My brother just came out as trans at a family gathering

I have a really large, connected, Catholic family. We are very stern about most things, but have a network for helping one another through hard times, and even if we move far away, we are still very connected.

In spite of this, my twenty nine year old brother, who is four years my senior, disappeared off the face of the map, a couple years ago. This was totally unexpected, and out of character. I have two younger sisters, and the four of us were always very close.

We were extremely worried for the past two years, and thought he may have died, or joined a cult, but yesterday, we went to a family gathering at my grandparents home in a very wealthy neighborhood in Tampa, and though this yearly gathering around the same time is normal, we were excited, because my brother emailed my mom, and said he was finally ready to come home.

We were at the dinner table, which is massive, and seats around forty people, and a weird, lumpy, almost misshapen lady entered, just as the prayers had ended, and we had given up on waiting for my brother to arrive. The lady was dressed in a black sundress, with white frills, black pantyhose, and black flats, with little white bows. She had long black hair, and a face that cut at odd angles, with a large chin. She also had these horribly done, massive fake tits. As soon as "she" spoke in that tranny rasp, we realized it was a guy pretending to be a girl, and after a few more moments, we realized it was my brother. He even did a weird little spin, so as to say, "look at how perfect I am!"

The family dinner ended instantly, and everyone left extremely embarrassed. My mom, and siblings are broken, and I haven't been home, instead just walking around town, trying to grab onto anything, and I want to cry. My mom feels like she did this, and my dad, who works on the road, didn't say anything, just hung up the phone, and none of us have spoken. The family also hasn't called us, not an aunt, uncle, or our grandparents. I'm defeated Jow Forums.

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> Democrat.

Sucks to be you catholics are the worst scum of the earth in modern days, you are just a cuck if you are part of their system when they promote the leftist ideals.

The pope would be ashamed for your family not accepting the Trans man and would excommunicate you from the church.

Maybe you should see if she hows to swim

>and my dad, who works on the road, didn't say anything
Your dad did this.

>meme flag.


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Gays are hear to stay, they will make for valuable members to our cause.

If you talk about it to much something's going to happen to you. too short

Good thing your parents had 4 kids. Imagine if they stopped at one. 100% failure rate.

Honor killing is the best solution, cutting him out of your life the next. My brother in law decided he was a chick and has been taking hormones, he periodically emails his parents telling them how much he hates them and he never wants to see them again also he needs money thanks. I told my wife I dont ever want to see him, but if we must then at least dont let him around the kids. She agrees. Trannies are cancer dont have them in your life

There were so many kids at the gathering. Kids aged 1 to 17. All of them got to see that little idiot. I'm so mad. I loved my brother, but he just looked like a whole different person. It's upsetting.

>my dad, who works on the road, didn't say anything, just hung up the phone
No wonder your brother has gender identity issues. Your dad needs to take responsibility and father his son.

Was your dad around and present in his life during his formative years (11-17)?

The unfortunate truth is your brother is dead and gone. The clown occupying his flesh is not him

also, with any luck, he will die soon enough by suicide or STDs connected to degenerate lifestyle

I can speak as a gay man here. Its because your family is so successful, and as a man he had more pressure to build a family and be successful. I do not know your brothers career history, but he probably felt inadequate as a man and felt better as a women. Women don't have the same pressures of men. So, in part it's because of the success of your family. I know a guy who struggles with this as well sorry for your loss.

>Women don't have the same pressures of men
it is sad, but he will probably never be a "woman", and his failure as a man will worsen even more after his transition

This is exactly why transgendered individuals have such high suicide rates after they do surgery. The obstacles to reversing course are so high, and regret is a terribly powerful thing.

Honestly bro, I totally understand where you are coming from. It's uncomfortable, bewildering and very upsetting but by the same token you also have to understand that this person is always going to be your sibling and they may have felt this way a long long time. They obviously want you in their live, but it's not so easy now is it?

That's not exactly the case, it's more likely that his brother had these tendencies a long time ago. He feels inadequate as a man (in part due to the success of his large catholic family).

In part yes he did. By the sounds of it, his fathers family has money. Money and success that goes along with it puts tremendous pressure on underachieving men.

Why aren't you taking the necessary steps to cure your brother of his mental illness?

>no green text
Gay larp tranny

Trannies are retarded but I genuinely think that wanting to be the opposite gender isn’t even comparable to centering your life around a sky fairy
Kikes, muslims, catholics; all you faggots should get gassed together

now you'll get all of your family's will, gg

Ahhhrghhh what is that ugly shit

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>meme flag
Discarded aswell.

