Can someone explain the economic benefit of refugees to me?

Can someone explain the economic benefit of refugees to me?

How is bringing illiterate, permanently unemployed people into your country and then giving them free housing and monthly welfare checks supposed to PREVENT economic collapse?

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you're going to need a Jew to explain this one

They're low IQ consumers who unthinkingly cycle gibs back into the globohomo media industrial complex.

>germany's economy is flourishing
>refugees and immigrants are working

Yeah, it doesn't work ;)

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More people,higher demand on commun everyday goods you can charge more for. higher coasts of real estate. Money from the budget redistributed to newly arrived consumers. But if you are not okey with that you attack capitalism and are therefor a godless red commie bastard

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the idea is that since western women no longer reproduce, you need to bring in cheap negro "labour" to replace the population of wageslaves that are no longer being born.

problem is that its just a theory and in reality these niggers will do nothing but drain the social system dry and commit crime.

their actions will actually dissuade western white women from reproducing even further, since nobody wants to bring a child into a neighbourhood filled with thieving and raping niggers.

so white reproduction will drop from 1 to 0.5

add to the fact that these niggers will undoubtedly vote for the most leftist government that promises them the most handouts and you can see what the real (((benefits))) of bringing these niggers in are.

its only theoretically about economics, its really about birth rates and voting tendencies

They just promise gibs for votes. The “theory” is more people working to pay for more taxes as the west populations aren’t going up without immigration. They’re in actuality just a retard trying to force the square block into the circle hole. It doesn’t affect them yet so they will keep trying.

It doesn’t make sense, it’s just the cover story

i dont get it either. most people like this seem totally incapable of accumulating any kind of wealth

>How is bringing illiterate, permanently unemployed people into your country and then giving them free housing and monthly welfare checks supposed to PREVENT economic collapse?

It's not, it's supposed to accelerate it.

the people in power just lie to us all of the time.

forgot trip.

Now you forgot to take off the trip

Diversity is our strength. You DO wish to be strong, right user?

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>be baker
>sell 100 breads to your villagers
>get 20 refugees
>you sell 120 breads now
inb4. gibs. that's the whole point. increase spending.

Me thinks the ruling elite have enough of what they need, and now are just trying to collapse countries for an overarching control of the populaces. Flooding these nations with the masses = better control.

Well its real simple. Two fold effect actually.
1. Your rich get a constant supply of low iq workforce which is good for their bottom line
(cuz americans wont work for slave wages to entitled.)
2.Your governments give them welfare cuz they gees and then they use that welfare to buy shit food clothes etc etc (really your buying that)
STIMULUS! Then one half Coddles them as special people while the other half pretends they are the literal incarnation of evil while the rich who run both of these groups does a hop skip all the way to the bank. But Im almost certain your post is bait

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More people in job market = lower wages = lower labor costs. You will have a consumer class that doesn’t own anything, that will forever be in debt, and will basically turn in the entirety of their check to the market/banks whenever they get paid, all while not being able to grasp what is going on. Those who do understand what is happening will be shamed, cast out, imprisoned, or killed.


>But Im almost certain your post is bait
I'm simply stating the "conventional wisdom" embraced by virtually every powerful person on earth outside of Viktor Orban, how is that bait

The idea is that we tax payers pay for them to live here for free and that their offspring will become a part of our work force in the future, because we can't sustain our economies with our current birth rates. There's not enough immigration within Europe to fix said issues. According (((them))) of course.

(((They))) are perfectly ok with destroying your culture and community if it means they can issue a few more loans.

For the average useful idiot? It works because everyone is equal and therefore the niggers in Africa will be just as productive once they've touched down on the magical dirt known as white countries.

That's the excuse obviously. It's not beneficial.


They will outnumber American citizens and vote Dem/Socialist. USA will suffer under one party rule just like Chicago. Socialist policy will be forced on the people. Freedom dies forever. We turn into a hell like Vennezuala.

They are supposed to boost the dying economy within every western nation, let me elaborate.

Antinatalist/individualistic/ninhilistic/apathistic mentality prevents people from being born.

Our way of life is set in paradoxical abundancy we waste resources we dont need on pleasures that dont make us happy.

Due to constant advances in medicine people dont die at 60-70 now but live much longer.

All things summed up you have a very small generation of young people working and paying taxes to sustain the ridiculous way of life and the vast numbers of never dying old folks who will claim " I earned muh retirement" and they will vote for the party which promises to keep their retirements high while also offering them free healthcare to keep them alive as long as possible.

Immigrants are supposed to be the new labour force which will work and keep making babies and further sustain the current economical system.

