Only retarded brainlets believe in evolution

"Evolution is fact cause muh professor told me so. Evolution is science durrrr."

You mean science fiction?

Attached: Tortz_zpsqtekamss.jpg (624x416, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

niggers exist, moron

>t. christcuck retard
Neck yourself you fucking sub-sentient race traitor.

They found more denisovan DNA you can calm down.

Quality bait.

Attached: ExcellentQualityBait.png (1597x1600, 627K)


>They found
Or fabricated.

Not only is FPBP, but this might be the most flawless, well executed response in the history of this site. Digits confirm it.

Attached: garfield-karttm-garfield-kart-no-problem-dont-race-mix-race-garfield-26973974.png (500x522, 53K)

Attached: 1530476659191.webm (320x240, 2.41M)

We share a common ancestor. Your understanding is flawed.