What made him lose you
all grandchildren are jewish
When he said hitler did nothing wrong and fired all jews from any position of power in the states
That time he confessed to colluding with the Russians.
>some of them are good people
How short anti trump threads have turned out to be and I just really feel like a rebel posting in them and it makes me feel so good I get a little bit of ineffectual chub.
That time when he put Israel first.
He didnt. How could he have? The other sides hates me, and there is no third option.
MAGA nigger
his unquenchable thirst for
jew jew cum
Cucking on the shutdown/wall deal, and the last 15 or so minutes of the SOTU.
When he failed to deliver on every one of his campaign promises and then made Kushner president.
He lost my support after he fired Rex Tillerson for not being a war-hungry neocon.
nothing... you shills just wont give this shit up
>He’s still /ourgoy/ you guys! Trust the plan
Cringe, Trump hasn’t done anything remarkable when it comes to immigration. Which the most important topic right now.
>you’re all shills goyim, not me
reminder that trump was most likely involved in the planning and cover up of 9/11
guiliani as his personal attorney. they were very close before, during and after 9/11
hires john bolton to his administration. bolton was chief member of PNAC. the guy wrote the 9/11 script
very close friends with larry silverstein before, during and after 9/11
hires CIA head pompeo to his administration. pompeo knew it was coming
9/11 suspect louis eisenberg was his best man (melania wedding)
very close friends with bibi, prime suspect #1
trump was the king of NYC real estate.
trump's financial building re-became the tallest building in lower manhattan after the WTC came down. being the biggest is important to a guy like trump
marries his daughter off to the son of one of the planners
and that's just the beginning,
Constant cucking.
Pic related
Ran to blow up the system. Didnt.
>completely devoted to Israel and does whatever they want
>still hasn't built the wall
>hasn't moved the needle on legal immigration
>illegal border crossings have surged
>couldn't care less about whites
>Dude I'm gonna drain the swamp
>Hires the swamp for his administration
So? The other side literally talks non stop about how evil straight white men are, why in the fuck would I support people who hate me and people like me so much? You faggots really started hating on whites too early. And now you’ll never get those votes back.
Definitely don't like Trump, but I rabidly HATE all liberals like ten trillion times more, so I "support" him by default.
PRAY he gets reelected cuz I desperately want 4 more years of liberal tears.
>0.02 kushner koins have been deposited to your account
He never had me, I wasn't voting for him, I was voting against Clinton. If I had to pick a reason...
Here's a good one. Also, the man is more talk than action.
his retarded false-flag posting supporters
red flag laws
that was my red line
donald "take the guns first due process second" trump
fuck him
Missile attack on Syrian airbase less than 4 days after fake gas attack in Khansheikoun.
Cucked on the shutdown. I honestly believe he was genuine while he was running..But after that it showed me he is no different than all the rest before him...Just a puppet, another actor for TPTB
kek...Ill Gas you last.
You could have put a different name and youre backpedalling because youre exposed of being conned and a complete retard. MAGATARDS on suicide watch. Don Jr subpoena. You know... That idiot that released emails over twitter to get ahead of the "curve".
Fucked up bigly when backed off from the government shutdown and then signed the omnibus bill. That was the beginning of it.
No...A uge motivation for many people was the desire for ANYONE to be POTUS other than Hillary. Vermin Supreme would have took all her votes if he was the only one left. I shilled zero FOR Trump, but I actually did a lot of work against Clinton, on my own time without recognition. Fuck that cunt.
When he didnt burn women and children alive in their church in his first hundred days.
One year to go and jews are out, shilling hard.
To be clear: I'm talking about his perceived lack of support on Jow Forums.
I didn't vote for him in 2016 but I like what he's done for the country so far so I will vote for him in 2020.
Is he a God? No. Is he ideal? Fuck no. Do we have ANY other valid choice? Definitely fucking not.
You literally could have just put "Not Clinton". You did shill for Trump because you voted for him. How delusional are you magatards?
I'm with him for the long haul. He hasn't done anything detrimental to the US and has provided the most entertaining Presidency in US History.
Nothing...I am still today as big a fan of Donald Trump, POTUS, as I was when he began his campaign...
Every time he pussied out.
The state of the union where he talked about the evils of anti-semitism for half an hour.
KYS shill
The only people that don’t like him now are larper nazis and leftist idiots. Wow funny how that works.
I don't know man. I'm not thrilled about Trump but at the same time I'm positive I made the right choice between Trump and Clinton. The supreme Court is the only thing that matters. Congress won't budge on closing our borders. it's obvious that something needs to change before we have a civil war or our democracy crumbles or something within the next 30 years.
when parkland happened i watched the video of the cop standing behind the wall for 4 minutes.
and then read donald trumps twitter about liddle adam schiff..
was like "wtf? how could that guy just stand there? and holy shit adam schiff is crazy.."
go upstairs.. talking to father about the video of the parkland cop hiding behind a wall with the golf cart for 4 minutes.... liddle adam schiff..
my mother overhears it...
starts saying im sick for looking at videos like that.. while the msm news channel is pushing the hogg narrative in the same room as conversation. she even says "why do you care?" regarding parkland..
and i said "why do you NOT care?"
she then began insulting me.
and i simply said "wow, you really are a soulless cunt.."
and walked back down to my room.
15 minutes later cops are here.
telling me 2a is suspended..
saying i was making life threats..
fuck this world.
literally all lies, political terrorism.
that is what my family does to me.
just for reading the news. or watching current events.
Ignorance and incompetence a helluva combination
> Hard on for kikes
> Gives too much of a shit about his reputation
> $30bn to Israel
> "I love my African Americans"
> Ivanka and her kike husband
> No Wall
> No arrests
> No Liable laws to fight media lies
> No auditing of the Fed
If that kike fuck had balls, he would
> Declare Martial law and get the military to deport all illegals
> Use military funds to build the wall under national security directive
> Audit the Fed
> Start an investigation against Hilary, Obama etc.
> Sue all media outlets
> Cut all foreign aid
> Cut off Welfare to anyone who hasn't gotten a job in over a year
Also this.