Holy shit I can not stand liberals

>Be me
>Thanksgiving 2017
>family talking politics at the dinner table
>disagree with them on college campuses targeting republicans
>they reply that batshit racists shouldn’t have free speech
>eventually turns to yelling
>fast forward to next year’s thanksgiving
>great aunt tells me to not talk politics because of what “I did last year”
>hear them bashing trump but decide to stay out of it
>fast forward to yesterday
>babysitting cousins
>same great aunt I previously mentioned shows up when my shift ends
>aunt that is the mother of my cousins calls me an Uber
>me and my great converse
>she starts bashing republicans again
Sorry to waste your time Jow Forums, I would post this on r/offmychest but I automatically banned because I participate in r/the_donald

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user, you gotta stop wasting your time on these retards.

This. Don't give them the time of day.

I also just stopped. If you give them the gratification of speaking, they'll just gang up on you. Liberals are emotional vampires and they're just looking to feel superior to someone.

Family shit is a lot easier now that i just hide my power level and do better at everything than my family does.

Jesus at least go to r/TrueOffMyChest

Yup, I stopped talking politics 2 years ago because first, they gang up on you, and two, they are uninformed. You can have all the statistics on hand about a subject matter, and not a week later, they will forget everything you told them and spout their same opinions. I don't blame them for being uninformed tho. I would be uninformed too if I didn't spend a lot of time reading about the subject and got my daily news from NPR instead. Though my dad is the only conservative, he's a common sense conservative, as in he knows what works, and what doesn't work, whats right, and whats right, but doesn't do any research to back it up, so although he means well, having him on my side is more of a negative ONLY when it comes to arguing points, since he just comes off as "uninformed" to them.

Dinners are definitely more peaceful now that me and my dad let them ramble on about how they hate Trump and he's destroying the world or something. Although I've grown a certain kind of resentment when listening to them talk about a lot of things now. Like they could be talking about a completely different subject, but I now hear if from the viewpoint of someone who's very liberal. And I learned it's not just politics that we disagree with. It's a fundamental way of seeing life and all aspects in it that we differ.

lol become an ultra liberal. Find the liberal things they dont like and push even further. Out virtue signal them. The best way to win. Out jew the jew bot.


This. It’s the only way to win. Its actually really fun. I mentioned that Christian holidays are islamophobic and should be banned or that Jesus was trans and gay to some libs that go to church. You can literally watch them short circuit kek.

No user.
Print off pro trump memes. Anti democratic ones too. Next thanksgiving fold them into the napkins. Put under plates. In coat pockets. Into unlocked cars.

Apply for scholarships for girls (not a girl). They can’t say you’re not if you say you are.

>And I learned it's not just politics that we disagree with. It's a fundamental way of seeing life and all aspects in it that we differ.

I feel you here. You're lucky that your father is at least a kindred spirit.

lmao you fucking pussy you never back down to family over politics. I have had my whole family against me many times. I always get the last word and I make sure to shock all of them. Embrace who you are stop being a cuck. They say its ok to silence people you tell them "they silence me and if you are my oppressor ill make sure to kick your fucking ass"

this must be a demoralization thread, I havent met anyone on the right so weak. Half of my family are jews and I told them jews are dying in shooting because Americans are sick of zionism. My grandma started shaking her finger at me saying "oh let me tell you about all the great jews I know" i just started mocking her and told her i dont give a fuck about the jews she knows.

Go back to reddlt faggot

why the fuck would you let anyone in your family disrespect you? My family watches the news and when the news starts hating on Trump I start laughing out loud. My aunt will go "user why are you laughing this man is dangerous blah blah blah" i straight up tell them its all fear mongering bullshit and if i had my way they would be hanging from a pole.

You gotta unload the big guns. I make sure they know Trump isnt as scary as the person next to them. I straight up tell them I am a nationalist, that Israel is an enemy. They try to argue I shut them down. I am usually outnumbered, but I am so ruthless they dont like getting into conversations with me. Nowadays they are the ones who let ME ramble.

Another good way to win against someone with incredibly liberal viewpoints is not to use logic with them. You need to use emotion. You bringing stats and statistics to someone arguing from a emotional point of view is like trying to put out a fire with religious chants.

You need to learn body kinetics when arguing your point and how to use physical manipulation to psychologically dominate them during a discussion. For example; usually when you try to bring up facts you break eye contact, because people usually do so when trying to process/recall information. This, in your opponents eyes, makes you look deferential/weak/submissive, hardening them in their viewpoints against you. If you maintain eye contact when simultaneously placing a hand on their shoulder you invade their "physical space", which triggers a slight flight, fight, or submit instinct inside their primal hindbrain. You further reinforce this instinct by gently guiding them with the hand on their shoulder, or their back, while using soft language/tone (as if you were calming down a skittish mare/horse). Guiding them in such a manner triggers the "submit" instinct stated earlier, especially if they follow. If everybody is sitting down during this argument, standing up and talking near/behind your father enforces social acceptance of your viewpoints (subtly), or getting up and talking behind them so they have to crane their head /listen to you behind them triggers a vague level of threat/unease, which you can then use to create submission by the same soft tone of voice.

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If they get aggressive, you can then fuel their anger and confuse them by saying that they are getting angry and defensive, further cascading the effect and then when they are shunned by the group (ie, your family, due to their outburst) they will come back to you to apologize.

Remember, extremely out-spoken people (ie normies) base their morals on social acceptance rather than objective truth. Your father not speaking against them is tacit agreement that they are acceptable. These same people would burn witches at the stake in Jamestown, call for the crucifixion of Jesus to Pilate, think flinging cats in the 18th century would be a jolly good time, and think nothing of eating caviar (the shit part of fish). Always isolate them from the group, and if in a group remember you are convincing a group not an individual. It takes great moral courage to stand against a tide with a viewpoint, and most do not have it (seriously, check the Stanford prison experiments or any other Milligram experiments. Most people are sheep who would suffer monstrosity rather than have to work and suffer).

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point Trump is pro homosexual anti white and jewish call them insane and deluded because of MSNBC kike propaganda

then brutally execute them

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next time bring a grenade and set it off under the table

You have to go back, nigger

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This user is right and if he wasnt larping as a tough guy on a mongolian throatsinging appreciation board I would say follow his lead. Do as he saus not as he actually does which is to cower in the face of his family and quietly stew on words he had wish he said for long enough to write them out here.

>You gotta unload the big guns. I make sure they know Trump isnt as scary as the person next to them.

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this, essentially