Travel Ban

Is the Muslim Ban one of Trump's biggest accomplishments?

Attached: prince.jpg (1000x563, 60K)

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Attached: 1552341349802.png (736x400, 56K)

You avoided the question.

Technically it's Obama's. He was just to chickenshit to enforce it. And it wasn't a muslim ban. It was a ban of allowing immigration from countries that would not or could not help vet who was coming in.

City people = niggers and spics.

The what?

Yes and its working because sandniggers on here are sperging.

Exactly why the electoral college is needed


Attached: MAGA.png (1121x862, 632K)

No terrorists
Few terrorists, most fighting their war
Few terrorists, most fighting their war
No terrorists
>North Korea
No terrorists
Few terrorists, most fighting a war

Why not ban ""terrorist safe heavens"" like Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Oman or Qatar?

Attached: 2017-trump-second-immigration-ban-conflict-of-interest-facebook.png (1200x630, 122K)