Mfw I realized that Catholicism is the one true faith and that Jews, commies, masons and pagans all hate Catholicism because it is the one true faith.
LOL Just smoke weed bro you sound insane
No thanks Fambobrene.
Repent and accept Jesus Christ. The end is soon and hell is not where you want to be.
It's funny that you pretend like Jews, commies and Masons are different
Having fun with your migrant toe-licking anti-Christ cunt pope.
based and Christianpilled
Why don't you read the Bible cover-to-cover before making stupid threads to mislead and deceive the lost sheep here
That guy is a mason not a Catholic. Those are false 'popes'.
That isn't real Catholicism.
Vatican 2 isn't Catholic.
You're confused because the modern 'Church' is infiltrated by jews, masons and commies.
yes we get it you like to fuck little boys
>t illiterate who missed the part about jews, commies and masons infiltrating the institution to subvert.
Again: why don't you read the Bible cover to cover before making stupid, misleading topics like this. You are damning your soul by sowing confusion.
if its so corrupt why do u want us to join it then u faggot
>infiltrated by jews, masons and commies.
Redundant. You're either a bluepilled newfag or a shill.
Just before anything, what faith are you and who would you consider a valid living spiritual leader who is an exemplar of that faith?
Preach brother. Thanks for posting here. These kike shills are hostile to Jesus and the Catholic Church.
The church will one day be ours again.
>When the flak is heavy I'm over the target
>HAHA that means I'm always right!
Stay strong brother. Keep the faith and remember to glorify Jesus Christ.
I'm not telling you to join the new bluepilled Vatican2 church. The Catholic faith isn't the bricks and mortar or the priests inside.
It is the faithful.
Don't go to hell please. has all the info you need.
>Those are false 'popes'.
>t. non-Catholic
>Just before anything
No, before anything, why don't you read the Bible cover to cover before baiting me into talking about doctrines? dO yOu UnDeRsTaNd?
>heretics are valid popes
Ok infidel enjoy hell.
I understand that jews hide behind meme flags, yes.
>imagine getting this upset when asked to 1st read the entire Bible cover to cover
Maybe you will remember this convo, in hell.
>I know better than Catholics about Catholicism
>Not just that, I know better than the College of Cardinals
>And they all have to bow to my misconceptions of Christianity
>is so ashamed of his beliefs and flag the remain hidden but he thinks he won't go to hell himself
Ayy haha
You're that guy that worships pastor anderson from the other thread.
>I know better than Catholics about Catholicis
Literally when did I say this?
You've seriously never heard of all the child sex rings, murder, and satanic rituals within the Catholic church?
Maybe if you read more than the first fuckin article you come across, you wouldn't be so easy for the media to manipulate.
But actually, Catholicism is the Jews sticking their fingers in the word of Christ so they can lie to stupid.but well meaning Christian's to do their bidding.
You said it by pretending to be able to declare a Pope a heretic for no apparent reason
>Maybe if you read more than the first fuckin article you come across
You should have read the thread retard. You missed the part where I already addressed that. The modern 'Church' that you're talking about is infiltrated by jews, commies and masons.
I am talking about the faith not the new bluepilled Vatican2 subversion.
>refuses to entertain the idea of reading the Bible 1 time cover to cover
>creates misinfo Catholic threads and masquerades as an authority gatekeeper
Wanna know how I know you're a kike?
>for no apparent reason
I literally never refused to read the bible.
You however denied Christ while larping as a Christian.
>Why is the Pope a Christian?
>I don't like it, so it means he's not the Pope and you should listen to me!
You're thinking of Protestantism
I posted a link that thoroughly debunks any possibility of Francis being a valid pope.
You should tell that to the College of Cardinals and the rest of the Catholic world. They'll want to know that you're the only one who knows about Catholicism for the past two millennia.
>for the past two millennia
Oh come on now don't be a poor sport. You got btfo you don't need to act like a battered woman.
What are you talking about, stop trying to change the topic. I called you out for making this stupid thread without reading the Bible yourself. You want to preach and teach, but haven't even read the manual. You're a D&C kike.
>Pope acts like a Christian, follows commandments
>Butthurt money changers try to say it's heresy
You blatantly refuse to profess faith in Christ.
You worship the heretic Anderson.
No one cares about your opinion.
If you aren't a literal kike you're a useless idiot for them.
>follows commandments
>You blatantly refuse to profess faith in Christ.
Strawman. Nowhere in this thread. Has nothing to do with this thread. Isn't even true.
>You worship the heretic Anderson.
Strawman. Nowhere in this thread. Has nothing to do with this thread. Isn't even true.
>No one cares about your opinion.
Literally the "no one has even heard of you" style tactic that kikes use. You are pathetic.
Be blessed user.
Haha the demons inside you are so pissed.
You can't profess faith in the one true god and have to call me names that describe you instead. Lmao
>Why don't you read the Bible cover-to-cover before making stupid threads to mislead and deceive the lost sheep here?
Well? Why don't you, kike?
Peace be with you
>You're literally incapable of professing faith.
Haha you're like a robot full of demons.
Stay mad satan spawn.
Oh right, forgot about the 11th commandment of no lighting candles near jews.
Guess that means you're right.
>claims to be Catholic
>doesn't know taking part in Jewish religious rituals is a mortal sin.
