God is re-

God is re-

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i dont like that at all

some are called to carry that cross. not everyones burden the same. to those whom much is given much is expected. it's easier for a rich fucking jew to enter heaven, than it is for a camel to enter the eye of a needle.

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>god isn't real because bad things happen
ok retard

god isn't real because there is no evidence.

>wanna know how I got these scars

That guy is so going to hell for his channel.

That's why you don't smoke and drink while pregnant

Yeah that’s how it goes

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>Abiogenesis isn’t real because there isn’t evidence.
Find better arguments faggot

>it's easier for a rich fucking jew to enter heaven, than it is for a camel to enter the eye of a needle.

thanks for the laugh bro

God didn't turn his back on humanity we turned our back on God. The world he made was perfect and we had our place in it, but now we live in sin and misery.

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If god is real he sure as hell isnt benevolent

heh, tell it to my mother

that has already been established

Man, she must have done some bad shit before she reincarnated.

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Not my proudest fap.

Good lord.


I'll take what I can get

You said the last part backwards, dude.

stop projecting

>waaahhh Mummy made me go to Sunday school sometimes
Hope you get your head out your ass one day, basedboy apostate

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her mom is hot tho

It's really hard to watch this, it's so repulsive and I feel like that guy hosting the channel either a) has some seriously sick fetish
or b) has the biggest heart in the world



i'd guess she's a 1/5 tarkatan

user, I......