A question to gay Jow Forumstards

I know there's a lot of you. So what are you more secretive of your racism or your gayness? Are any of you openly gay and openly racist or secretly racist and gay at the same time?

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Typical leaf post

obviously the racism. you won’t be ostracized from society and fired for being gay but will for being racist

Well is a Jewish ZOG didn't exist Faggotry would be treated as a mental illness so sorry for all you faggots out there.

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won't all your fag friends figure out you're racist tho?

i don’t have fag friends and hate fags and fag culture almost as much as i hate niggers and chinks

I tend to make comments that could be considered racist or offensive, but only if they are related to the topic I am discussing at the time. I try to avoid falling into the vulgar racism you see here every day.
As for my sexuality, I avoid mentioning it unless someone asks me explicitly, and in which case my answer is always the same: everything is fine as long as it's cute.
Also lmao at your pic.

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Yeah, is there like, an asshole of a certain race that you'd NEVER lick clean or is a turd a turd?

neck yourself fag

Second combination.
Basically this
Yes and most of them are seriously nasty if they find out. Worse than any conservative I've ever heard. Worse than Jow Forums even. They'll say idiotic shit but they have no bite. Lefty gays try to ruin lives over it

only if you're a retarded sperg. it's pretty easy to hide your racism

its a sad life. If i ever dare say anything non politically correct, im fucked because the navys cucked like that. (inb4 lol sailors faggohts)
The natsoc twink bf does not exist so i just gave up,the gay “community” makes me want to die everytime i open tinder.

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Everyone already knows Im full natsoc in my local area and only the few degenerate mulattos despise me. No one but myself knows I am dating a ladyboy at least he is bottom only

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Why not be racist and a little faggy. I mean the only really faggy thing I do is wear crop tops.

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I’m just sexist honestly.
But... good kind of sexist

Is that nick cage?

dunno, im just posting natsoc art

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I’m not even racist, merely a fag who isn’t even all that open about his sexuality. I just like making homophobic anons mad about me simply existing.






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I exist.

Please fucking take me, user, I'm stuck with a Mexican who is 18 years older than me, and has such a low IQ..

At least he pays the bills though lmfao

But I’m not gay though, I just have gay hair.

You sound like a dumb faggot.
Get a good European styled haircut.

Yeah, I’m not sure why I’m here really.

groton connecticut?

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Then gtfo user

Palm Desert, California /,:

It’s a good hair cut, it’s gotten a little long though

not surprised, most of you nazi LARPs seem like mentally ill faggot degens.


Fuck no cut those bangs and sweep what's left to the side like a good NatSoc


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You're lucky you didn't catch the gay

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How many oven at Auschwitz?

Ikr, user, the Universe keeps soul mates from being together, not vice versa, as I've found ..

You're still a faggot though so you should take your own life. Gays are on the same level as jews and niggers.

>Please fucking take me, user

yikes imagine unironically believing this kek, also you're probably a nigger so may as well hang urself

>dating a ladyboy
Patrician tastes user

I know. Its saddening. Its not exactly like you can type in “DOSENT FUCK NIGGERS 1488” as a prefrence for dating. Such is life as a faggot.

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No, i'm white. I just hate gays more than anything.

>He fucks a Mexican
user, it's bad enough that you're gay, but fucking a spic is just sad. Do you seriously think any white guy will want you now after you being damaged goods?

castizo mexican? unlikely, buts its a thought.

so you hate gays more than jews because
>ew gay
neck rope yourself

This pic was me and still is. I'd rather love a man that wouldn't hurt me rather then a woman that'd stab me in the back. We need to take the gay community back and take it back soon.

Judging by the reply chain he probably is the one getting fucked.

Well can't you guys move to a middle point? Idk, consider getting from those hellholes and going to Nebraska, for example

thats a specific place to name lol

Just a leaf leafing

I said they're on the same level. Are you honestly trying to justify being gay you stupid faggot? Do what everyone including your family secretly wants you to do and kys.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Seriously bad news, I wouldn't want to stick my dick where a non-white did

We're much better than all of you combined, opportunism will always be with us.

Well...The militant gays at the least

nope, not for me at least. am a zogbot, and uncle sam wants me in groton.

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Hot, kek

the non feminine ones atleast contribute to society unlike niggers and kikes. and down south where you will be beat for being a girly queer theres plenty of normal ones.

Indeed, indeed..

