It's the holy month of Ramadan Jow Forums and I come to inform non-muslims about the benefits of fasting.
>Experts have also found that restricting food intake during the day can help prevent health problems such as high cholesterol, heart disease and obesity, as well as improve mental health and wellbeing.
>By not consuming any food, our body is able to concentrate on removing toxins, as we give the digestive system a rest.
>Fasting allows the gut to cleanse and strengthens its lining. It can also stimulate a process called autophagy, which is where cells self-cleanse and remove damaged and dangerous particles.
>Many people who have embraced fasting have also found that, done properly, it has helped them lose fat and gain lean muscle mass.
Ramadan Kareem Jow Forums
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It's Ramadan bombathon season again already?
All the rich ones just binge eat at sundown, stuffing their face with four times the calories a normal diet would provide. Fuckers end up gaining weight after a month of "fasting."
t. grew up in UAE
my paki friend Khan got fired after flipping out during this silly thing.. his blood sugar was way off and he became irrational and hostile and ended up being fired.... Jesus Christ is the final sacrifice for sin for all mankind. No act of self mortification can add one thing to the Blood of Christ to set you free from sin. Only have faith and believe this Good News.
Nobody here gives a shit about your barbaric religion. Shilling on Jow Forums is not going to change the fact that you're a goat fucker.
Fuck off goatfucker.
this. Ramadan is unhealthy
I already do fasting.
It does help.
Hope shit it's the Ramadan bomb-a-thon already? Who's keeping score?
is it bad that I've been putting bacon grease in the garden of my town's local mosque every night throughout Ramadan?