What happen at Chernobyl?

What happen at Chernobyl?

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soviet engineering

it was a prank

Your fucking stupid

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In Soviet Russia white people are the niggers.

Half of Europe was almost blasted with lethal amounts of radiation, which would've effectively ended the white race 30 years ago

its what happens when you let degenerate snow niggers play with big boom....

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Nope, he’s spot on. Soviet engineering - massively at fault for explosion. Soviet nuke techs were fucking turdbrains as well.

Ukrainians were given tech that was a bit ahead of them.

It shows by them dying like flies while living on the most fertile European lands, not able to build a proper society/identity after 1991 and of course, Chernobyl. No wonder Ussr failed with such retarded allies.

The Rbmk and it’s variants are still some of the simplest and most effective power generation units the world has ever seen.

It’s still operational in over 4 cunts, and it provides the cleanest energy over any non renewable.

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The explosion was the result of an experiment conducted by some engineer from Russia.

Da. Their plans was to scare world from using most efficient cheap energy, so that Israels strategic position near oil sources would not be compromised!

Chernobyl Christmas for the bad guys

>power plant works fine
>decide to do high stress test
>something goes wrong
>helium which is byproduct explodes
>at that time graphite was still used to control reaction, graphite ignites
>graphite smoke carries radioactive particles with wind to the europe
>soviets at first pretend nothing happened and try to contain this shit within a secret by sending unprepared people asap
>radioactivity meters spike in eastern and even western europe
>other countries demand answers
>soviets admit there was fuck up, surrounding areas are evacuated
>mass iodine distribution to population because iodine gathers radioactive stuff so you could shit/piss it out or something
>soviets finally organize more proper protection for workers trying to contain the spread
>people rated this shit so potentially dangerous that for decades various countries were heaping money together on maintenance of sarcophagus built over reactor
>people still shit their pants over nuclear power and overlimit it with laws despite the fact that today thanks to lessons from Chernobyl we use different element to control reaction so even in case of explosion all radioactive shit would remain in the reactor and dome build above it is legally forced to withstand even plane crash iirc, but as we know, fet fuel melts steel beams
>Imran Zachayev loses hand to SAS sniper somewhere in the meantime
>someone employs french to build cover almost bigger than the whole building and roll it onto part of the power plant with fucked reactor

I fucking knew it.

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Pretty good summary

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you must be 18 years or older to post here

Tell me, how does an RBMK reactor explode? Not meltdown, explode?

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Hydrogen (I fucked up and said Helium in previous post) exploded. Uranium isotope used in nuclear power plants can't explode.

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>Tell me, how does an RBMK reactor explode? Not meltdown, explode?

Strictly speaking, the reactor didn't explode, the gas did. The reactor just got ripped apart by the explosion.

Pretty sure power spikes from a control rod scram count as a pretty big fucking engineering flaw, considering the after effects, wouldn't you agree ? If you are scraming you want the complete opposite of a power spike.

>the reactor didn't explode

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Brainlet pinkos have been programmed to not see fault in even the most obviously disastrous aspects of their failed utopia.

I could go on, the power plant design as a whole was kinda fuckery in that standard soviet design. No containment dome for example.

>Imran Zachayev loses hand to SAS sniper somewhere in the meantime



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Monolith and Clear Sky wage war over the Brain Scorcher


>Soviet engineering
as long they didn't cut corners and follow the rulebook of that powerplant it would've never happenend and all will be fine.
have a look at this:


+ the party was forcing personel to do all the planned tests too early and to fast at once dispite all the warnings of the actuall professionals and builders of that type of reactor and there was honor to maintain by the partycommisar responcible for chernobyl.
so it's pride and soviet engineering that caused all this.
hence in that tvshow they started at the end with that suicide.

The Soviet solution for achieving a vacuum on the plasma crystal experiment they ran on Mir was to hook the experimental chamber to the fucking waste disposal hatch and just turn a handle and expose it directly to the vacuum of space whenever they needed to depressurize it. Simple and effective, but also monumentally stupid and unsafe.

Same shit here.

>most effective
Define effective. Because 75% efficacy can been fine for some things but fucking atrocious for others

Prompt criticality from combination of many factors such as moderator covered control rods, SCRAM insertion speed, withdrawal of almost all control rods, steam voids, damaged fuel channels and using graphite as a moderator.

