$800 increase in food costs for all Americans

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>he imports his food from china

there are hordes of retarded brown people invading every single even remotely white country on the globe right now

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I don't eat food faggots.

> FuckTrump.com Analyst estimates...

$800 the price to destroys China's economy.
Pretty cheap, better than sending dumbasses to die in a war.

Short term pain for long term gain.

They've said this kind of shit tons of times in the past and I've yet to notice anything besides more money in my paycheck.

When are the terrible consequences from all the previous tariffs going to hurt me (as they said would happen)?

>because people will just continue to import from China despite the tariffs

we're already a minority here

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All these tariff fearmongering about the costs going onto us but the economy is doing great, the costs of things haven't changed and my bank account is looking great rn for a mcjob

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but we need those workers

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I hate this faggot screwing us

>Dude we should import all our ingredients from another country and make us completely dependent on volatile trade.

Suck my dick kike, The sooner we stop depending on China's bullshit the better.

what the fuck

>just $800 to fuck over communists

Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Thank you based Trump!

And $800/yr isn’t remotely a lot of money. There are 7 year olds who make that in allowance.

$800... per lifetime?

I’d pay 8000 to kill chinks

Or you could just not buy Chinese garbage you fucking faggot


I suppose you'd have to consider which goods are being hit by tariffs. Cars maybe? So if you're a boomer that buys a new car every 7 years then you're fucked but millennials who use the same junker for 20 years are fine.

No tariffs on phones, or so I've heard.

>$800 increase in food costs
If you cant export food you have a surplus of food and food prices go down you retard

Chinese are monkeys

>he wants to eat more ꜱoybeans

I thought they said the first round of tariffs was supposed to cripple our economy. Why should I believe them now?

The Israeli wall just got 10 feet higher, and USA will pay for it

Isnt you main export to them pork?

Don't buy chink food.

the cheap shit china sells isnt good and we'll all be better off when food producers don't use any of it.

Who gives a fuck. Americans will just buy less cheap Chinese trash they don't need. Trump is doing the right thing with China. Meanwhile Joe Biden is up there sucking Chinese dick in his rallies. I hope Joe loses

Fuck Zion Don
>”By One Estimate”
Eat shit kys

>By one estimate
Will anything be done about the lügenpresse or are we dealing with this forever?

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What Chinese cars are sold here?

Oh, right... none.

But, Joe Biden loves you. He wants to care for you. And smell your hair.

Lul what does that even mean? 800 dollars more over each americans lifetime? 800 dollars more on every trip to the grocery store?! Kill yourself shill

Oh so you mean shitty ricers will be too expensive?

The war efforts in Iran and Venezuela ain't gonna finance themselves, you know.

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no source and I cant find evidence to your claim you either did a lazy job or you are a shill which might be the reason why there is only 2 posts by this id

>one estimate

The US is China's largest trading partner by double digits. The US buys a lot of Chinese goods.

China has an export economy. They need to sell shit or their economy tanks.

However, China is NOT the US' biggest trading partner. China is #3.

The US is operating at a deficit in it's trade with China... meaning the US buys Chinese shit and China doesn't buy US shit.

The shit that China sells can be bough elsewhere. The US could start trading more with India, Southeast Asia, Africa, etc. to get it's raw materials and cheaply manufactured goods.

If you weren't such a retard OP you would understand this is not a big deal for the US but it could fuck up everything China has achieved in the last 20 years.


The United States and much of the rest of the West have effectively been employing hundreds of millions of low paid chinese slave workers for decades, all without the labour laws or environmental consequences resulting in very cheap goods in western shops, low inflation maintenance of purchasing power for the western masses mostly for the purpose of buying the latest junk imports from Chinese factories designed by western corporations, and by doing so have completely transformed the Chinese economy from inconsequential GDP of $300bln 30 years ago to $12 trillion today, and thus exponentially strengthening a totalitarian state ruled by a communist dictatorship that increasingly seeks to spread its tentacles beyond its borders.
Remember that the Soviet Union was defeated not militarily but through economic warfare. The current economic trend trajectory has the Chinese dictatorship clearly winning the economic war as the Chinese economy converges towards becoming the world’s largest economy within the next 10 years unless action is taken to halt this trend.

I cant find OPs source

just like Canada

>article from cccp run media

Because it's bullshit. The US might see a very short term increase in prices but then it will drop back down when we start buying our cheap shit from India instead of China. It won't be on food though. We grow most of our food. OP is a retard.

Didn't you get the memo? Taxing imports magically hurts china, not the white goyim buying the goods at the inflated price

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Oh FUCK not ramen prices and disgusting low grade shrimp!! Plz make it stop Trump we'll do whatever China says!@

>he eats Chinese food

Buy local and stop eating 3 pounds of meat a day.

Someone just needs to set up on the hill with a Vickers gun or something

oh no, you have to pay more for junk food!

IRL Daffy Duck

How the fuck is food going to go up $800 a year if the united states is literally the biggest exporter of food in the world?

Because why? Because of all the plastic, paper and packaging from China? Or is it because of food manufacturers shipping food to China to process there and ship back to the US to avoid certain regulatory agencies?

