Oy vey! That's a rowdy goy you have there...

>Oy vey! That's a rowdy goy you have there. Good thing I created this drug that will pacify him and change his brain chemistry, making him a good, little obedient gentile.

I will never fucking take this (((medicine))) again. All it did for me was make me jerk off to porn for 18 hours straight, which naturally made me want to blow my fucking brains out.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw just got done with a 12 hour amp fueled porn binge

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Fucking retard. Fuck you and your digits.

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>have drug that can enhance your focus on whatever you decide to do
>waste it on jerking off
Amphetamines are great, it's just most people are degenerates and squander the utility of it.

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This is a complicated subject not suitable for discussion here. You partially have a point, but, yeah, this isn't the place. Thanks for the info though fren. Stop masturbating and start improving yourself though.

>just have sex

what'd they say again?

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Sounds like you should go take your meds and her off

wish i could buy adderall off amazon



Yeah, maybe, maybe not. I dropped the pills and I'm on NoFap/NoPorn.

Whats wrong with jerking off for 18 hours

> I'm on NoFap/NoPorn.
For how long?


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friction burns? i dunno, i'm not a degenerate masturbator

Meth was created by the vastly superior Japanese.
You should have just used it instead.

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I can tell you this; adderall is a dangerous drug. It is classified as a schedule ll drug (the most dangerous drug doctors can prescribe). It is obviously better than methamphetamine; but it is still dangerous.

You are right to want to stop taking it, as most people have terrible side effects taking it. There are a few people who take it without fucking up their lives.

If you are one of the few people who can function on adderal? Congrats.

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Why do you think you are an authority on what should or shouldn't be discussed here? You drink milk from a fucking plastic bag.

The skin on your dick starts peeling off

>porn addiction
It is over.

He jewed us


Hol up lol


Imagine being an octuple faggot

There are plenty of other rookie who aren’t as weak as you and can manage to use it responsibly , faggot.


>Why do you think you are an authority on what should or shouldn't be discussed here?
I've been here a while and I've learned there are downsides to being completely free and anonymous, such as the existence of faggots like you.

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The nigga look like Vincent van ghoul from scooby doo and the 13 ghosts.

I take Vyvanse, but it's comical OP complains that Adderall made him degenerate when it's ultimately just a performance enhancer. This means whether you decide to jerk off, read a book, do home work, or write better software at work the result is intense focus and concentration.

adderall makes video games really fun

Only until you learn how to have kid gloves.
Also, a bottle of glycerin and some astroglide.

I think OP is ready to move on up the chain of command. Go to straight dexamp, or maybe into NEP, then finally into meth or a-PHP.

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Do people really have trouble functioning on it? I thought that was its purpose. It turns me into a fuckin machine.

i used it responsibly for about a year, my problem was not being on it... it really, really fucks you up when you didnt take pills and i didnt like that

You could just sell it. Shit was like white kids crack back in college

Methamphetamine is probably the worst amphetamine I've ever encountered. $50 worth can turn a completely normal person, into a psychotic criminal in 24 hours or less. Anything other than a small dose, gives the user horrible hallucinations. 100% of people I did meth with (currently been sober for years) would get a visit from the shadow-people after about 12-24 hours.

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they give it to any white boy that show the warrior spirit you fucking retard

>Neurotoxicity occurs when the exposure to natural or manmade toxic substances (neurotoxicants) alters the normal activity of the nervous system. This can eventually disrupt or even kill neurons, key cells that transmit and process signals in the brain and other parts of the nervous system

I beat Days Gone in one sitting and then slept for an entire day. suck my dick wage cucks


I would and still do to this day beat my phismosis and balanitis ridden dick on this shit until I get 2cm wide 4cm long fissures on my elephant trunk, anywhere from 4 on each side on a bad month. Feels so good getting cum into these cuts and the pisses for a week are incredible. Afterall is a great drug, but hey it alloowed me to fix my rotatiller today so that's something, my dick is killing me tho


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I didn't acquire a prescription until I was 22 years old.
I don't think children should be prescribed it.


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Sleep deprivation makes you hallucinate, not meth

This. And may god have mercy on anyone who interrupts my 3 day long amph fueled video game/fap-a-thon.


blah blah blah
go police some other thread you stupid bitch

Actually, dopamine is the source of sexual arousal.
All sexual activity is driven by dopamine, and the stronger the dopamine response, the more "recreational" a stimulant is. Some homofaggots IV methamphetamine straight into their dicks for long-lasting constant orgasms.
Also, competitive gaming, social media use, and other recreational activities(such as Twitch streaming) greatly enhance dopamine response, leading to sexual arousal and perversions.
This is the reason so many trannies/faggots/furries are into social media, speedrunning and competitive gaming, and why there seems to be so much sexual content around Twitch streams.
It's also why gambling and sexual degeneracy go hand in hand.

