Non white girl here, I want children but I dont want to pass down my inferior genetics so im considering adopting

Non white girl here, I want children but I dont want to pass down my inferior genetics so im considering adopting.
Whats the best white ethnicity to adopt?

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>Non-white girl here.
Don't adopt a white kid, you'll be doing them a disservice, they'll grow up to be a nigger-lover.

i want children though

Just do foster care and raise them Republican

just raise some whatever your race is kids and then when they get to about 14 kill them and yourself and your husband

Stick to your own race then.

just how nonwhite are we talking?

Then adopt some Eastern European trash. They can look good sometimes, and the ones i've met have been super obedient as children.

Adopt a black kid and raise him white. You'd be doing us a favor.

Best ethnicity is Germanic... Dutch, English, German.

I want a white husband too

What race are you op?

Why do you think you are genetically inferior?

Get a nice white man with a job. Have a kid. Make sure whoever they want to be with is white. Your genetics will be suppressed by the second gen.

this is a nonoption, unless he is infertile. Get a white husband, adopt infertile colored children, raise them right wing.

Here is the problem. You should raise children of your own race in your own ancestral lands.

Because she's non white cuck.\ what kind of question is that.


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if you have a child with a white man your children are more likely to develop mental disorders so idk if i'd recommend that.

This is from Jared Taylor's White identity:

The more intimate the setting, the greater the challenges of diversity. Adopted children, for
example, often report they never felt they fit in. In a British study of adults who were adopted as
children, 46 percent of whites adopted by whites said they felt a sense of not belonging. For nonwhites adopted by whites, the figure rose to close to 75 percent. Researchers reported that their
constant refrain was, “Love is not enough.”53

For the rest of us, a sense of tribal identity runs deep, and can assert itself in heart-breaking ways.
Lowri Turner is a British woman whose second marriage was to a man from India. “I am white and I
have two sons from my first marriage who are both milky complexioned and golden haired,” she
wrote. She then explained how unprepared she was for her feelings when she had a mixed-race child
with her new husband:
[W]hen I turn to the mirror in my bedroom to admire us together, I am shocked. She seems so alien. With her long, dark
eyelashes and shiny, dark brown hair, she doesn’t look anything like me. . . .
I didn’t realise how much her looking different would matter and, on a rational level, I know it shouldn’t. But it does.
Evolution demands that we have children to pass on our genes, hence the sense of pride and validation we get when we see
our features reappearing in the next generation.
With my daughter, I don’t have that. . . .
Even admitting to having mixed feelings about her not being blonde and blue eyed, I feel disloyal and incredibly guilty.44
cont 1/2

hispanic, probably mestiza with around 5% black admixture
I dont like blacks
im hispanic mixed race, why should I make more mutts?

cont 2/2

An American woman who adopted a baby from India wrote of similar feelings:
When I was trying to decide who and from where to adopt, I had a lot of questions about transracial adoptions, and most
people responded to my curiosity with a subtle discomfort. I felt embarrassed voicing possible concerns to my liberal friends,
because all of us were adamant that race made no difference to our choice of friends, lovers, or tiny babies up for adoption.
I flew to Bombay and became a mother.
Back home, after a couple of weeks had passed, I stared at Vaishali’s naked bottom—her darkest part—and tried to ignore the
sistent whispers of fear. Instead of brimming with pride, I felt like a trespasser, performing ablutions on this private flesh withcolor so foreign from my own. . . . How could this be my daughter? I looked at her and tried to find similarities between us,
relieved that her hair was straight, her lips not too full. Just thinking these thoughts made me feel horribly ashamed. I tried to sort
emotion from fact: was it the dark color of her skin that was making me uncomfortable, or just that she did not look like me?45
There is a powerful urge to see oneself in one’s children.

>Non white
Go back to your own country

Then don't, but understand that you don't belong in America and never will.


The only white kids up for adoption have serious, obvious developmental problems.

Just get bleached chica.

Why don’t you just marry a Hispanic guy?

umm..why not?

i dont want mentally ill kids with an inferiority complex
why do you want me to make more mutts?

Why would you not want to improve your race? Ma'am if you want a husband marry a black man who's aspiring in college and mate to have a loving family. Foundate your beliefs in them. Make them happy. Raise that IQ as best as you fucking can on them. Put them in the whitest environments you can if you want better genetics. It'll eventually imprint. If not then raise them truly and let them be proud of themseleves. I'm proud to be white, they should be proud to be black. Don't let yourself fall through the cracks and race mix. You'll create such a divide. Never is it a good idea. A separate place for every race.

zoomers pls , witness the only non cucked post ITT

Ah a step up from black pardon this but the rules apply just replace the word black with latino. Seriously don't make mutts by ruining white genetics or black genetics. Stick to your loved people and raise them through.

you're mentally ill, just marry latino guy and have kids with him, you're people will be the majority in the US in like two decades anyways.

It was never meant for you, la creatura Maria.

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Post hand with timestamp if you want proper advice. Depending on how white you are you might be able to get bleached, or you might be too far gone to have decent kids.

Don’t you feel like you have a responsibility to pass on your lineage?

>why do you want me to make more mutts?
There's a pretty good case (Jose Vasconselos is the main guy) that mestizos are a distinct, relatively new race. You don't need to buy into some of his crazier supremacist notions to acknowledge that he might be onto something. Ethnogenesis does happen, American whites are another example IMO.

That aside, Latin America racemixing mostly seems to be a problem when it concentrates African/indio lines.