>i need a big corrupt organization to pray to invisible skydaddy
>t. Illiterate
Where is this stated in the Bible?
John 8:24
Exodus 20:2
No orthodoxy is schismatic. They have most things right but not enough.
Trad Catholicism is the pne true faith.
Neither passage says anything about candle lighting.
That candle lighting is a part of a Jewish religious ceremony. You better not be pretending to the retarded.
Orthodoxy, Papism is the Donatist heresy.
Christian monarchs are supposed to be supreme in Church discipline not priests and especially not foreign priests.
And this ceremony is declared a mortal sin where in the Bible? Certainly not the OT.
Modern Judaism is not OT religion it is satanic.
True. But it doesn't mean that there's anything in the Bible about lighting a candle in emulation of the OT being a mortal sin.
>admits Judaism is satanic
>somehow participating in Jewish religion is not idol worship, heresy or apostasy.
He wasn't converting. So what manner of idol worship or apostasy was he committing in your lay mind?
Jews are enemies of Christians and he's clearly sided with them. Are you actually retarded?
You better no be pretending to be retarded.
Jesus be with you op and I pray for all the kikes ITT. Accept Jesus into your life.
>Jews are enemies of Christians
I'm not denying that.
>and he's clearly sided with them.
Just that absurd claim.
>You're retarded for thinking the Pope should listen to the New and Better Covenant
How is it an absurd claim? It's evident. is the Infowars of Catholicism. He may be right about some things but it's mostly conspiracy. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church. I'll eat my hat if the Sedevacantists are right. Freemasons did infiltrate the church for sure but it doesn't mean you just throw your hands up in the air and declare the whole thing fucked.
Literally what is he wrong on?
He Btfos everyone and doesn't afraid of anything.
Btw, how will you cook your hat? Or are you eating it raw?
Because there's no reason to believe he's sided with kikes.
but hell sounds like a great place
>Not protestant
Welcome to the club lad
This. I'd have more respect for them if they were just honest about being Protestant. Like Anglicans.
Literally how?
Francis has committed so much heresy and you ketchupsanwicheaters would still consider him pope if he raped a goat on live tv while professing faith in allah.
What does this heretic have to do for you to finally open your eyes?
They don't even have to become Anglican. The old Catholics split over the 1870 decree of papal infallibility and didn't get vaticantwo'd.
>Francis has committed so much heresy
Like what? Did he light another candle?
> would still consider him pope if
If he committed actual heresy? No.
Also, Allah is just the Arabic word for God. Catholic churches in Lebanon use the word as well. Obviously.
I just meant as an example. Anglicans still pretend to be basically Catholic, but admit that they're not.
You know what i meant by allah.
Francis is a heretic and now that ypu know, participation in his heresy is apostasy.
>You know what i meant by allah.
Of course i do. But you're still being absurd, invoking whataboutism.
>Francis is a heretic
You've yet to show that. Just him being near kikes. Like Christ.
I posted several videos showing him committing heresy after heresy.
He has prayed in mosques with Muslims.
He has said atheists can go to heaven.
He has said there is no need to convert people to Catholicism.
He has said Muslims who have died defending their faith are martyrs.
He has said holiness can exist without Jesus.
He has said that there is no need to convert jews.
>He has prayed in mosques with Muslims.
Doubt he was praying to Mohammad.
>He has said atheists can go to heaven.
Good works count, Luther.
>He has said there is no need to convert people to Catholicism.
This is true.
>He has said Muslims who have died defending their faith are martyrs.
By definition, yes. Doesn't make it good.
>He has said holiness can exist without Jesus.
Well it did prior.
>He has said that there is no need to convert jews.
Because there's no saving them lmfao
Lmao you're not a Catholic.
>pot calling the kettle a nigger
At least you recognised that you aren't I admit I'm not yet. This thread is about me just now realizing Catholicism is the right religion.
>This thread is about me just now realizing Catholicism is the right religion
Once it changes to suit you, you mean? Sure you wouldn't prefer Lutheranism?
> orthodoxy is schismatic
it's the other way around
there were 2 great schisma:
1. catholicism emerged, ones that stayed by the old way were called orthodox
2. protestants emerged from catholicism
catholicism is highly hierarchical and backed by papal state, so it might look like something more solid, dogmatic etc, but orthodoxy is actually more based
>what is Papal infallibility?
You have no idea what you're talking about, retard. Catholics don't consider the Orthodox to be heretical. In fact, there is probably no denomomation in the world which considers Orthodoxy to be heretical. The opposite is the true for Orthodoxy; it considers all other faiths to be heretical. Orthodoxy is the only faith considered true by all other denominations, and which considers all others as false ways.
Christianity was made by the Romans to pacify the growing Jewish revolts just like Islam was made by some schizo in a cave to convince angry dudes to make him their warlord. There is no "one true faith", grow up already.
You can't be a pope if you're a heretic. Paple infallibility only is for real popes. Heretics can't be popes because heretics are outside of the church.
Nah it makes distinctions between the energy of god and god and turns into complete retardation.
Also they cannot tell which counsels are binding or not etc.
>You can't be a pope if you're a heretic
Ergo, Francis isn't a heretic.
If your argument is "only real Popes are infallible", then I can just say "only real counsels are binding" and "Heretics can't be Patriarchs because heretics are outside of the Church."