Would you prefer a world without niggers or the jews?

Would you prefer a world without niggers or the jews?
You can only pick one.

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any skin color can be a nigger.

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Niggers can learn. Jews cannot.

if there were no jews and never were, wouldn't Americans have picked their own damned cotton?
Since there would be no ships to bring slaves here.

Brainwashed mutt

Get rid of the jews. In the long run, it'll be the more valuable choice.


Jesus was black according to niggers. So... jews.

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A world without racists is the optimal choice.

This is a brainlet question. If there had never been the Jewish Question to deal with, then there would not be a nigger problem throughout most of the west. And even if there was, nogs are much easier to manage when they're not being constantly racebaited and agitated and driven to riots by subversive kike vermin.

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Quit pretending you arent racist user

Well said

jews. niggers can be brought to heel without jewish enabling.

Jews, hands down

This. Blacks are the Jew’s shock troops. Take the Jew away and blacks don’t really have the power to do anything.


jews are alot more dangerous
niggers will just die off

Destroying only specific countries is pretty racist though.

Jews. Obviously.

Jews. If niggers have taught us one thing is that they can be easily tamed and that the Master of these niggers are the Jews. You have to cut the snake off at the head.

jews. niggers are only destroying the country today because the slavers brought them here

Here we got a self hating chink who want to be white.

let the niggers live, send them all to israel and encase the whole thing in a hundred-meter wall. then check on them every 10 years to see how things are going

The Jews have to much control so the Jews devils have to go , the blacks will be a little better to have just legalize weed for them and take their guns away and segregate them over to Israel

Satan knows

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checked, this is the only correct answer in this thread

This. Anyone who said niggers is 14 and shouldn't be posting on this board without the basic historical education about Jewish influence and Jewish role in the formation of the modern western world.

You are replying to a memeflag

Niggers. Jews can be dealt with as soon as the Goyim know. There is nothing you can do about the world being overrun with billions of niggers.

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Those niggers would all be starving if it weren't for jews user

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Easy choice.
Without Jews, violent blacks could be removed from our countries.

Equal cancer.

Blacks rape and rob, Jews run welfare and create wars.

A world without racists would be a world without arabs, niggers and jews.
And then without us. Careful for what you wish fag.

>implying everyone who goes to africa to help is a jew

Imagine being this delusional.

Trick question, the real Jews are blacks.

Dunno man. Niggers make good memes, good slaves, makes you feel superior whenever they're in your group of friends, knows how to get the weed and always keep the cops at work.

We'd rather have nogs than the Russian Jews running Israel and Moscow.

Checked and keked

remove niggers

Jews without a doubt.

White countries wouldnt even have to worry about other races without jews pushing their twisted agenda



World without niggers
Then lolocaust time


Kikes. Without them, oogas are harmless.

Kikes. We can deal with the niggers normally.

None. We're missing the point. It's not the jews that fuck your life over. It's your incapable leaders creating oppurtunities for them to take advantage of...

Without jews. Niggers wouldn't have it so easy without jews. 2 birds one stone.

kek'd and underrated

Without Jewish rats:

no slave trade into the American continent.
no leeching banking system.
no debt as currency.
half of the degenerate porn and art industry wouldn't exist.
no unnecessary wars.
no federal reserve and without the federal reserve the US wouldn't be the greater Israel.
no destabilization and corruption of Latin American countries, meaning little to no immigration to the US.
No Israel meaning no massive immigration to Europe.
without the Jewish rats the US wouldn't be the biggest threat to world peace, Soros, Kissinger, Rothschild.

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100% niggers just so we can have a good world

Doesn't matter because you guys are going to have to live with both of them.

without niggers America would be a better place, without Jews the planet would be

Jews. Niggers are just puppets for them and if (((they))) wheren't in control blacks wouldn't be an issue

Jews obviously. Nogs are not an obstacle.

should be just

Israel confirmed for more based than the average american


jews, no question
niggers would never be a problem without jews

without humans

>the only thing stopping us from getting rid of jews is the niggers
You have this exactly backwards, bong.

World without Jews. Niggers do a fine job of wiping themselves out.

Niggers, jews actually have some scientific contribution

Jews, how is this even a question

Jews x 1000

The only good Democrats are those ones pushing up daisies.

This is how the Democratic cancer is spread.


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Sorry I meant niggers x 1000


Without kikes there wouldnt be a nigger problem. This shoudnt even be a question

Robert Mugabe is more welcome to come live in the ethnostate than any Jew.

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Remove Jews, then suddenly the niggers stop coming into your country and begin yo be expelled out with no questions asked


>Interracial crime is 160x more likely to be black on white
>Focus on people saying "nigger"

Jews. Without jews we could handle the niggers just fine, probably even bring back segregation. The media would tell the honest truth about black on white violence, and fewer white people would feel guilt and obligation towards them. You would not have a legion of jew lawyers and activists whose life's mission is to fill every white area and institution with nonwhites.



jews honestly. that way we'd actually have a chance at dealing with the nigger problem

Niggers can easily be exterminated, the jews have to go.

>ITT: racist right wing jews say niggers.

Obviously jews must go, without them all niggers would behave, and more importantly without jews no one would care about fighting other races.

You probably thought "white" as you wrote racist.

Lets get rid of the Jews first. The low IQ nigger shitskins will take care of themselves.


I can handle niggers. Even the worst niggers aren't as destructive to society as kikes have been.
Without kike propaganda niggers would be easy to manage.
America handled them well enough before the kikes ruined the country.


Niggers can pursue a reasonable goal for their people within their own nations. Jews will always try to meddle and destroy.

On the long run, N-word are manageable. Jews aren't.

man nobody is going to like me but i pick jews. marginalized blacks sometimes make me feel bad. its that liberal burger education

imagine being so mentally fragile a single word is enough to end your life

maybe that's where gygax got inspiration for power word: kill

satan always delivers.

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Niggers can be left alone and all they will do is be niggers in Africa like they did for thousands of years. What have Jews been doing for thousands of years? Scheming against Europeans and getting expelled when the Europeans had enough. Jews are much more dangerous, they are the ones capable of facilitating the mass transfer of niggers into white countries. Niggers on their own would not get that done, and are relatively harmless in the grand scheme.

Agreed, after all, you can't be racist if there is only race