Are Turks even Turks anymore

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you mean in turkey ? not turks, its greek muslims.

soon black.

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funny how everyone brings this up, do you really think greeks are now what they are used back then? they are slavs.

i also have bosniak/crimean origins, this is best thing about turks we assimilate better races

HAHAHA turks are the real niggers

"turk" is term used by italians they gave it when seljuks invaded greece.

>this is best thing about turks we assimilate better races
it was ottomans, they wer not turkish, it was like soviet union but sunni rule. it was black, asian, greek.

most of "turks" are realy greeks, this is why they constantly fight kurds, which are just persians, nothing changed just religion/ideology.

In Turkey? No, most are mutts. Plenty of Turks in central asia tho.

And Azeris are persians who rejected the rich persian culture for literal nothingness of Turks


Attached: Turkish frineds.jpg (624x501, 68K)

Are americans even american anymore

>be sandniggers
>pretend to the people that raped your ancestors
>steal your culture from persians
>steal your religion from arabs
>speak a weird mutt language that is a mix of turkish, persian and arabic
There is no people more pathetic than the T*rk, and they've literally contributed nothing to humanity.

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kek af

yes, but azeris are still shia, so they are persian.

Based imperial-nigger

They are mutts, many of them are white because they have greek and slavic genes , but some of them are sandnogs so its pretty complicated

Pic related is a famous turkish actor, as you can see white,hair is brown and not shitskin colour with blue eyes.

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The entire ethnicity of Turks are rapebabies pretending to be some kind of mongols

this is typical turk.

t,. mongolian rapebaby

>do you really think greeks are now what they are used back then?
scientists have shown that they have the same genes

Turks are weak as fuck. When Britannia decided enough was enough we removed their shitty empire from the face of the earth. You are welcome

> Because Lord Rothschild told you to

True. Turks are merely Greek Muslims.

oh come on, Turks are white

t. Mongrels helping eachother out

I guess there can be a mutt ethnostate

>says the leafmutt

Projection overload

are you saying that
this man isn't white??? What about Anzujaamu? huh? you kike????

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Stfu Ali, look at this picture he is not a "typical" turk, most are sandnogs

I didn't say he is not white Juan, I just said they are muts and very diverse, turk nowadays is more of about culture rather than a genetics

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I was questioning the leaf claiming that Turks are not white, you look so retarded

you should be so embarrased right now

These are all White people

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>Being ashamed on an anonymous mongol basked weaving forum

You know you have to be 18 to post here right?

Everyone in the world is American, they just haven't crossed the southern border yet. So yes.

How low are your standards? People in pic related are provably white as well.

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>the bongrel cope is strong with this brainlet

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How is this white?

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>they've literally contributed nothing to humanity

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>delusional Leafniggers and buttblasted Paki Bongrels will claim that she isn't white

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I imagine myself as a black man in ancient times departing from Rome into Germania. I enter a white village and approach a white bitch and raise my loin cloth to display my well endowed enlarged throbbing member to the white bitch and say "Well? Shall we breed?" before I commence copulation and inseminate her nubile white womb ovulating at my superior presence unlike anything that can ever be matched in her unwashed white village. I repeat this process from one village to the next inseminating my way across Europe implanting my prosperous seed into their inferior gene pools. Angering the men who can do nought but watch from the sidelines and jerk their tiny micropenises as a black god takes what he is entitled to by nature and by god. But my mass-insemination campaign has a cost as my black god offspring begin to lift them into the modern age and the insecurity of the whiteboid who had witnessed the black gods lay their women for generations manifests itself in the form of snowflake nationalism and anti-immigration. But the fight just excites we black bulls, the resistance hardens our members to penetrate firmer and deeper. The whitebois being forced to come to terms with being nothing more than free range animals, to give us the excitement of crushing their spirits and breeding their women.

Middle Easterners and North Africans are White here

They stopped being Turks a very long time ago,they are a greco-armenian-slavic-turkish-arab mix

there is literally no good argument for catagorizing MENA as any of the other races of man

Under the Americoid system,
Arab = White
Indian = Asian
Indonesia = Austronesian

You govt is fucking retarded.

Juan just stop, nobody is claiming that she isn't white, we claim that they are pretty fucking diverse in colour just look at the damn pics.

Pic related is probably you trying to justify your delusions.

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They wanted a MENA category in the census, but Trump administration said no


Classic Island monkey backpedal. TURKS ARE WHITE, get over it. I've seen Turks and they're white as snow
> we claim that they are pretty fucking diverse in colour
just like how there are bongs who look like they belong in central Asia. This mean that all British aren't white?? look at this retard who doesn't even understand logics

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Everyone in this image looks white except the one guy holding the microphone.

exactly, they're just really tan becuuse Trukey is sunblasted

I actually know a couple of Turks irl, they're good people, sure on the internet Turks can be cancerous but I still don't get why they're discarded as European and what not.

There are alot of Greeks, Armenians and Italians that look like that

Roaches have remained the same for ages. The roach will never change

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Turk here
A good term my friends here use is the term ambiguously ethnic.
I can pass as “white”, but if anyone asked I wouldn’t say I am European.
Not that it is important.
Would 100% say i am a mutt though. I mean it is just a term after all, some of the best looking people are mixed. It doesn’t mean, that you are one of the horrible caricatures, painted here.

These are divide & conquer shills against our White brothers by BBC cucks


Those are your sisters protesting on behalf of Turks Ahmed.

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He even posted pakis and claimed they were Turks

Some Turks are Aryan Nordics.

Some are BLACK BVLLs.

Either way, Turks are the master race.

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>the one guy out of that entire cherrypicked image YOU posted

Diaspora roach detected

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>Implying there is a difference between sandniggers
Tell me since when Europeans care about being "correct" about some pakis/arabs/turks/kurds/sandniggers ethnicity?

1 guy

Pakis are pajeets, you should know this Mr Khan Patel. If they’re ‘all the same’ why would you blatantly post poos and not Turks?

Look at the whole image, it proves my point which is that some turks are white and some are brown.

Because when you google "turks" google doesn't really give you pictures of pajeets.

... because it is actually different. You guys make a big deal to define the European ethnicities.... so why is it any less important anywhere else? Turks=\=Arabs=\=Kurds=\= Persians

Turks aren't white but they aren't sandnigger either.

They're like a mix. Greeks are closer to Turks than they are to Anglos.

Google images has been pozzed for the last 3 years. Nowadays you have to click on the picture that leads to the source and double check everything yourself. The other day user made a thread about the Saami people and posted a pajeeta in ethnic Saami dress because that’s the first thing that came up when he searched ‘Saami.’ Sad.

Because I don't care about them alright? An arab or a poo, iraqi or kurd, they are all same to me. Foreigners I don't share anything with and don't really care to define them as different from each other.
Why do you even bother categorizing a paki from pajeet and arab when sandnigger serves so well.

Well thank you for the advice then.

You’re welcome

Because I live in a country where all different kinds of peoples live. And different ethnicities are cool to acknowledge.

sandniggers are called sandniggers because they’re literally in a sand pit. Poo land (includes the subcontinent as a whole) is mostly fertile and they shit in the streets that keeps it even more so. Why would you turn what accurately suffices at 3 letters into 11 letters when it doesn’t even make sense. It’s not just a difference in race, it’s geography, topography, like anywhere else.

"""She""" is barely a female, so I don't know what your point is here

Long list but i'll make it short
>Anatolians and Pontians never fought in wars, even during Byzantium, Pontians never lifted a finger to protect their kingdom.
>The Ottoman Empire kidnapped healthy babies from occupied countries and raised them as Turkish, Vlad Tepes and his brother are a good example, many Greeks as well and they made kids with ethnic turkish women.
>Turkish and foreign born babies were the ones fighting the Ottomans wars, so Turkish people were the ones dying, and the foreign born babies would find out who they were and defect when they got older.
>Overtime during the Balkan Wars, Turkish people were slaughtered en-mass, by the Greeks in Greece, and in Anatolia. So there were even less Turks in Turkey as they all died fighting.
>So the only left to reproduce were weak stinky Anatolian's and Pontian's.
Now Greece was a great country until they did that population exchange and then everything went down hill because pontians and anatolians are stinky weak fucks with dark skin who have no fucking relation or bloodline to greek people, get the fuck out of my country you dirty stinky niggers.
Turkish replaced (cucked) themselves by having Greek or Romanian babies breed with their women all while fighting and dying for them.
It is said that 13% of Turkey is ethnic Turk, but if you ask the Turkish posters on here it's less than 3% now. There was a jew who wrote an article on how Turkey actually fell, and he pretty much explained how this happened in more detail, but i lost the article.

If WTC 7 had as much foundation as that roach maybe it wouldnt've been so easily false-flagged.

Forgot to add that Erdogan isn't even turkish, he's an Armenian Jewish mutt, and cities like Smyrni are actually jewish not turkish.

They've always been larping greeks, kurds, armenians, etc.

There's not a Turk nationality. It's a disgusting "melting pot" of 40+ different nationalities forced to assimilate to an identity created by Atatürk.

Like it or not you are a Greek rapebaby

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The bloodline of ‘Turks’ hasn’t changed in millenia. They’ve just got a little Central Asian from the actual Turks and some Balkan Slav from all their raping.

They actually changed,Modern turks are a mix of Greeks,Slavs and races from balkans


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No Turkish have very little central Asian in them but neither do Hungarians tho

Isn't he Georgian?

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Fuck off mutt, literal sandniggers and spics are white by your mutt definition

russians are at least 30% mongol you aren't white either sergay

> Erdogan is Armenian

t. American education system

It's true, my mother is romanian and my father is from kosovo and I was born in Turkey in a town called "polish town" I shit you not. We then moved here to San Diego when I turned 9. The turks that you know of that are shitskins are fading away and being replaced by lighter skinned roaches, even Erdogan is aiding in the destruction of the seljuk turks (brown turks) by allowing pale skinned syrians into the country by the MILLIONS and even giving some of them citizenship.

Turks, Arabs, and Spics are the most disgusting nationalities on this earth.

Literally nothing but rapebaby mutts squatting on the ruins of great cultures.

What is your opinion on the kara boga memes?