>i dont want mentally ill kids with an inferiority complex
Are you mentally ill? If not, just don't have kids with a mentally ill guy. The biggest inferiority complexes appear to be from black/white mixes, and the biggest mental illness problems look to be from white/asian mixes.

its not mutt if you don't miscegenate.

Have you considered becoming an outspoken loyalist and using great deeds and imperishable fame to get the rewards you want at the risk of being hated by your own kind?

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>what kind of question is that
Just curious what her reasoning was

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Also, post tits so we can give you a more informed opinion on your personal and racial destiny.

You know the rules
>tits of gtfo

i just want to adopt I dont want to have children at all because we latinos are mutts with no potential
no i hate myself

hispanics are already mutts

post tits

>Non white girl here
Do the right thing.

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If you're mestiza you may be more Euro than you think. Get the whitest husband you can find and raise them the best you can. Remember you are basically a hapa. I have seen quapas who look completely white. Actually most of my hapas friends kids look white. I have a Mexican neighbor who is definitely more indio than white, she passes for Asian almost, and her husband who is a redhead gave her very cute light haired children. Get the whitest man you can - redheads or blonds - and raise them right, with white educational values and a Hispanic love of family.

The fact of the matter is, many of the white parents who adopt colored babies are actually settling because there are basically no healthy white babies to adopt. They are in very high demand. So your chances of getting one are slim, even from abroad.

That's where you're wrong. Tits or gtfo, why are women so non-submissive and uppity like you

>Get the whitest husband you can find
Hello Juden


id rather raise a white mans surrogate children, i dont want to pass my genes at all

if you are go with sweedish mix with something else

Adopt your own race dipshit.

How severe is your mental illness? Eat healthy and raise your kid in a good environment and they will be ok.

If you really don't want to pass down your genes then you're best bet is to marry a white divorced man with a couple of kids and be a wonderful stepmom.

What if she's native American ?

Asking this on Pol is retarded since everyone here is a cuck, or a kike, or a shill, or a straight up nigger, bleaching exists and it is based, do wathever you want tho, is your life

I thought I'd have to scroll 2 more pages the way things were going before I saw this. Wtf is happening to pol. Checked fellow old-timer.

>being such a beta faggot you got btfo by a chick on Jow Forums of all places

Rose, is that you?

>That's where you're wrong.
we have amerindian european and african dna, how are we not mutts?

domt know who that is

White genes are passed through the father, not the mother.

Tits or gtfo

Hey Brittany venti

you're worse than one. Tits or gtfo

Best you buy a used pitbull.

have sex

Based anime poster

>hurr durr femanon here

kys retard, theres no reason to proclaim your moist hole between your legs to get an answer on your initial inquiry. considering how vapid and uninteresting you sound, you ought to simply go back to your tribal lands of Africa and get raped by a pack of niggers.

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Get riced.
Asians are mutts already anyway.

>all these replies from beta cucks
fuck outta here you disgusting ugly roastie looking for attention and approval, the only option for you is killing yourself and all the white knights underage b& in this thread should consider suicide as well

kys faggot. What if she's a qt asian?

This. America is not for niggers, arab, chinks, jews nor any other group than the european settlers that divorced from British rule. Like all the great presidents of the past once proclaimed; the niggers didnt deserve to be enslaved, they deserved to return back to Africa where they were better off and the whites in America were better off. Theres no two ways about it- nor any racial-supremacy to claim racism or unfair. Like people want to live among like people. You cant take that away from them; just as the niggers have it and so do the Israelis.

Just have kids with your own kind in your own country and raise your kids with nationalist values and teach them to build up their own community and their own country, like we are trying to do. Make your race less shit. Make your homeland less shit.

Adopt a pet, you clearly shouldn't be raising childeren

Well you're probably a troll. Post tits and clam.

>inferior race
>implying OP is Asian
>implying Asians are inferior in any way, shape, or form.

She's black, you idiot.

I'd rate the pit above her at this point. He's a animal after all. He as a excuse for his tendency like a wolf does. She hasn't one.

no onions troll, si onions latina

I wasn't implying asians were inferior. I just thought she meant she wanted white kids.

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Get the fuck out of here s󠀀oy faggot.

read the thread idiot, im not black

be a dogmom

Nice IP change with those IDs faggot.

>implying any woman is capable of raising a child properly

>girl here
>no tits
get the fuck out. Nobody cares that you're a woman. Go.

im phoneposting sorry

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I'll donate German Irish sperm. U live in the northwest?

How non white are you? Are you a bantu? Or bantu mix? Or are you naitive/Mexican? Asian? Jewish/Arab? Some genes should really not be prepetuated, while others have the potential to be bleached. You should asess your genetic profile on bleaching potentiality before giving up completely.

mexican 5% black

Hispanic/mestiza can still mean anything ... there is a really big spectrum of whiteness within the Hispanic mestiza phenotype. What shape is your nose? What colour is your skin?

Although I'm guessing you should have some bleaching potential.

Don't - white babies are hard to come by I understand - leave them for white couples. Adopt one of your own.

i look like the average mexican

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Show tits so we can see how non white are you, I'm sure some of the gentlemen here will help you with your problem after you show them

im not a whore

Nice to meet you, spinigger. Now go back.

Don't exactly know what your looking for here. I would advise towards bleaching and away from adoption but to answer your original question:

Ethnic tierlist:

West Slavic
East Slavic
South Slavic
Albanian (r they white? Idk)

Bleachable. Have your own children user. There is enough Spanish DNA in that picture to produce genetically gifted children with the right pairing.