How would be America now if they didn't throw away their european roots?

How would be America now if they didn't throw away their european roots?

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Less deaths, more muslims.

Americans left Europe for a reason. Fuck Europe.

Liberal degeneracy like Europe was from 1950-now

Probably a third world shithole

>european roots
The most deeply rooted americans have largely african roots.

>Americans left Europe for a reason. Fuck Europe.

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with foreskins

>muh 56
All of America's problems have come from Europe.


Yea like the pioneers

We haven't given up our European roots. We are under invasion by brown hordes. The day will soon come when we cleanse them all and return to greatness.

Can we have some true american now?

*All of America's problems have come from Mutts

Who chose an undeveloped hostile jungle surrounded by warring tribes to living in Europe.

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See: Man in the High Castle

Good to see it hasn't changed

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We would have thrown out our civil liberties instead.

Audible kek. Well played.

If the africans are returning to their natural state it means bad news how the demographics are now

even ol Jefferson thought that Americans should mix with the Cherokee Indians to become a new race .

america and Canada were never supposed to be white homelands they were started as mini corporations the Virginia company and the Hudson bay company and so on

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good argument little mutt you sure showed me

>go to Europe
>all the men look gay
>arabs everywhere
>all the white girls have black bfs
>cant own any guns (or knives)
>pay 60+% of your income to feed niggers
>all the houses are small
>go to jail for saying the wrong combination of words

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You've never been in Europe.

depends what kind of roots you are talking about. I love how the city of Boston is designed and the English/Irish feel of it. I wish we had more cities/towns like that instead of normal American towns.

Sounds based

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>if they didn't throw away their european roots?
You mean let in jews?

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American cars from the 50s and 60s were peak aesthetics and they will never be cars that beautiful ever again.
>pic related is nice too though

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Because Pantera had to rape that Jewess and her to claim virgin birth to a son who'd create a cult around him. Btw, this was common back then.

>tfw they will never again make a 6000 lb, 20 ft. long coupe

What would be Europe if it didn't throw away it's roots in favor of migrants?



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Europe is shit though.

seriously though renassiance faires are so comfy

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Jews did indeed come from Europe

Ren fairs are for chicks who are too fat to be goths. Which is saying a lot because goths can be fucking whales.

>majestic beast

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>go to USA
>house made of cardboard
>niggers breaking in and steal shit
>call da police
>get shoot by fat officer cuz he saw a wallet in my hand
>hopefully made it to the hospital
>that will be 300.000$ sir

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I'd kill to live in Leavenworth.

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A lot worse. Diversity has enriched the nation in a lot of ways. I think America has gotton richer intellectually by embracing Asian, African, and Arabic culture. Not to mention the Jewish influence with guys like Chaplin, Einstein, and Milton Friedman.