Jews are evil because of their theology, not their race

Jews are evil because of their theology, not their race. Jews worship the revolution against Christ and glorify what is wrong because ever since Christ they have given themselves to the devil and rebellion against the logos (order) of the world.

That racial Jews also tend to be theologically Jewish (rebellious and corrupting) is analogous to why Muslims tend to be Arabs, because Islam started in the middle east where there are Arabs. Likewise, the Jewish rebellion against God started in Jerusalem 33 ad where the blind Jews killed their God and their messiah.

Ever since Calvary, the Jews have been involved in every rebellion in Europe. They hate you because they hate Christ and love money. If you hate Christ you're a crypto-jew who serves the devil and his interests.

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Other urls found in this thread: history/Jones_Eugene_Michael_-_The_Jewish_Revolutionary_Spirit_and_Its_Impact_on_World_History.pdf

Everyone knows that Christians, specifically Catholics have been the greatest bulwark against the jew throughout history. Even recently during the Fulton Sheen era, there was a catholic block that prevented Jewish degeneracy from infecting American televisions and movie theaters.
Martin Luther was a crypto-jew who turned the bible into a political manifesto against God's duly appointed church. No where in the bible does it actually say that the bible should be treated as the sole authority like a manifesto. It does however actually say to follow in the traditions you were taught [2 Thessalonians 2:15]. The protestants are false pretenders who follow the confused traditions of fallible men, and each of them being started by a man in the 1600's or later and each one contradicting one another. The Catholic faith, which truly, actually, and 100% unironically is the one true faith that was started by Jesus Christ himself in 33 ad. One faith, one God, one baptism.

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Their theology is an expression of their biological psychopathy.

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there is no jewish race
jew are basically persian/arabs mix


how do you explain ashkenazi being a turkish people and not actually jewish

How do you get a diver flag?

>majority of jews are only jewish by religion not by race

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The evils of judaism are an expression of the evils of jewish genetics.

"""scientific""" atheists are also crypto-jews and their corrupt behavior, those prostitutes? We all know they are some of the worst degenerates, and they do nothing to preserve what is good. Living only transactionally without suspicion or care for immoral behaviour, willing to try anything. They are wrong on the facts too, the multiverse is not only not science, but bad theology at that.

The fundamental problem with atheists is they cannot explain the beginning of anything, be it of life, the universe, or reason, nor can they explain away the absurd improbabilities of the existence of us rational agents (let alone any rational agents), which goes against their first and most basic principals that started their very movement - that human beings are not the center of the universe, which they regard as "geocentric" and "supersticious". Well if we are not the center of the universe (which is to say, we are not special or uniquely important), then why is our existence so incredibly improbable (and clearly special)?

Even given a multiverse (which is clearly just the atheist's theological replacement for God), we would expect to see life as that's the only place we could see (anthropic principal), but we would not expect to see such a complicated world like ours but the simplest possible world that could contain life, as simple worlds would be the most common to find in the multiverse. A floating brain in space who popped into existence by quantum mechanical fluctuations hallucinating a world like ours is utter chicken feed to produce by mere chance than an actual functional universe like ours with similar degrees of its complexities. We would expect to see such brains (known as Boltzmann brains) inhabiting simple "non functional" universes, and would be unbelievably more common.
To understand why this is the case, understand that the universe is like a pocket watch, if any of the gears in a pocket watch are out of place or misshapen by even a little bit, the whole thing stops working. Well the gravitational constant (one of the gears) were out of place by 1 in 10^60 parts (that's 60 zeros with a 1 on the end of it), no life of any kind could evolve in such a universe; the universe would either have expanded so quickly no stars or galaxies could form, or it would have collapsed back in on itself. Or the Cosmological constant which if changed by 1 in 10^120 parts, no life of any kind would be possible.
To put things into perspective, there have been about 10^20 seconds that have went by since the universe began. if the gravitational constant were off from it's current number by 1 part in the number of seconds that have went by since the universe began, not squared, but cubed (by the power of 3!), no life of any kind could exist. Needless to say, this is an incomprehensibly nothing chance (not to mention there are other similarly fine tuned constants), and atheists are forced to concede that universes like ours are incomprehensibly special even given a multiverse.

