Reminder that if you use arabic numerals you're nothing more than a shitskin larping as white. Imagine writing your birth day in some arabic numbers, your date of mariage, your daughter's birthday ... what are you ? a cuck ?
Real white people use the roman numerals.
Attached: ARABIC NUMERALS.png (300x168, 7K)
Other urls found in this thread:–Arabic_numeral_system
nigger stfu
"arabic" numerals are not arabic but rather were developed by Aryans in India
>ArabicYou mean Persian and they are Aryans.
>he doesn't know that modern numbers come from gaelic
literally invented by aryans in india. yet another groundbreaking invention appropriated by the browns
what is the answer to 1-1 in roman numerals.
Attached: 1320813769830.gif (300x242, 1.78M)
the level of stupidity surprise me