Muh been doing this for centuries. We will be fine. I live in IL around tons of farmers. None of them are worried.
Leo Ortiz
Trumppromisedto cancel H-1B and H-2B visas.(number of visas doubled) -- Trumppromisedcaravan illegals could not come into USA. (Caravan illegals allowed to enter.) -- Trumppromiseda border wall. (No Wall.) -- Trumppromisedto end catch and release of illegals. (Catch and release continues.) -- Trumppromisedto end Sanctuary Cities. (No Action.) -- Trumppromisedto end DACA Amnesty on his first day. (DACA continues.) -- Trumppromisedto oppose Amnesty. (Trump supports Amnesty via HR 4760) -- TrumppromisedExecutive Order to end birthright citizenship. (No Order.) -- Trumppromisedillegals would go home. (Trump endorses Amnesty legislation.) -- TrumppromisedDHS would clean up elections fraud. (No Action.)