White woman gets raped then blamed for being white

In Seattle a woman was raped in a car dealership bathroom by a wanted homeless criminal who had been allowed to live in a city-sponsored homeless camp without a background check. A journalist interviewed her about the rape. A so-called “feminist” journalist then attacked the reporting because the victim is white, and a Seattle City Council member criticized it because it could cause harm to certain communities (such as communities of homeless rapists, presumably).

“Then came the backlash. Progressive activists launched a counterattack against [sexual assault victim] Lindsey on social media. Local journalist Erica Barnett claimed that the story drew attention because Lindsey is an ‘attractive blonde woman’ and dismissed the victim’s ‘many tears’ as theatrics serving a false narrative that the homeless represent a danger to the community. She demanded that the media temper its reporting and be mindful that ‘graphic descriptions of violent rape may be triggering for survivors.’ Barnett’s message was amplified on left-wing Twitter; Councilwoman Lorena Gonzalez claimed that Lindsey’s story would create fear and cause harm to communities ‘that may already be triggered.’”

Remember: even if you’re a woman who was brutally raped, the “woke” will dismiss or minimize your experience if the rapist comes from a “marginalized community.” It is literally more important to the them that they feel morally superior over the rest of us than that you get justice for the crime committed against you.

Welcome to Diversity.


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Reminder whenever you see the most deranged west coast SJW bullshit on city councils, count the number of Asians and you will see this is how the Chinese funnel in money to destabilize American cities. San Franscisco was ground zero.


Another caliphatornia, sad that Seattle id becoming a shithole

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Liberal SJWs are devils disguised as harbingers of virtue. They waddle their tongue singing good tunes but the undertones are sickeningly evil.

If you're not armed you need to be.

This will beome the normal in the future when it comes to being white in the U.S.

"Got raped? Eh, you're white. You'll get over it"

"Parents died? Eh, you're white. You've never had to struggle in life because your white"

Arm up Jow Forums.

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I love computers. Loops do all the hard work. It's like mechanized weaponized autism doing all the repetitive tasks you don't want to do in a small fraction of the time. But yeah there should have been multiple instances of Jew on that page.

>Arm up Jow Forums
This is the reason we are importing millions of third worlders that vote left. They literally want to get rid of the second amendment through demographics and then it will be socially acceptable to rape and kill Whites.