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what a mad cunt

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at very low doses (like 15 mg) it increases productivity for a couple hours, then you must take more.

at higher doses, you get so high, you get nothing done (or your skin turns orange and your eyes grow crack-head size) and you scare away normal people. you believe you are getting something done, because you are moving quickly. usually you are walking around in circles.

this is what you look like when you take too much adderall and stay up for a few days. this is basically what you look like when you take too much, everyone is scared of you.


how did your dick function afterwards? Were you edging the whole time?

>tfw you flailing hard as a bitch

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Hours 1-2 edging, hours 3-4 edging and maintaining chug everything past that for me is half chub or less

someone audit the amount of Jewish kids prescribed Adderall I guarantee its very low comparable to their peers.

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It's a racemic mix of isomers of methamphetamine salts. It's the same thing

I love the shadow people. I'm not a weak fuck though. I've gone into full-blown psychosis many times with many 7-day binges under the belt(PVs are my doc) and never acted in a dangerous or criminal manner. Got freaked out every time, but it's not hard for me to regain control.

Weak people should NEVER use speed of any kind. They're not cut out for it. You must have discipline to handle powerful stimulants. Vyvanse being an exception since it has an upper limit due to how fast the body can metabolize the lysine off the lisdex molecule.
Looking to buy 5g of a-PHP, as the DEA is about to fully ban it at the end of May.

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Be careful because I promise this shit will literally destroy your dick and make it impossible to feel anything with a girl

Does that mean it will show on drug tests as meth?

>Sleep deprivation makes you hallucinate, not meth

What you are saying isn't correct AT ALL. Sleep deprivation does make you hallucinate (but it takes days to start) and they are not nearly as sever.

Ever stayed up for 24-48 hours sober? Of course you have. You just felt weird and exhausted usually. Usually don't even have hallucinations until about 4-5 days plus, and they are usually "mild."

Try taking meth. you start hearing voices after about 20 hours, and you see the shadow people (and enter different worlds) after about 40.

you are pretty dumb.

>tfw been binging on 200 mg addy and 80-90mg oxy for four months

Feels fucking good

these people don't know what the fuck they are talking about. literally don't listen to anyone in this thread praising meth as some wonder drug.

what happens to your benis?

Eventually you will scar yourself permanently from edging that much

i take 60mg before work and get as much work done in a day than i would in a normal week.
and i use adderall very sparingly when it comes to frequency.

I’m just wondering because I know a lot of people who sometimes take adderall even though they aren’t prescribed.

figures something created by a kike (addy) has the long term use side effects of e.d. and hair loss

I hope you get sober soon.

This. I may or may not have sold 20mg X-r pills for $25 back in the day

>graduated uni 6 years ago

What the fuck

Dopamine is also the source of motivation.
That's why it's so useful for productivity.
Menial and tedious stuff becomes fun, you could be reviewing the most dry of topics and still find it enjoyable.

Correct. Excess dopamine agonism directly leads to psychotic states of mind.
Schizophrenia is thought to be partly related to excess dopamine receptor agonism in the brain, which is why many antipsychotic drugs are D receptor antagonists. Think: Thorazine. The opposite of psychosis is apathy.

Last time I took Adderall I just played Osu for 12 hours. Massive waste of time. I would have been more productive not taking meth

Ho Lee Fuk. So many druggie degenerates ITT. Listen up dumb cunts, sure SOME can handle it, but look at it this way, you take the Jew drug, binge Jew porn, finally blow a load from your limp, chafed dick and then you realize what you did, all the things you neglected and could've done and so deep depression sets in, bordering on suicidal thoughts.

>this kills the goy

Run on sentence. Fuck you. Reddit spacing. Fuck you.




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Buddy at work says the same thing but I don’t think I have any reason to. Sure, Mum is worried but I’m an anxious fuck when I’m sober. That’s no way to live, user. I work full time job. Not all is lost

adderal will not show up on a laboratory grade test as meth, because it is NOT meth. sometimes, adderall will give you a false positive for the instant tests that companies and halfway houses use (i was manager at a halfway house for years).

