YouTube is hiding this movie trailer

Niggers got offended and downvoted/reported the shit out of this movie. YouTube is hiding it.

Official trailer:

Attached: Loqueesha.jpg (674x1000, 136K)

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Thats my fetish

pretending to be white ?

>anonymous shitposter on radio
>wildly popular with random assholes
It's like they want to popularize the concept of anonymity.

Lmao this looks awesome I want to see it if it’s real

>Unfunny literal who makes a boomer-tier movie and nigger women get upset

Top news

Maybe they're hiding it because it's fucking terrible.

I can not even remember the last time I saw a trailer for a movie that actually made me want to see the movie.

>I can not even remember the last time I saw a trailer for a movie that actually made me want to see the movie.
Fuckin' this. What's with them outside schlomo here?

I wamt to see this. The radio host is literally making black people look good, and black people are angry about it. They don't get it. We don't get them, or their negative response. We are too different as species.

I unironically kinda wanna see it...

I love movies where a silly little lie gets out of hand.

Attached: Screenshot_20190428-040940~2.png (1046x1171, 1.22M)

This. They somehow stopped using this in movies

niggers are livid that this movie even exists, but it's literally the same thing as Big Momma's House but with a white guy.

Lol, this actually looks like a good film

Well worth promoting, could cost the investors if became ( cough !) tainted by white bois nd pol recommendation .. now i wonder who they investors just might be ??

Should have been made in the 90s, when In Living Color was on television and movies like Bulworth and B.A.P.S were being made.

Attached: Bulworth.jpg (585x332, 108K)

why the jews did this?

Take the trailer from that movie in the 80’s where the white dude scores poorly on his entrance exam to an Ivy League college, so he fakes being black and goes full black face to get into a college of blacks and totally kills all the exams and is treated like a wizard for having super high intelligence (compaired to his black peers), and upvote it to the top. Watch the chimp outs in real time.

I like the way you think user. the move in question is SOUL MAN (Steve Miner, 1986)
Here's the trailer

Attached: MV5BNjVmOTc1Y2UtNDlkZC00ZjM4LWJjNzMtMDc1ZDM2NmY5ZDE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg (746x469, 47K)
i suppose none of this shit is terrible?

Mhm...that’s the one. The title and everything is perfect for massive triggering.

or Ms. Doubtfire

we need to take over the comments section. god damn npc's cant see the forest through the trees.

They've done the opposite premise multiple times (black person pretends to be white).

"Sorry To Bother You" came out last year to tons of positive review.

Attached: MV5BMTY3OTg2OTM3OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNzY5OTA3._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg (182x268, 16K)

Absolutely rekt, m8

Attached: 1557549636946m.jpg (807x1024, 104K)

Since I'm sure most people won't know what the fuck "Sorry to Bother You" is:
>"The film follows a young black telemarketer who adopts a white accent to succeed at his job. Swept into a corporate conspiracy, he must choose between profit and joining his activist friends to organize labor."

looks kino honestly


They don't want to admit that non-whites and women get hired more easily than white men

>200k views in a day for a shitty low-budget comedy

what's the opposite of "go woke, get broke"?

Disregard PC, make money easy?

I dunno.

I actually thought Sorry to Bother You was funny,

They took it in a totally different sci-fi direction, the socialist overtones were almost self-deprecating caricatures of themselves (though maybe heartfelt socialists arent that self-aware). It seems like they were trying to paint a story which is sympathetic to socialists and labor organizers but it also made them seem like unhinged mob of self-praising zoomer faggots.

The scene where all the self-congratulating white yuppies hanging out with the evil corporate BroCEO and praise the black dude like a zoo animal, before forcing him to rap was based and redpilled. They fancy themselves so much, and what they really want is him to say "NIGGA SHIT NIGGA SHIT" against his will for their entertainment, and pat themselves on the back.

Attached: 15106333229588.gif (250x250, 993K)

Yeah, unless Loqueesha has an extended metaphor where white people start turning into horses, I’m not really seeing much similarity between the two.