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To boil the argument i'm making down to it's simplest form, it's that nature (as in physics) does not tend to produce complicated functional machines by mere chance (pocketwatches); rather in our experience, complicated functional machines (like pocket watches) tend to come about because some rational agent through whatever means he uses makes the item (pocketwatch). You do not tend to see nature (as in physics) producing functional machines. This is clearly and most definitely a scientificly true statement, one verified by experience. One example I like, is that when you look at frost in your window, you do not tend to see writing or code written in the frost that has come about by chance; if you see writing in the frost of your window, someone probably wrote it. The universe is an incomprehensibly perfectly tuned machine that if it were off by even a little bit, the whole thing would not function (no stars, no galaxies, no life, etc), therefor the universe was most likely brought about by an agent (as in God), as agents are what we usually expect make such complicated functional machines, not nature (physics) which has difficult in producing such machines, and thanks to entropy would certainly destroy them faster than the would make them, by the same forces that made them. This is not a God of the gaps argument - there is nothing irrational with saying that God has done something that, clearly if we look at the odds of it happening, is a miracle that it happened. You are the one who is irrational for supposing that probabalistically speaking is impossible given the timeframe and still holding to this rediculous idea that we aren't uniquely special dispite all the evidence to the contrary. It's just math.

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Lastly, atheists cannot speak of nor defend what is true, good or beautiful with any honest integrity, because if humans do not not take a special place at all in the universe, then goodness, beauty, and yes even truth most certainly cannot really objectively exist, and are mere illusions that evolved for the sake of human survival by evolution. Obviously I am not saying that atheists do not like things that are true good and beautiful or that they do not really act like such things exist, they do, I am saying that theologically speaking, atheists cannot with any integrity believe that such things really exist. There is a problem with this theological position however, if beauty is juts an illusion designed to get us to reproduce, and goodness (morality) is an illusion and not a really real, but merely feelings instilled into us by evolution to help us survive, then how can we believe anything we think is really true or really false?
Remember, the same feeling that tells me something is beautiful, and the same feeling that tells me whether or not something is right or wrong is the same feeling that is telling me that something is true or false. If atheism is true, then that feeling that discerns truth and falsehood is also just as much a mental construct to advance my survival as beauty is, meaning it is not necessarily reliable in discerning things that are true. It could very well be selected this belief for survival, even though it really isn't true (though in my mind it would really be and feel true). What's important is that this is not because of any logical error I made, but with properly working and logical mind arriving to false conclusions, because logic wasn't designed to produce truth, rather logic was designed to produce survival, because logos is a mental construct, just like beauty, just like morality.

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That's because the feeling of logic, truth and falsehood is not really discerning things that really are true or false, but "discerning" things that help you to survive, that may or may not really have any baring in reality. Evolution gives no advantage to finding what's really the truth, but merely getting you to believe whatever helps you to survive, and this would mean that one could find that something that is false but helps you to survive, and you would believe and feel this as if it were truth, even though it had no basis in reality. I'm sure on some level, the atheists already think that religion is a fine example of this, as they believe all religions to be superstitious falsehoods developed to help nations survive, and after all, religeous people do have higher birthrates.
The problem with all this is that it means that under atheism, truth and reason is also an illusion, and if truth and reason is an illusion, then how can I believe any reason I used to think that atheism is true (let alone anything else I believe)? It is self defeating. If atheism is true, then I cannot trust my own reasoning for thinking atheism is true. Atheism is as much a world view as the prescribed worldviews of other religions (though without central authority), and it organises as a "faction" just like the other worldviews do, and this is undeniably so. If all theological worldviews are falsehoods evolution devised for survival, then so is yours, and what you say is not true. It is self defeating.

