If you guys really think 6 million didn't die then how many did?
What's your proof?
If you guys really think 6 million didn't die then how many did?
What's your proof?
>If you guys really think 6 million didn't die then how many did?
the point is: not enough
>What's your proof?
there are still jews
What was the Jewish population in 1939? 1946? Do math. Faggot.
I don't care if 6 million died or not, I want all the Jews dead anyways.
Someone post those red cross figures. I trust them over the commies and kikes.
fpbp came here to say this
>instashit tier image
Billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions
Old news man there’s a new genocide happening now. white genocide