I don't see why these would increase food costs considering the US is the top producer for food products across the world. The only food price increase I see are the ones abusing the system to sell us pure shit. Oh noes, the microwaveable of pure shit is going to cost me $800 more! No more hot pockets for me! Now I have to eat healthy food from my local farm? This is terrible news!

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Free trade is the ultimate weapon of the investor class.

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hue monkey is right...now fuck off or else

Because the article is bullshit.

>by one estimate

And by every other estimate not done by the China, there will be no changes in food prices since food isn't part of the tariffs and we hardly get any food from China anyways.

>By one estimate.

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you mean a shill who counts on the stupidity of his opponents .

it won't; it's just propaganda.

>rebuilding my country costs one month's rent
How will Drumpf ever recover?

lmao if you're buying food from china you're a retard

Stop buying Chinese junk and you won't pay any taxes.

>by one estimate
>tariffs are already in place for awhile now and nothing increased in price
jewish bullshit, go fuck yourself

It's going to be sneakers and phones basically. There are options made in other countries including our own so there's really no issues, just buy a different brand.

>Eating food imported from China
What are you, suicidal?

It will affect processed food manufacturers for sure who rely on a China to help them keep costs down for pure shit that we see in super markets.

But I don't see that as a bad thing. Our whole supermarkets are packed with this bullshit now dominating our diet.

Globalist propaganda. The more he tries to even the playing field and claw back more equitable terms, the more globalists cry.

But I have a job, and $800 a year? Even if it were true? Worth it.

And, let's put that into perspective. That's what a friend of mine pays A MONTH for Obamacare, for his family. He regrets voting for the magic negro every month.

based. i also love supporting israel

that site is literally run the chicoms btw.

They only strike when you start bad mouthing China. I watch their forums. Yes, they have a forum for their shills accessible only in China unless you use a VPN. Chinese aren't very bright.

This isn't about food from China, stupid. This is paid "opinion" by companies like Apple who will be hit the hardest. I guarantee that article was paid for by a globalist company like Apple. This is transnationals waging trade war covertly. Wake the fuck up. We're one of the few countries on the planet that can feed itself, if the shit hit the fan - China would have food riots in a month if we cut them off.

Trump is trying to get FAIR trade terms with China, after decades of cunts in the government allowing our industry to offshore all of our manufacturing there, and bent over and spread their anus for them, when it came to trade deals.

If you can't see the long term benefits to the US economy, then you don't understand economics, and are probably a dumb liberal who's been brainwashed into supporting anything that's bad for the US.

>It will affect processed food manufacturers for sure who rely on a China
Food is not shipped to China for processing, you fuckwit.

>Food is not shipped to China for processing, you fuckwit.

Try again you chincom shill

How does placing tariffs on China affect food costs? Pretty sure the US already has plenty of basedbeans and rice.

Jews have more to lose by Tariffs than the Chicoms. The loudest voices against tariffs are the Jewish middlemen merchants.

>numbers pulled from ass of reporter who's been lying for 3 years.

Guess what stupid fucking idiot... there will be less demand from China for US food. What does that include... corn, pork, beef, basedbeans and a ton of other shit. What happens to the prices. They fucking go down. Muh seafood. Fuck you stupid low-brow brownskin.

MIGA fellow white people! God bless Kek and King-Deity Trump!

>Smithfield, which is owned by the Chinese company WH Group, is raising and killing pigs in the U.S. and shipping carcasses to China for processing and packaging in that country. The plan is working.
>“Chinese consumers will pay a premium for U.S. product,” says Hayes, Iowa State University professor and Pioneer Chair in Agribusiness. “The Chinese product is heavily discounted.”
>Consumers trust U.S. pork more than Chinese pork, where drug withdraws and other regulations are not as well monitored, says Hayes.
Say goodbye to your pork chinks. US wins again.

Who wants to eat Chinese crap?

What do I buy from the grocery store that is Chinese? I'd like to know so I quit supporting their shithole country.

reading comprehension kids

Retard, the increase in price is because buying local is more expensive than importing used to be.

>no goy think of the sheckles who cares about the massive wealth transfer to chinks and the Uber wealthy, it will cost you 40$ more a month to by cheesy poofs and rice crispies

>it’s totally worth living in the dying rust belt society of the west for slightly cheaper consumer foods

Meanwhile, actual financial rags are saying it won't really do much and the tariffs are working against china.

maybe we won't be known for fat people after this is all over

Holy shit I saw some segment on fox news where they talked to a pig farmer who was upset about the tariffs. I bet it was literally this company. Fox is chicom?

A lot of fish comes from there. I'm not sure about processed foods, since it doesn't say and I tend to avoid it.

Yeah, only way I can think of it affecting food is if infrastructure is dependent on China. Seems like most of it is already in places, from brick & mortar buildings, roads, cars, and oil.
I'm guessing it's passed on from newly produced items being used in the supply chain.

*throws a rock at the Jew*

Union dues are only $700 a year, what's the problem?

The Jews calls that "rebuking."

>by one estimate

>> $800 per household

I'm not buying chinese shit. Explain how this is gonna cost me $800.
You've been on reditt too long. This kind of retarded shit won't work here.

>50 mexican intellectuals agree, based on an anonymous source

Meanwhile Liberals think getting rid of illegals to pick fruit and vegetables and paying Americans will increase prices, but for some reason prices won't increase if fast food and retail are $15/hour jobs.