole, whatever the cost may be. -Birender Singh Dhanoa c. 2019
How new are you where you don’t know how to greentext?
Poo Free or Die.
you're assuming that the indians are even self-aware enough to be aware of their sheer stupidity
like more than half of the country still believes that they shot down an f16 with an old mig and then had pakistan give their downed pilot back because pakistan was scared of p00perpower2020
though, if you work in tech, you won't be surprised by the sheer stupidity and cognitive dissonance of these insect people
Used to work in tech so I know what you mean. It’s good to be free from that now. Some of them are ok but they’re roses among thorns.
Not with their maintinece standards (zero).
>shitstained id
>living in the past
>implying we didn’t happily give independence to our slave colony bangladesh to release deadweight
ITT: Paki shills and white nationalist seething
Judeo-Christian-Hindu alliance underway.
Then nobody would buy it.
MFW I see a Paki flag on Jow Forums
We tried that and look at how it worked out for us.
>235 days until superpower
>pic related
You irl