The problem with that is they dont take into account the fact that immigrants carry their own culture with them and that their savage culture will eat up every shred of decency and class western civilisation has evolved to have, multiculturalism and intelculturalism are myths, assimilation can simply not happen since cultures are naturaly hostile towards each other.

oh, there was no forgetting involved.

remember when mass immigration was considered a capitalist idea, but now its mostly leftists/socialists that support it? how did this happen?

Jews and psychopaths gain individually from increasing prices of housing, and increased demand for food and everyday goods.

Is it good for the national economy? Obviously no. Your national debt will balloon and everything about your country will get worse.

It drives up the costs up housing ,health care ,schools ,food,Basically stealing your national heritage from your children that you will never have now because your women have been subverted too.

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Because it is a biological weapon against European populations and killing whitey is the biggest plank of lefty platforms in current year.

Even on the "capitalist" end, these people in the mean don't work and don't pay into the system. It's all bullshit.

more divided society and driven down wages
benefits are real, but not for the common folk

UBC economist David Green says it can be misleading to emphasize the gross domestic product. Yet I’d suggest it’s what almost half of Canadians are probably thinking about when they tell pollsters immigration is good for the economy.

“The size of the whole economy is not really what we care about. What we really care about is per capita income. We care about how much each one of us gets in income,” Green said in an interview.

“Think about whether you’d rather be living in India or living here, just in terms of your material wealth. India, in terms of GDP, is bigger than us. But in terms of GDP per capita we’re way ahead of them. So you’d rather be in a rich society than a big society.”

there isnt OP
the whole "need immigration for muh workers" is meme to flood everyone with shitskins like they have planned all along...

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>Can someone explain the economic benefit of refugees to me?
Imported non-white cheap labor for the corporations

>How is bringing illiterate, permanently unemployed people into your country and then giving them free housing and monthly welfare checks supposed to PREVENT economic collapse?
The point is not to improve or benefit the country but rather to provide the corporations with cheap labor

It doesnt. It brings however all the things wanted by:
Current govt establishment: you're basically importing votes
Corporations: all those gibs migrants recieve will be spent on shit they produce. Profit.
Leftists and celebrities: can virtue signal and show off how much of a good person they are while not having to carry the burden living together with those migrants.

The rich get cheap low skill labor, allowing them to pay less to a foreigner instead of a decent wage to their fellow countryman

Civil war or extinction white man.

also goverments: more society division which makes it easier to control

Bank gets a cut on every payment it processes.

It will make you glad at least you still aren’t a nigger no matter how poor you are.
I can’t afford a decent house in a good neighborhood and send my kids to college
>Don’t you know there are poor unemployed African-[Insert country name] that can’t even afford to buy food. Put yourself in their shoes user.

>Can someone explain the economic benefit of refugees to me?
They work like slaves for pennies and waste all the money they do make immediately, allowing cash to flow back to corporations even faster than they would if we still had company stores. It looks really good if you think GDP is the end all be all way of valuing human progress like every politician and economist.

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Because they will breed white women, making mutt children who grow up without fathers. They will work harder than people who had fathers, since they feel permanently inadequate. They will be unattractive to women, and will compensate by buying more things to impress them. This will keep the economy going. That's the point.

Honestly if I lived where they live I too would kill, rape and eat humans because its survival of the fittest where they are from.
It sucks that some come to different lands never change their ways or adapt to their new surroundings but what do you expect if all they know is hell?

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Cultural diversity

Think of it this way, the economy isn’t what it used to be so whites don’t spend like they used too. People still buy smartphones but fewer people are buying houses, SUVs, and other big money items. The solution to this problem for big business? Bring in shitskins who are used to a terrible quality of life, then flood them with gibs stolen from white working taxpayers. Landlord rent seekers and house flippers can now sell to guaranteed consumers backed by HUD and section 8 money. This new class of consumers will never stop spending no matter how bad things get because they get their money for free. Nowadays whites stay working harder than ever, with no money to start families, but the kike rent-seekers still make a killing. These same shitskin consumers who so enrich the kikes also act as a buffer against working class discontent. Now if whites ever decide to revolt, they will be fighting the nigger mob as well as ZOG.

>economy is flourishing

you are literally unable to even concieve the idea that generating debt in other countries is not profit, atleast not for any real business. real business have to actually make sure they can pay something if they promise it. we call that allowance. also how likely do you think greece is to pay their debts back goy? if they sold their entire country off they wouldn't have enough, its just that the fucking investment bankers keep it alive because a bankrupt greece would result in trillions of insurance dollars being payed out to investors.