Idk user, a guy fucking another one (if they don't flaunt it) doesn't seem as bad as a group who consistently try to bring ruin to the West by any possible mean

I got roped into it at age 16 and now I'm 20, don't ask, but I'm ashamed

At least I tell him to his face fuck spics and niggers and all of the great Jow Forums rhetoric lul

why? I understand the hate of fags, but normal gays like me aren't the problem. If you can't tell the difference you're a fucking brainlet

There is no normal ones, period. I don't even know why i'm arguing with your mentally unstable ass. You'll die of aids or suicide soon anyways.

repentence by enlisting in the rainbow squad on the DOTR i guess

yikes; clearly I am mentally unstable, and not you.

Good, seeing as he's the only guy I've been with, the next one will be a man among men, I will assure that
Where is my fucking Ernst Röhm to have sex and drink to the glory of dead minorities, and celebrate battles won

I do just straight up hate gays but you insulted "chinks" so I felt the need to tell you about how everyone deep down feels. My fiance is Taiwanese/Chinese

there is are you really that autistic that the possibility that a gay guy who isn't feminine or an out fag is slim to none? come on i know we're all autists here but thats just dumb retarded

>I got roped into it at age 16 and now I'm 20, don't ask, but I'm ashamed
oof, I have a colombian friend who suffered the same shit (although she was a girl, mind you)
Get out as soon as you can, these situations end up becoming a pit you can't claw yourself out. Seriously, even if you have to go back to your parents house, it's only going to get worse.

>Fags turn on cucks and libs on DOTR
>10 kills guarntees citizenship
i can see it

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What is DOTR sorry for autism

>Hates faggots
>Still racemixes

>My fiance is Taiwanese/Chinese
YIKES. Imagine thinking being gay is worse than race mixing with a gook lmfao. Enjoy your future mongrels.

Day of the rope
the fabled day where uncle adolf comes back

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It already has gotten to that point, and I can't leave because I have two dogs that I rescued years ago, my only friends

They may only be dogs but they've shown me more loyalty I could ever show, so I will never get rid of them.. I can't, they're my family

The only way they go is I go with them, like Blondi & Hitler

you have to go back

Faggots. You're all scum. Fuck your one issue relevance. It's not enough to keep me from puking anytime I see one of you freaks in the streets. I'm not even religious but no matter what you are you will always be scum. You're getting the rope with the rest of them

>I can't leave because I have two dogs
holy fucking shit just kill urself

Depends, usually anti immigration that's revealed to be anti-immigrant, then racist and then when the situation arises it's that I'm gay too.
Or its just I'm gay and then when politics is discussed I reveal all of the stuff above

Enjoy dying alone in a few years from suicide.
Why are you worried about me racemixing? You're hispanic, not white.

Ahh but of course

I'll be the first to kill off weak faggots, and enslave any able bodied men, that is a promise

imagine being this much of a fragile snowflake

lurk a little more nigga goddamn

Himmler, fuck off, Ernst would have wrapped you up and raped you

love you too user
>dosent value the life of white mans best friend

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If you insist user, I will go back to your dad's man flap

>Enjoy dying alone in a few years from suicide.
I have a huge family, sorry but not going to happen. I also will be having white children unlike you and already have an aryan egg donor lined up AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Imagine being behind a faggot in the genetic game.

Imagine thinking putting things deep up your ass is normal and ok. Imagine molesting kids. I don't get why you think it's considered "fragile" to be against and disgusted with child butt sex but it seems to me that your just projecting. Take your ass out back and light yourself on fire you fucking degenerate. You're trash!

I'll fuck your dad before I go, don't worry, I'll leave the backdoor open

At least you understand.

>egg donor
lol. Sorry dude, can't take you seriously.

>Why are you worried about me racemixing? You're hispanic, not white.
Epic meme, my 56% colored friend
At least I'm not a hypocrite who cries about faggots yet contributes to the death of the white race way more than any faggot will
Hope your chink wife won't leave you after she gets whatever she needs from you, it happens more times than you'd think

>being gay
>molesting kids
>child buttsex
excuse me but i'm the one projecting here? you sure about that? kek


Also thread theme

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my eggs are whiter than your kids lmfao

Seethe more.

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I'm sure about those statistics. I'm sure about the reports I see of homosexual men molesting boys.

>german march in russian
why? its good but still.

dude lay off the infographs fucking yikes

yes, I am openly gay and secretly racist. Well, my husband and I are racist among ourselves but obviously we hide it from everyone else.

being gay is fairly advantageous, especially in the workplace

racism in a modern sense is honestly kind of a meme - everyone wants their individual cultures to be protected but all we keep doing is mixing them together and calling anyone who dissents a racist. "separate but equal" was the right idea and the most homogeneous countries are also some of the most successful today. if saying that makes me racist then whatever i guess.

p.s. - im a twink looking for qt far right bf

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>Mfw Jow Forums has become a gay dating website

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>tfw no qt pro-life bf