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To conclude

All rebellions since the 1600's have been bolstered by the Jews, but have been based in protestant thinking, even the one started by Galileo. The enemy is the same as since the times of Christ, the enemy we have always been fighting. The pagan, the heretic, and the Jew is a front for the devil and his evil spirits. A people get's the Jews it deserves. This is what happens when you turn from God, be it that western civilization collapses in self hate and self destruction, or you as an individual decay in self hate and self destruction.

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What you're saying is that Catholicism is the ultimate redpill?

pretty much desu

>Jews are evil because of their theology, not their race. Jews worship the revolution against Christ and glorify what is wrong because ever since Christ they have given themselves to the devil and rebellion against the logos (order) of the world.

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According to Catholicism, do I go automatically to hell if I'm not baptized?

Wanna know a fun fact about Jews?

They were a tribe before their religion was even made which makes them an ethnic group.
There is no "Jewish theology". They are just racially corrupt and subversive and there is no amount of damage control or revisionism that can change those facts about Jews.

>Ever since Calvary, the Jews have been involved in every rebellion in Europe. They hate you because they hate Christ and love money. If you hate Christ you're a crypto-jew who serves the devil and his interests.
also this

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>people transform over thousands of years
>the ones who don’t agree with the theology leave
>the ones who agree stay
>repeat for generations
>now you have the population that is biologically inclined to the theology

You do have to receive some sort of baptism if you wish to enter the kingdom of heaven.
>[John 3:5]
>"Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit."
"water and the spirit" is clearly referring to baptism, baptism is after all the ritual where you are washed in water, and said become born again as a new man. It is because of Christ's death on the cross that we are born with new life, and the moment baptism is where it happens. This is the perfect recipe for someone seeking salvation.

Attached: E. Michael Jones.jpg (178x283, 19K)

Libido Dominandi

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit history/Jones_Eugene_Michael_-_The_Jewish_Revolutionary_Spirit_and_Its_Impact_on_World_History.pdf

Goy Guide to World History

E Michael Jones on Jewish Influence from Calvary To Trump

E Michael Jones on Logos vs Anti Logos: The Pivot of Human History

Ethnos and Logos

>Latest Interviews
Donald Trump and the (((Russian))) Mafia

E. Michael Jones Interviewed on The Public Space

Libido Dominandi: Lust, Power, & Control

Owen Benjamin Finding Logos with E. Michael Jones

Know More News with Guest E. Michael Jones

The Vicious Effect of Usury

Attached: E. Michael Jones1.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

However, to answer your point, one does not nessisarly have to be baptised with water in order to go to heaven, there exist things like baptism of blood, or baptism of desire which has long been traditionally held by the church.

If one had to be baptized with water to enter heaven, then the old testiment saints would not be able to go to heaven, for none of them were baptised into christ during their earthly lives - yet we know for a fact that when Christ died, he descended into hell and on the third day rose again. While in hell, he preached the gospel even to the dead, to the just old testiment saints who were waiting in limbo, also known as abrahams bossum.

It's a question I happen to know stuff about lel.

oh and I forgot to mention; here's a great video explaining just how unlikely our universe is.

Guess I'd better hurry


most jews are pretty normal and actually pretty intellectual bullshitters, great for conversations.
and they make good food, and don't always drink blood. especially in front of goyim..

like fish and zuccinini.. nice & fresh...
they make bread crumbs, and some lemon, and melted butter.

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there.

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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Ultimate redpill: It's both, one influences another.

Theology + the fact that that Ashkenazi Jews are just a European colony and all European colonies are absolute shit tier people.
This is why Ashkenazi Jews are the worst Jews.

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Is this why I feel an instinctive hatred towards wops and kikes?

>Is this why I feel an instinctive hatred towards wops and kikes?
Yes, they are both the same fucking vermin.

>not their race

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