Step 1: More refugees
Step 2: More Goverment jobs: teachers, doctors, social workers etc
Step 3: More Public Debt for paying the party
Step 4: More EU money printed for paying public debt and get more refugees
Step 5: Go to Step 1

The west destroyed Libya therefore the west will pay for it.

I wish someone could explain to me how we can ship in hundreds of thousands of refrigerator IQ sub Saharan nogs and then provide them with free housing, yet we can't do anything whatsoever for the homeless white people we see everywhere in liberal cities?

Native Germans are industrious despite the nigger invasion, it only shows the strength and power of the true master race.

>refrigerator IQ sub Saharan nogs

the numbers of germany are meaningless

>Can someone explain the economic benefit of refugees to me?
they are highly skilled surgeons, have you seen how they handle knives and scalpels?

Indeed. You should ask Lee Rigby about them.

The irony is that you are not solving any problems in Africa either. As long as they keep having 8+ kids per woman. The more negroes you accept, the more they reproduce in their home country.

The premise is that immigrants, taken as an entire whole regardless of country or origin, will bring economic benefits by bringing highly educated and skilled immigrants whose productivity is so high that they make up for the shitskins. The further premise is that the skitskin immigrants will also have children who, upon entering The Glorious American Public Educational System, will then go on to be highly educated and skilled unlike their parents. The issue with this is that most of the highly skilled immigrants are whites, while the shitskin immigrants remain drains on society. The reason why this fallacy about immigration persists is because its based on studies conducted in different generational cohorts when most immigrants were white.

That's the wall of text that explains it (hopefully) as succinctly as possible.

It appears you get your information from Uranus.

I only shared left leaning sources. It gets worse.

Most of them are not refugees, they only claim to be for all the freebies and governments are too stupid (or bribed) to do anything about it.

they steal, and people have to buy new shit

its econ 101, supply and demand

They are future demoncratic voters. That is all they are.

Vote slaves.

Cheap labor

It’s not supposed to help. It’s just the (((reason))) to flood white countries with non whites and destroy national and ethnic identity.

It keeps the rape-policing industry in business.

>Robots will take all of the low skilled jobs in 10 years
>every imported nigger will riot and cause mass chaos in your countries



read the truth

Because, unlike the rest of the population, these niggers are not yet overloaded with debt.

Therefore they can take out loans and keep the economic bubble economy inflated.

some people who work in government related jobs or rent houses to refugees make mad bank (in Erlangen a Syrian family of 4 costs 14.000 rent per month for a hotel room) and then they will try to get out to Paraguay or whatever right before everything crumbles and can enjoy their wealth.

Sign... People said the same shit about Italians and Eastern European coming to the US.

>But but but they're white!!!
They weren't considered white when they got here. They were wiggers. It's only when the ruling class wanted to prevent them from teaming up with blacks that they got to become white.

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the economic interests aren't the ones of the nation or its people, but the parasites profiting off the low wages that a surplus of manpower brings, the devaluing of lands and districts they can buy to resell later on, the destruction through taxation of their competitors, the middle class, and the increase in demand of private services to the degradation of public ones, also subhumans are a perfect tool of political control through "demo"cracy that pushes for leftist parties that are corrupt from the ground up and allow them preferential routes to evade the strangling of the economy of the host population

They fill up empty housing so the housing market doesn't collapse. If that happened young people would be able to buy house the extra space would encourage them to fill it with something like children.

The only economic advantage of refugees is for the elites. The elites have invested in future growth of the economy. Growth requires innovation with stable population or just a growing population.

They refuse to go bankrupt for encouraging population decline. It's really sad how unwilling the elite are to admit their mistakes.

Look up racial in-group preference.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Get it? It has nothing to do with the establishment, it's a strategy as old as humanity.

No retard they were considered white they got compared to blacks beacuse of how rude they acted at the time

>Can someone explain the economic benefit of refugees to me?
They will bring total overdebt, crashing the system of target countries.

Stop falling for the people are prejudicial racist meme. No people become racist because in the words of pinker "humans are good intuitive statisticians." they started to notice common characteristic of Italians and Eastern Europeans. and realized they were less honest than Anglo and Germanic. Which is nigger behavior.

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If government wants to take control over people it needs to create crisis. And crisis are refugee.
These Faggot Niggers will cause terrorism, then white people will retaliate and then government will have to impose new laws and sanctions.
Then process repeats again and you get non stop problems in country and government is taking more and more rights away to control people.

