This is the american altright

Thoughts and views Jow Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The alt-right was a psy-op from the start, you fuckers don't remember how it suddenly became popular and affiliated by the media with trump in 2015?

Attached: tts.png (1131x631, 649K)

Attached: Right NPCs.jpg (587x1560, 122K)

I'm a Nazi m8

>Jared Taylor married a Jewess
Where is the proof?

You mean just around the time that Brexit and the migrant crisis happened and the people started awakening and moving to the right?

Take your fucking meds schizo.

wtf i like miscegenation and faggotry now

This snownigger, as much as certain people on Jow Forums hates him, is the only real practice what you preach guy.

Attached: varg.jpg (1000x667, 158K)

The alt-right has nothing to do with Europe, that is the right-wing and nationalists in general, which have been here for decades

I never got into this altright, too american for me

Yikes, it's true. The left can't meme.

Say what you want about this board but a vast majority of memes come from here

Attached: Memes.jpg (1080x1467, 1.22M)

Is that supposed to be funny?

every field

Attached: 1552684464120.png (1000x764, 210K)

Is this what passes for humour on the left?

Attached: x1grpmiqwnr21.png (640x1113, 177K)

schizo poster strikes again

Attached: heythererabbi.webm (480x360, 2.97M)

And water is wet.
Anything else I need to know, Einstein?

Its almost as if the racism allegation is a smear to keep people from hearing what theyre actually saying.

>nobody thinks your funny
>of course im funny you must be a robot to think like that!
>i use only state of the art humor algorithms!

Attached: 3452354.jpg (430x441, 19K)

>Anything else I need to know, Einstein?
your iq is likely below 100

Based Greek-Bro.

Alt-right, Breitbart, Bannon, Trump all fruits from the same tree.

>Look, I don`t get a quote
Clearly, you're a well educated comedian, good Sir.

Attached: EE55DD5B-9109-47BF-9F3B-77418ACF0CEE.jpg (308x320, 19K)

Look what this guy posted...

It's not the alt-right I'm worried about

Attached: cohensidence.jpg (1104x9958, 2.96M)


>Everyone is moarpheus

The media wanted to associate Trump with ethno-nationalism and Richard Spencer was both willing to talk to them and could formulate a full sentence, so they promoted him. It's not a conspiracy, they just thought it would make Trump lose the election. It didn't really work out for the media and they ended up making ethno-nationalism more popular on accident while Trump still won.

Hey rabbi whatcha doin

>calls me a rabbi
>his e-celebs marry jews

Attached: 1495762900462.png (611x508, 541K)

irs a Japanese woman. This is clearly antifa faggotry.
Enoch, Taylor, Woes and Anglin are true right wing guys, good narratives, good red pilling, the rest is larping

>I never got into this altright, too american for me
The Alt-Right's roots are in the Nouvelle Droite.

CivNat neolib cuckery is what could described be as "too American"

East Asians are of good genetic stock.
Genuinely the only case where racemixing is acceptable.

*could be described

>meme flag
>take your meds
>defending alt lite while nazi larping
Christ they have you working weekends now. Hope you find a new job soon.

>way too much text
>bad art
Must be a leftist meme

>stolen memes
>way too much text
>ancient memes
>bad art
Must be a leaf meme

>the lefts memes are so bad they are great memes

Attached: E43A71A8-1760-4C4B-AD19-A5DEDDCD9C8A.jpg (960x525, 87K)

Legit only recognize 4 of them. And also
Back you go faggot

Attached: BA20C99D-6AD7-4AF8-9EED-A894F97E51EF.jpg (601x578, 282K)

Alex Jones was never alt right.

Only two of the people in that image would call themselves alt-right. OP is using a Muslim memeflag and has "1 post by this ID", that should tell you everything you need to know about this thread.

Right, Jones was controlled right.

I heard anglin's mammy is a filipino.

>Milo Yiannopoulos is alt right

Shill harder.

It is Alex jonestein on Jow Forums.

Attached: 7d406f64ac106699ab35965250f9660fcf96acaebcccc4e826bb667b9d997cd5.jpg (255x255, 17K)

>kike controlled opposition
>your movement

Attached: 1539994914628.png (570x570, 754K)

shills are VERY ACTIVE today

Attached: 1538087884421.png (1700x2280, 1.42M)

How’s germany and what’s it like being German?


I came here to say just this. It made it easier for tptb to target and marginalize.
A few of the profiteers were assets already in place, the rest just wanted to profit off the label, but it was seeded by the same people responsible for making this dystopian hellscape the norm

Attached: 1555678409959.gif (487x815, 587K)

litrerally fucking an Asian? Mix-race kids I get but fucking an Asian christ there is nothing wrong with that.

>1 post by this ID

I don't know half of those faces

the alt right was a copy of identity movements in Europe; also a response to the Dark Enlightenment but retards who haven't been on this board for much longer than Trump's presidency and campaign don't remember these details.

i didnt know jared taylor is married to a jew

Far right, Nazis and white nationalist are trash humans what did you expect?

Hes not, but of course that doesn't stop schizos from spreading malicious rumors.

You used too many characters
just type stormfaggot next time

And just like for them, these bogeymen (labels) exists in your fantasies moreso than any reality.

Attached: strzozk.gif (400x224, 3.08M)

who the fuck are these faggots? the only dude i know is the Führer

is that supposed to be funny?

Those Disney princesses in the background

The alt-right was an obscure little thing before the Trump campaign. Face it, they picked it because it was easy bait

2010 was the earliest instance I recall seeing 'alt' used as a branding attempt. It's the bogeyman device, to marginalize/ demonize the 'other'.
Who relies on branding and identity politics the most?

This. Alt-right was set up by the media as a label to apply to non-neocons who weren't under democratic control, and then once the group was informally recognized it immediately got beset with these cancerous fucking faggots trying to make money off their Reddit-tier propaganda.
Guarantee most of these retards don't know about the significance of the panic of 1907, the power-theory behind population control through fiat currency, or the long term plans of any Zionist organizations. Most of them are Jews or Shabo-goys.

Remember always make a martyr out of a traitor so they're at least good for something.

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>shills are VERY ACTIVE today
Yep... they know FISA Declas is imminent

P.S. - Richard Spencer was on the leaked list of FBI agents. His .gov address is real.
Unsurprisingly he has ties to the Bush's and popped up during the primaries against Jeb.
This was when "the alt-right" was gaining popularity as a generic non-establishment right wing paradigm. Suddenly Spencer shows up on T.V. throwing "Roman" salutes and claiming to speak for the "alt-right"

So even if the alt-right was originally an organic movement, it was hijacked by his shill ass. Nobody in the "alt-right" was talking about "ethnostates" until he showed up.

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>leaked list of FBI agents
yeah thats bullshit.

Stop talking shit about Jared's wife. She's not Jewish.

Attached: Screenshot_20190511-224338.png (1440x2560, 462K)

Remember they tried to warn you

Why do all the leftist memes have undertones of insecurity? It really makes it hard for them to funny. I usually just feel sorry for you when I see you guys try meme.