People are angry that The Wall isn't built yet. I'm a little uneasy too, not going to lie. Was hoping that we'd see more progress by now.
But I think what Trump's doing, is he's trying to make The Wall an election issue in 2020. He wants to drag out construction so that we have to vote for him again to get The Wall. I'm convinced that's his strategy here.
Think about the optics: If Girl Smeller Biden or Pochantas Warren or Hellride Harris get elected, the wall construction halts. So close, but so far. No wall. But........if you vote Trump again, The Wall get's built. The project gets finished.
I'm convinced Trump thinks he can fire up his base by moving Wall construction closer to 2020. Meanwhile, there's all this angst by us, pacing back and forth and looking for new reports on Wall progress. Seems kind of desperate. Seems like blackpill. People are pissed. But this is what I think.
So do you think that things are going to get better if he loses 2020? Do you think that his opponents will advance our agenda of preserving the white race, and preventing immigrant invasions?
They are going to clamp down so hard on us and on whites in general that you will be crawling around on your hands and knees desperately trying to kiss the feet of Trump and thank him for trying to save us, and apologizing for foolishly throwing away our only chance.
>Oi if you don't vote for one side of our jewish coin you must be for the other side of it! No I don't think I'm going to vote anymore if nobody rubber stamped your bs fake elections then we could finally figure out what to move onto next instead of playing your stupid games where they kill me fast and you kill me slow and I'm supposed to call it a mercy.
if this is true, it's a weasely, dishonest strategy that demonstrates he doesn't give a shit about the future of the nation, which he is happy to gamble for personal gain almost worse than him just being a big-money zionist shithead who doesn't want the wall at all
Connor Martin
Too bad that a White Ruled South Africa means another country that restores his ties with Israel.
The wall is being built. The only thing that annoys me is he waited so long to start it and at the rate they're going they might not even finish before the end of his 2nd term.
Jayden Watson
>demonstrates he doesn't give a shit about the future of the nation, which he is happy to gamble for personal gain >almost worse than him just being a big-money zionist shithead who doesn't want the wall at all
He might be convinced that it's the only way to get re-elected and perpetuate the agenda. Someone might be telling him that. A (((birdy))) in his ear.
*incoherent autist screeching* And thats why Biden is going to be the Dem Candidate.
Isaac Myers
Biden is going to be the Dem. candidate because he's the most unelectable candidate the Left has. Just like Hillary was in 2016. That's how (((they))) rig our elections for the Zionist Right.
I want to see something done. fuck talking tweets or trying to shill replacement fencing and vehicle barriers as "wall". I want deportations because absolutely none of those goblinos belong here. fuck them.
so Trump better stop trying to sell us a lemon and just fucking do something already. even signing the EO to end birthright citizenship would be a step in the right direction
Jacob James
Congratulations Juan Pablo Hernandez, you are American now
>South Africa and Iran share historical bilateral relations and the latter supported the South African liberation movements. >South African liberation movements. It isnt that Regime Change according to the left but only when the right does it?
Yea the media reeled hard that trump said lets start putting America First. You have to recall Zoinist Nazi's killed other opposing Jews. Eisenhower killed people in death camps after the bad nazis surrendered in a denazifaction campaign as to make sure the witnesses of history did not rise ageist the zod.
dam dude point the finger at the facts. under Jesuit influence they both where dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm