They refuse to admit it because they would be forced to sign the NPT to get any money from the US - all US funds to Israel are illegal.
They should be charged with theft for stealing US uranium and US nuclear secrets, listed as a rogue nation for larceny and the continued funding theft, be placed under US sanctioned and if it were ANY other nation we would have bombed them decades ago.
Israel can never admit they have nukes.
Israel is highly dependent on US foreign aid and military protection, both of which are illegal for the US government to provide under its own laws and under international treaty since Israel is a rogue nuclear state.
Isreal is a rogue state, territory violently conquered out of the Middle East within living memory (and after colonialism had become internationally recognized as essentially criminal) by white Europeans, who govern it under an apartheid system explicitly for the sole benefit of their own ethnic group. It is frequently caught performing acts of espionage against the USA and its allies, and is known to undertake state terrorism and sponsor terrorism abroad. It has a tacit alliance with ISIS, as shown by their interactions in Syria. Investigations into Israeli malice in attacks on the US, including 9/11 and the USS Liberty, have been compromised and their outcomes decided by political pressure, rather than pursued on their merits to honest conclusions.
There is no credible justification for the US to support Israel. It can only be explained by the disproportionate and highly improper influence of Israeli citizens over the US government. Any US politician supporting Israel must be understood to be corrupt and an agent of a foreign power.
>They refuse to admit it what do you mean? the samson option is well known. fucking larping romanfags. quit being stupid.
Colton Price
"Widely assumed" and "officially acknowledged" are different things. For one thing, it's far from certain that the Isreali nukes are practical, working weapons. Israel is a high-corruption culture, and Jews are not genetically inclined toward mechanical competence, having been bred for success in white-collar crime and avoiding real productive work wherever possible. From their perspective, the important thing is for others to think they have nuclear weapons, for deterrent purposes. Even if they received misappropriated working nuclear weapons, that doesn't mean they were able to maintain them in good working order. Nukes are precision devices, and are not simple to maintain.
Take the recent moon landing attempt, for example. This was a project for the pride of Israel, to show the world how advanced and capable they are. They bought all the parts they needed abroad, hired foreign consultants, and still failed, far from the goal. The leadership likely had neither the competence nor the integrity to make it work. But they got paid, and they're getting paid to continue the program.
It's also vitally important for Israel that they don't officially admit their nuclear weapon program, and that their allies don't investigate or deal with the possibility seriously. Because, for instance, it's illegal under US law and its internation treaties for it to give foreign aid to Israel if it has a nuclear weapon program.
As the Jews always do, they're living balanced on the knife's edge, living on the proceeds of crimes against people who could crush them like bugs, depending on the corruption of unworthy elites, who protect them first out of greed and then fear of being punished for the shared crimes, not any real love for them. Like any criminals, they prosper far beyond the rewards of honest work for a while, staying a step ahead of their due punishment, until one day justice is done.
Ryder Thompson
Ok so what, US funds/aids Pakistan as well as others
Your conflict is not ours, Abed.
Cameron Howard
>"Your conflict is not ours, Abed." >while simultaneously shilling for 38 billion to Israel Kys.
Jordan Moore
>it's illegal under US law to fund a nuclear nation So it's illegal to fund itself?
Ethan Sanchez
Rather hand them to our outpost state than to your terrorist asses >ky.. Oh wait, thats already what you do
Joseph Jones
Fuck off libtard
Parker Watson
>implying anyone, let alone everyone, who hates Israel on Jow Forums is Muslim Kike.