Prompt criticality is why you need to use implosion when making a plutonium bomb, prompt criticality causes pre detonation and also caused the massive increase in power at the moment of control rod insertion from AZ command.

100% RBMK design faults, all operator error, tinkering, oversight, override and incompetence should be accounted for in any defense-in-depth design philosophy.

TMI also had this user interface flaw as well as inferential measurment of critical data, latency in indications and command acknowledgement without physical interlocks. However TMI had propper containment.

Reactors need to be fully computer controlled with the user limited to a off switch and power level only... everything else should be controlled by failsafe natural control laws when available and redundant computers when that is not possible.

big bada boom

No containment building on earth could have stopped it. It blew the bioshield directly into sky like a jumping bean.

Any container would have concentrated it like a pipe bomb, and thats just the mechanicals explosive effects, scattering the majority of fuel and graphite prevented further excursions and hence more explosions.

The RBMK was a plutonium breeding design that also could be used for electricity. Like windscale... safety was the last consideration.


Its like a brake in a car is also wired to the fuel injector for the first few moments of depression. It was known since the incident in the Lithuania RBMK but never revealed to th operators for security reasons.

I'm still on the fence about Chernobyl being intentional... its possible. It did bring down the USSR and nuclear industry and like any false flag, should have been stopped and a thousand different intervention points... but was allowed to continue.

they wanted to see what will happen if they try to overclock the reactor and after the successful overclocking when they wanted to reset it back to its deafult value the controling devices stopped working. The reactor wasn't prepared to work under those stressfull conditions and got overheated what lead to the chain-reaction.

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Third Trumpet in book of Revelation

cmon everyone knows this

Scientists attempted to manipulated the consciousness-field of the earth but it backfired

>attempted to manipulated
I'm retarded

Soviets were keeping nuclear secrets so tightly, that even their greatest engineers didn't know the whole story. Basically, engineers didn't know all the details, all the possible flaws; they were kept in the dark. Chernobyl's reactor had some huge issues in the design, however practically none of the engineers on site knew about them - they were not allowed to know.
Chernobyl accident was a result of this ignorance, of soviet politics and soviet pride.


Western diversion in order to stop eastern europe from making multiple nuclear power plants that were planned at the time. 6 were planned only in Yugoslavia, none of which got made. Fake and gay fear and conquer shit.

Nope reactors from that time are still up an running eventhough they are some what faulty.

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Always the same shit.

a bunch of games were made about it

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British people fucked it up. They made a show about it recently and all the bad actors are British. Didn’t know there were so many Brits in Ukraine senpai.

>meter only goes up to 3.6
>says radiation is 3.6
>other guy tests another meter that goes up to 1000
>it break immediately

>must be a broken meter to its just 3.6
>guy starts throwing up blood

>tell him to take a break and day off

lol this shit is just unbelievable. when 3 mile island occurred in the 70s people were literally running for their lives when there was virtually no radiation but in Chernobyl people were going outside and sightseeing the beautiful colors of the plant being on fire

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literally nothing
28 dead
but for ((( some ))) reason whole world still freaks out about it


>helium which is byproduct explodes

Children of Ukraine and Belarus have been enduring endless deformities and cancer pain.

Thousands of liquidators and hundreds of pilots had their lives cut short to save us all from the beast.

Have some respect.

It is a pity that this explosion did not destroy white bastards across Europe.

Thank you South Korean brother. My grandmother was a dispatcher near the scene of the tragedy.

Also 73,000 people torn from their homes, possesions and pets on a moments notice... never to return.

are you stupid?

>hold my vodka...

>What happen at Chernobyl?

And this says a person who also had a tragedy at a nuclear power plant.

>tfw I literally owe my life to old, shitty russian engineering
dog bless the USSR's incompetence

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they stole alot of the details except the safety protocols. XD

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This asian knows what he's talking about

to be fair to soviet engineering, a lot of the questionable design choices were because they were using the plant for plutonium production and not just straight commercial energy generation.

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Educate me user

This sums it up pretty well.

It would not have been an issue as long as the reactor was run according to established parameters. It were the technicians who were at fault.

They were planning to do an experiment, right before reactor shutdown. To do it, they needed a fairly specific power output. They powered it down too quickly, however, and missed their window. In stead of saying "too bad guess we'll have to try again some other time", they in stead went ahead and removed all possible safety measures, to get the reactor to power up again, and then stay in the fairly exact range needed by the experiment. As the reactor was not designed to do this, and they had removed all safety precautions, disaster ensues.