If you boss gives you an instant test, and it pops for meth? you're going to have to explain that you take adderall and ask to clear your name, by immediately going to a professional lab.

Yes. If you have a prescription, provide it.

Its actually dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine, not methamphetamine. All the phenylethyamine compounds will show up as positive on a drug screen. Then they will send it to a lab to be has chromatography tested and will identify the exact chemicals as needed

Well, I've done a lot of meth and never hallucinated, so maybe you're just a fucking schizo

Was on Ritalin for like 16 years. Finally decided at 22 to quit cold turkey and I've never regretted it.
Took like 2 hits of meth recently and it immediately brought me back to my school days.
Can't eat because I feel nauseous.
Can't sleep because my heart rate is 130.
God I don't know how people stand that stuff.
The person I was with smoked that shit like it was candy.



how is a-PHP compaired to 3fpm?

Adderall all just amplifies who you are. If you’re naturally a worthless fapper then at least you know you shouldn’t spend 100k on college.

Lucky you...I've been on Adderall since 2nd grade and it started giving me Ed around 24ish. It messed with my appetite too. I'm never hungry when on it but turn into a eating machine when I don't.

Don’t start it desu it’s all trash

Worthless degenerates like you get the rope, but I must admit you have me a nice giggle.

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Interesting stuff. Thanks.

my record is 3 and a half days for one single wank


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Motivation is fundamentally sexual but you don’t have to become a degenerate.

So what kind of porn are you degenerates looking at?

I was diagnosed (so easy to fake) with ADD and am prescribed, but just recently learning its origin coupled with my irresponsible behaviour on it, no matter how many times I told myself, "This time will be different", I am cancelling that shit for life.

>I've done a lot of meth and never hallucinated

That's funny, I used meth for years. Literally every single person I ever got high with had hallucinations and serious problems after about 20 hours or so.

glad i don't take that shit anymore. maybe stop lying about how horrible that shit is.

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Based I miss ruining my dick on amphetamines.

Yes indeed. Low dopamine means low motivation and apathy. The problem is, too much all the time leads to bad behavior. And most of our modern-day bad behavior is caused by too much dopamine from the technology in our lives. We hit our reward buttons too much with socializing and gaming. It feels good to get a (you) here, or on Twitter as a retweet, or on reddit as an upboat, because of the little dopamine hit that gets released. Too much of this though, and you begin suffering other side effects, and sexual deviancy, egomania, and delusions are among those. Most people don't realize they use the internet and gaming like a coke fiend uses key bumps. Just watch younger members of your family sometime, they can't put their smartphones down for 10 minutes. That's dopamine.

This is why I refuse to use electronic devices like that. Never owned a phone or played an online game. I take breaks from technology regularly to let my dopamine levels return to normal.
Unlike with drugs, which have limits to their usage before they destroy your body, technology has none of those limits really, and is far more dangerous because of that. Far harder to control.
Even in myself, the internet is the only actual addiction I have. I start going apeshit when my connection dies. No drugs make me do that.

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You can literally get prescribed meth... Desoxy, but the price of it is crazy

Yeah, it'll cause you all sorts of problems. Hallucinating isn't one of them, unless you have underlying mental problems. Funny thing, mental problems tend to congregate with other mental problems, which might explain the commonality of hallucinations among the people you know.

Recreationally? DESTROYS it. a-PHP destroys meth. Only MDPV and a-PVP best it.
For usefulness though? a-PHP is useless. You will not get anything useful done on it at all. No functionality whatsoever. Also highly compulsive/addicting.

PVs are no joke.

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that's one of the problems. you can get it pretty quickly if you have money. just go to a doctor and ask for it. if they say "no," you can literally just go down the street and ask the next doctor. It's not even illegal. It's only illegal to get the same drug from more than one doctor.

it's not illegal to ask 3 doctors until one just writes you a script. doctors who do prescribe it (many will not) don't know or even care how dangerous the shit is.

the worst part is I know for a fact its everywhere here but Im not plugged into the pipeline. shit fucking sucks

Better off just buying a box of pseudo and rocking it yourself.
Sure, you can only get a certain amount, but it's enough for a good week of entertainment.

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Yea but I bet not a lot of pharmacies carry it and I bet VERY few doctors prescribe it.

I'm 10 days in. I don't want to stop. I've tried for YEARS. Never reached 30 days without at least peeking at porn, so, yeah. I just want to detach myself from the porn jew. It will never replace a real relationship. inb4 women are whores, etc etc I don't want to hear it. That's a whole different can of worms.