Why is it ok for games to do this shit?
Why is it ok for games to do this shit?
You are asking why this is okay when games let you kill hookers, children, cops and bulldoze humans with tanks? ITS VIDEO GAMES
Most consumers dont know or care about this culture warrior bullshit.
No but trannies, especially the reddit/twitter/resetera ones will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to push their shitty agenda and lifestyle onto everyone's throats and then whine and get their followers and friends to berate you if you dare call them out on their bullshit. Trannies are the fucking worst, man.
>Hehe stupid fucking cis normal gamers are paying for my mutilation treatment
Honestly I believe we should pay for their surgery.
Daily reminder that in order to abolish trannies, we must first abolish anime because that degenerate satanic propaganda is brainwashing kids into becoming trannies with all their gay traps and crossdressers.
Why are you playing faggot games?
What the fuck I thought this game wasn't supposed to have any political bullshit in it.
Why does it trigger you?
play retro
imagine being such a genetic dead end you cut off your dick cuz of jap cartoons. its not the cartoons my man its low willed losers of society
I just want my cute and funny game without any politics
Because they are promoting an agenda that harms children (gotta have some to care). If you want your kids to embrace homosexuality and transgenderism then you are an evil person.
Oh yeah there it is, clear as day
Where does it say "promotes to children"? No one is telling anyone to do anything.
Children have to live in the same universe as transsexual degenerates
Does the game naturally have the tranny flag in it or did a player paint it using in-game tools?
Trannies are invading the gaming industry
Imagine watching anime instead of lifting
That is not the same thing as "promoting". Jow Forumsacks live in the same world as THE CHILDREN too, and you unironically are okay with fucking kids.
A. Most trannies don't actually cut their dick off, they just swallow pills until they kill themselves
B. A ton of trannies jack it to trap hentai and refer to themselves as traps and "qt anime gurls uwu"
The game promotes the worst degeneracy that has ever existed. No one needs to give you a reason or explain to you how exactly this impacts children. The people who made the game needs to be lynched, they need to be killed and they need to be dumped in an unmarked grave.
Fuck you.
imagine doing both simultaneously.
>Gaming industry is creating trannies.
I can't
Jow Forums getting triggered by a dumb easter egg lmao
>No one needs to give you a reason or explain to you how exactly this impacts children
Because the reason does not exist.
Anyone can trigger Jow Forums.
Probably less to do with making a political point and more making the joke because the smash mods were so fast to delete trans flag stages in the custom stages which made them a meme.
Why is it okay for men to play faggot ass games?
The game doesn't even have the option to rebind controls. lol
It literally says it's there, but you click it and theres just an empty menu.
Go commit neck rope
Someone should point out that this is just a form of nationalism and all transfags are literally Hitler?
you bought a game made by and for pedos and now you're concerned that it is degenerate for having tranny shit.
>expecting the game that removed Jon "DESPITE" Jafari's voice work from it to not go all political
Thanks for proving me right.
You don't make claims like that without prööf.
I can't wait til Vidya is something exclusively for the mentally Ill
it already is
Remove memeflag
That was Yooka Laylee, I remember /v/ shilling this when it came out as a non-cucked alternative.
Well shit I'm the super retard
(((They))) want control of the morals. They will push terrible things until they break through and the lies become the truth.