We might even go back to cast system

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The rub coming is when the Jew Masters run out of enough White Goy Enforcers to force racial integration on white communities. Once Forced Integration comes with a non white face, a lot of self hating white idiots will begin to ask what is going on. The self hating white idiot doesn't have to walk his talk yet, you see. He gets to cheerlead the destruction of white communities from a distance and tell all his friends how good he is for being "tolerant." That changes in the next 10 to 20 years as the consequences of low white birth rates and mass non white immigration become impossible to ignore.

I recognize that image

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They fell to technology and bread and circuses which allowed the capitalist to influence the Left into meme beliefs like, “no human is illegal: everyone deserves to come here.” By playing on their lack of real world experience and reliance on controllable information, the Left became a tool of big capitalists.

This is not about the economy or employment.
It's about getting rid of white people.
The great exchange is real.

I could solve the birthrate problem by passing 1 bill.
Every pair that marries get's a credit of 20.000€ from the state. The credit is to be paid back after 10 years. For every child the pair has, 5.000€ of the credit are considered as "paid back".

increases gpd and creates debt
the sole two things that our societies look at
more debt = more money, didn't you know user :^)

Married ethnic German couple*
because else you're going to get everyone breeding

everyone IS* breeding, except for whites.

yeah that's the problem, they're gonna breed even more if you give them their sole limiting resource, money.

The jews aren't stupid, they're evil.

They want to rule a semi-retarded brown underclass with no national loyalties and no ability to plan a revolution against the worldwide satanic government.

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So, you are saying that siphoning money from one group, to give to another group in order to discourage/encourage breeding habits is a long term warfare strategy?

Like, germline warfare through economic warfare?

This is exactly what they are doing. The end goal is to bifrucate the species into a mass of subhuman slaves lorded over by a tiny elite with twice the IQ of the plebs. Barring Divine intervention, that stagnant hellhole should be stable forever.

>How is bringing illiterate, permanently unemployed people into your country and then giving them free housing and monthly welfare checks supposed to PREVENT economic collapse?

I'm studying left-wing logic and will try to give an appropriate response from the perspective of a leftist: "You're a racist, that's how it will prevent economy collapse."

I hope that made sense, leftism can be a difficult concept to understand logically.

unironically it's such an incredibly obvious strategy that honourable whites can't even think of it anymore. It's this exact thing, if you spend money on another group, you can't spend it on your, that whites have been ignoring for way too long. The only real question is, how can you ask question this narrative without coming across as a "literal nazi" and without diluting the message so it doesn't become some cucked "l-let's no-not waste money gu-guys, b-but these based Africans definitely deserve it!"
this should be a political question but it's been tacitly defused.

S e r v i c e. E c o n o m y...

You’ve been set up, prepare to be a serf.

The service economy has been bankrupting town & cities... it’s transferring money to fed government bypassing local government historical taxing. Destroy the service economy... it’s literally worse than Skynet

Its a trojan horse to cripple economy's and destroy nation states with low IQ workers.

Its a part of the one world communist government. In order to destroy borders, it's to get people thinking that we are all "one".

Nanci Pellosi has literal plantations filled with minimum wage workers
Immigrants don't ask questions, don't go to the cops.
more obedient workers = more money.

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The system needs a growing supply of consumers. There will ironically always be more producers than consumers.
Nigras serve two purposes:
1) they change culture through their sub-humanity and through the pity-inspired civil rights movements. They destroy any native solidarity.
2) they necessitate taxation of savers/producers to subsidize welfares, I'd threat of famine/violence. The money from this taxation goes directly to consumers... and then directly to low-cost industrial grocers and lowest common denominator popular culture.((())).

So importing niggers is extremely profitable for our owners: it creates both the wealth transfer and the impossibility of changing the system.

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The argument is that even though systemic racism from whites is keeping their socio-economic position and superior diversity suppressed, they are still a net positive as opposed to old and boring white males who only contribute by oppressing everyone else. So if our country was fully African, and every oppressor was taken away, we would definitely see improvements towards equality! Anyone disagreeing is definitely wrong and probably some sort of fucking bigot.
I love leftist logic, especially because it's basically keep talking and subtly implying the group you're "conversing" with is wrong and very probably evil.

>economy is flourishing
Yeah right, that's why we are seeing work shortages in my area, fist time since 2010. All the big car companies are buying less parts. The next crash will be funny with all those nogs and goatfuckers around.

Ready made low IQ third world underclass dependent on welfare to use as an occupation force for leftist political power.

The governments rack up more debt to pay for gibs and then at least some of that money is spent in the country which obviously helps the economy.
Doesn't seem like a very sustainable way to help the economy though.