Trump to rename Gitmo "Comey Island"
and will use it to house the dirty cops, intel agents and co-conspirators who used lies to illegally SPY on a President. HOLY SHIT.
if this shit is real, it would be a fucking blessing to the USA.
Coney/Comey Island is for JUNKIES
This movie was prophetic
Crooked Comey BTFO!
it's a joke you autistic plan truster
watch this for a good laugh
>It's a real tweet
Holy shit. Almost go time lads.
>MIGApedes will unironically believe this
Lmao. Is Comey Island supposed to be a play on Coney Island, New York?
I'm guessing so.
It would be hilarious if Trump renamed it after that slimeball.
big if true
pretty sure comey is a witness
you serious? hes the one theyre going to let take fall to get the investigations to stop. Dems blame him for hillary losing the race.
Huckabee out-Trumped Trump twitter with that. Comey Island, holy fuck
why wouldnt Trump go after Brennan?
Ahead of its time
Witness to what? This only seems to indicate that Trump believes in the Zionist Christian bullshit of the Schofield Bible.
>Jesus will return before the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel passes.
This is the ultimate in christcuck neocon kikery.