Am*rican parents make their children pay rent

>Am*rican parents make their children pay rent

holy shit is this true?

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Yeah, unlike you spics we don't have 5 illegal aliens helping our dad pay the mortgage.

My mom made me do it for a few months but she doesn't anymore.

No. I do need to start thinking of ways to get income though because even without paying rent it doesn't last forever. I shouldn't have burned so many bridges.

I refuse to move out, or pay rent. My parents bought another house out of state just to get away from me, and now I have the whole place to myself. It's pretty nice, desu senpai

Learning to manage a budget and pay rent is a good skill to have. My parents never made me pay rent as long as I was either working or going to school. When I first moved out (against their advice, actually), I fell on my face financially within four months.

Wait, as in past 18 years old? Of course. How can you feel remotely good about yourself knowing a 60 year old is having to work and pay for you when you're more capable?

Mine did when I turned 17. I just moved out. I'd rather pay rent and live on my own than to pay rent and live with two intolerable boomers. Tipping is honestly the worst part though

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And that's bad? Fucking retarded faggot. I'd make my kids pay as I got older because it teaches them life and not just that but on top of this it helps everyone live in a bigger place. Plus makes them owners and contributors that rival me. So I become proud and know my children have achieved a safe spot in life. Fucking ungrateful neet you are.

Lol. This doesnt happen. Stop spreading that bullshit.