Is the Muslim Ban one of Trump's biggest accomplishments?
Travel Ban
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
You avoided the question.
Technically it's Obama's. He was just to chickenshit to enforce it. And it wasn't a muslim ban. It was a ban of allowing immigration from countries that would not or could not help vet who was coming in.
City people = niggers and spics.
The what?
Yes and its working because sandniggers on here are sperging.
Exactly why the electoral college is needed
No terrorists
Few terrorists, most fighting their war
Few terrorists, most fighting their war
No terrorists
>North Korea
No terrorists
Few terrorists, most fighting a war
Why not ban ""terrorist safe heavens"" like Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Oman or Qatar?