How come people don't marry their high school sweetheart anymore?

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Because nowadays she probably fuck all your friends

I actually did ASK ME ANYTHING
t. britbong


I never had a sweetheart

Because she will want to go off to college to experiment

>feels bad man

Attached: CB818A3E-E9AB-4EDC-A251-20530BC39D07.jpg (720x877, 124K)

works out though, because I didn't get indoctrinated through the public school curriculum. I call that a win in the end.

Because riding only one cock today is not enough

People are poor and cant afford to start families anymore. My old man was a mechznic in communist poland and could afford an apartment in center of krakov, and a wife with two chidren. But you know as long as you are not starving in a gulag its all good am i right my fellow free marketeers?

1) Females no longer make any effort to conceal their true nature so even a dumb boy can see his future with her and

2) A lot of them hit the wall at 17 now.

Attached: bratzs.jpg (900x644, 81K)