The Canadian government has taken the next step in raising food prices by banning firearms. By this time next year ground beef will be $90/kg, chicken breast $75/kg, and steaks will be completely banned. Weapons will be banned as part of the 5 year plan to get every leaf on a diet of insects, insect powder, and concentrated soi.
They will all gleefully comply, because Canada is the most cucked country on earth.
Does he get paid to shill or is it pure polish retardation that makes him this way? Hitler was right, the poles are true lower than dogs.
Justin Gray
Too rare unless you prepared the meat yourself, from birth...trusting any supermarket or most butchers to handle meat from kill to sale is like putting your money in a (((bank))).
i'm not confused, it just doesn't look very good. the potatoes look like mass produced packaged ones, they've got no texture. the gravy looks runny. that spinache casserole or whatever it is looks like green snot that has been food processed, no texture. the meat is a big piece, poorly grained with lots of unrendered fat, looks like someone basted it in butter to make it palatable instead of cooking it right. 3/10 would eat if drunk and take leftovers for dog
Oliver Campbell
That was on sale, and the meat is shitty quality sirloin.
Why? Afraid that a Canadian is going to rape your mother?
Aaron Reed
why are you mad we have higher quality meats?
Caleb Ortiz
Am I missing something? When did Canada ban firearms?
Josiah Jenkins
>goalpost status: moved
Elijah Stewart
based schizoposter
Nathaniel Williams
Canadians on average pay around $3.50 USD for a gallon of gas. All while sitting on massive oil reserves, being self-cucked by their oppressive government. What a pathetic country.
We haven't. > alberta leaf We tried a gun registration program here some years ago. It was an expensive useless mess. Registration is limited to hand guns, and has been that way for a long time.
Brayden Cruz
Holy shit its actually more expensive for steaks in the USA compared to our average priced steaks. You need to delete that image it's exposing your LIES more than ever lmao
Nathan Butler
if that's grass-fed beef, it's probably pretty close to US prices
those aren't brazilian cows, they are mcdonald's cows
Elijah Cox
Why U steaks so $$$? Isnt Calgary and Alberta perfect for cattle?
Listen my canuck goy, just pick your exceptionally polite ass up, just walk over our border and we can ammo and beef up yourself and send you back to hockeyland. Don Cherry is my hero.
the majority of our cows here are becoming mccows too. grain-fed and everything. or grassfed but very old and tough.
quality ribeye is around 55 reais per kilo in my state, but in sao paulo or rio is like 80 reais (17 dollars). but our mininum wage is like 1,2 dollars per hour.
brazil is the country of the future, but not because we'll get any better, it's just that the western world is becoming just as worse
>poorly grained with lots of unrendered fat You sir, are a retard. They have some of the best prime rib in the country. Also, look up what rendering means.
On the plus side, I hear that a company in Israel has just patented a new 'petri-meat' where it's grown in a lab (real). Almost the same as normal meat (trust us) and can help save the climate too! I guess you goys will have to just start buying that instead!