Is the moon landing america trying to cope?

is the moon landing america trying to cope?

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so the USSR spent a shit ton of time and money on space and and still lost? LOL

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>Space Race goal is to land a man on the moon
>America does it first
America is #1 commiefags btfo

Cope harder faggot german

what a great achievment very useful

mutts are retarded, more news at 11

>Space Race goal is to land a man on the moo
nop, thats just what america said.
you propaganda machine is stronger than than it was in the udssr.
all you did was high fiving yourself

Mad 'muricunts

They still put the first man in space, and landed the first lander on an other planet, so no they didn't really lose...

It's important to remember a majority of those russian missions ended in catastrophic failure or deaths of humans.
I'm giving america credit for the Luna 3 photos, because they used recovered radiation proof film canisters from recovered american genetrix balloons.

Dumb mutt

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It’s pretty common knowledge among non retarded people that the Soviets won. I’m not pro commie or anything but there’s no use denying the truth here

The soviets were objectively beter at science. They sucked at making cars and shit but their top scientists were far ahead of america.

Yea, their science and tech was so advanced it made the USSR the powerhouse it is toda-

you mean
american missions were widely successful on the first try, and russian missions were trial and error, incurring multiple failures until success

space race won't be over until there's no more space to discover or one of our countries stops existing.
also please note that this "moon landing" is regularly debated and put into question

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Soviets were better at theoretical science but the US was better at actual engineering.

>moving the goalposts
get over it, ivan.
>muh moon landing hoax
if america faked it, it would be easily debunked. no country, to this day, could debunk it. in fact, most first-world countries listened in on the mission radio telemetry and congratulated the US. it must have been pretty convincing if faked.

This chart has a funny definition of "landing".

I'm not moving anything. It is logical to assume what I assumed. I don't see how I'm supposed to be wrong in this assumption. Space is limitless and there is no imaginable limit for technological advancement.

>if america faked it, it would be easily debunked
as if your elites would allow this lol
capitalist forces that rule this planet through proxies (your country is the primary, all other capitalist countries are secondary) are so beyond our reach that nothing can be done without their approval.

You need to grow up, USA-san.

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By that definition kikes have successfully landed a spacecraft on the moon

The moon landing was faked. So unfortunately we lost the space race. Somebody better let Russia know what we found out.