You cannot blame the design (imperfect as it may be) when clearly the technicians were fucking around in a very unsafe manner. If I cut the break lines of your car, and you get killed in a car crash, it makes no sense to blame it in the manufacturer for not including enough crumple zones.

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Aren’t Slavs literal white niggers when compared to you Western Europeans?

Eh, Soviet engineering wasn't great, but not terrible.

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>>Imran Zachayev loses hand to SAS sniper somewhere in the meantime

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On which occasion?

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Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity. Bureaucratic group think breeds events like this.

Pretty wrong summary, it wasn't a stress test it was a test to see if they could run the water pumps if the reactor shut down with the wind-down energy of the turbine untill the diesel generators kicked in after 40 secs.

The reactor was supposed to be ran at 700mw for the test for safety reasons but the guy in charge that shift wanted to do it at 200mw his logic was that if the test failed they could redo it quickly since there would be more water left in the reactor. But the reactor is unstable at low energies and getting it down to 200 it shut down completely so he ordered the removal of all control rods to quickly get it back online. It did but with no control rods inserted there was an unknown hot spot deep in the reactor away from sensors. Fuel started to melt and they pressed the emergency shut down which lowers all control rods which being ripped with graphite, same material that encases the fuel rods which acts as a neutron moderator. Slows down neutrons so fission can occur. Lowering all control rods at the same time increased power output 1000 times which melts the fuel flash vaporises the water in the reactor steam explosion occurs lifting up the 1000 ton concrete reactor lid and ejects fuel and graphite into the environment. The vaporized coolant water has been split into hydrogen and oxygen which now burns and ignites the graphite which burns releasing radioactive dust and particulates into the air. Let alone the direct exposure to high level radiation from being near the graphite and fuel remnants.

>Children of Ukraine and Belarus have been enduring endless deformities and cancer pain.
Gross exaggeration. Especially the Ukrainian numbers are clearly a case of corruption, to try and get more bennies. Ukrainians can never be trusted.

>What happen
Just a bunch of retards with degrees in politology and cocksucking, running a technology they didn't invent and don't understand.

We should've learned from your kind and never progressed beyond mud huts.

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Actually it does, and courts attribute liability when it comes to causal chains like that all the time.

Average iq is ≈97 so yeah, I guess

Dont forget they manually disabled emergency control rods. Automated system correctly inserted them, but didn't have enough since all but 12 were manually removed.

Basically the nightshift techs were actively fighting/disabling every security system in the design to run this test.


Affirmative Action.

Prequel to S.T.A.L.K.E.R

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It was not necessary to eliminate the consequences of the accident, it was necessary to put a huge fan and send wind radiation to Western Europe.

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Norwegians are generally a backward nation. Nothing came up at all. Believe we have enough iq to come and enslave you. We are populating Norway with Jews, their iq is clearly higher than that of past nonentities. Thanks to the great Jew Einstein for providing us with nuclear weapons.

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Free cancer.

virtually all of it has traces of radio isotopes from Chernobyl. btw small doses of slav power juice Radiation might be good for health so its okay


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This comrade is hysterical, send him to the infirmary

This comrade is delusional

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Those numbers could have been alot lower if for the Moscow blanketing the media, pretending it didn't happen. They delayed if for too long.

Better to be Norwegian than a Slav.

>btw small doses of slav power juice Radiation might be good for health so its okay
We can still feed you, we are not greedy. Ask as much as you want.

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*the Moscow {media}

they needed helium

>people still shit their pants over nuclear power and overlimit it with laws despite the fact that today thanks to lessons from Chernobyl we use different element to control reaction so even in case of explosion all radioactive shit would remain in the reactor and dome build above it is legally forced to withstand even plane crash iirc, but as we know, fet fuel melts steel beams

What happened in Fukushima then?

>Russian military pilots have described how they created rain clouds to protect Moscow from radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.

>Major Aleksei Grushin repeatedly took to the skies above Chernobyl and Belarus and used artillery shells filled with silver iodide to make rain clouds that would "wash out" radioactive particles drifting towards densely populated cities.

>More than 4,000 square miles of Belarus were sacrificed to save the Russian capital from the toxic radioactive material.


Russians literally sacrificed Belarus to prevent Moscow from becoming contaminated.

When the Slavs come to destroy Scandinavia, you will sing differently, cock. You are evolutionarily weak. You are not able to fight for your race and your nation.