Not gonna lie that's pretty fucking funny but also very tragic

Another quality leafthread. Fucking kys

i'd spin her around my cock all night long baby

LOL you family sucks. large, connected, Catholic family my ass. You would all be there to help your brother if you were strong but instead you have all been made weak . . . .Jow Forums is pushing trans hate to distract you from serious things. This is why Jow Forums is still around,it keep you all in one place and controls who you hate. 0.3% of the population . . . . ooooo pretty scary. fuck! go hug your trans brother and move on, your all fine.

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Terrible fucking bait
Practice more


One day you will learn to love your sister and the children xe gives birth to.

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I am sad for you.
The mental illness 'Gender Identity Disorder' only affects a rare .03% of patients. They are diagnosed by a psychiatrist under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, according to their symptoms of stress, feelings of alienation, depression, anxiety, severe gender dysphoria, and suicide. The medical and psychiatric fields are abusing these patients by giving them this kind of 'treatment' where...instead of fixing the mental disorder...they try to change the body to fit the mental disorder!
And the media pushes the mental disorder on us as just a new kind of normal. So your brother is a victim.

Your brother will always be your brother- he can't change his DNA or his sex, he can only get cosmetic surgery and take prescription drugs that make him look more feminine. His symptoms will NEVER GO AWAY, since we do not have a cure yet, and he'll likely be among those that kill themselves.

Save your family and do not enable his mental illness. no, don't accept his Emporer's new clothes, because that draws your entire family into this schizophrenia and makes your entire family a victim of this mental illness. YOU have to stay sane, your family has to stay sane. If you have to distance yourself from him and his disorder, then do it. HE is lost, because Gender Identity Disorder can not be cured. But you can help save your family from going down with it, and providing them with the information on how this is a DIAGNOSED MENTAL DISORDER, diagnosed by a psychiatrist whom your brother sees regularly.
IT IS a clinical diagnosis, and DNA doesn't lie.

Stay sane, OP. Hope you can help your family stay sane too.

um, sage goes in options field, not name field

Your brothas soul was killed. It is happening a lot these days. Souls are fragile and need to be protected. Capitalists take advantage and drain money from the weak, as is sanctioned by the former of government which America runs. Morals don't matter, money does. Perhaps your family should have invested more of its money in morals instead of lavish things.

TL;DR pics or it didn't happen.


1 post btid
Sage folks, it's a bait 'tragedy' thread

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WoW DNC rich browns have a faggot for a brother why would I care. Pro tip your dad and that whore of satan you called holy father both fucked the shit out of that boy pus. You’d be a. Little faggot too if you where a hot little Latin boy toy. Fucking ugly brother /poltrad.

Beat the shit out of him. Actually. Or yell at him and call him a fucking faggot. Whatever it takes to make it so he doesn’t feel like that dyke cult is acceptable. If you care about your brother do that. Or else he will live a miserable life as an internet moderator until he joins the 40% Then maybe he’ll come to his senses and you’ll get your brother back.

hmm really?

Why worship Satan? Why?

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Yes. He's always played a very close, and pivotal role in our lives, and has only been on the road for the last three years, which is why I don't understand it. Me, and my two sisters turned out great.

He had an awesome fucking job. He was the warehouse manager for a major US convenience store chain, and made around $300k. He even loved his job, and had a gorgeous girlfriend, before he bailed. He seemed to have no issues.

It is going to hurt, but you need to let him go. "Blood is life" is a cruel lie. When part of your unit decides to take a vile path, you don't let that destroy the rest. That's like raising a snake and being surprised that it's venomous and kills you.

My brother has historically been an abusive drug-sucking degenerate. He never treated me well, stealing from and berating me. He even assaulted me. I thought there might be a chance to have a brother after he got clean, but in the end, there is still just a nigger down in the depths of his soul, and always will be. I don't talk to niggers that abuse their families.

I have disowned him, and refuse to see or be near him ever again. My family tolerates him because they are weak, complacent, and don't care about me. Your family seems to have the mind to be sickened and horrified by this development (and rightfully so). If you truly loved your brother, let him die with the memory of who he was to you, not the abomination the cruel world has molded him into.

Disown, pray for his soul and move on.

Fascinating. It's difficult to ascertain the rational for his decision then. Perhaps he felt tremendous pressure from maintaining that lifestyle. You should ask him.

OP, in big families there is always some degenerate fuckup. Always. Maybe a sociopathic wifebeating druggie. Maybe a career criminal. Maybe just a drunk. Maybe a slut. Your brother was the degenerate.

why do American women do pic related? topkek

I have a drug addicted brother, and have loaned money to my other brother and he has totally stolen from me. I can say with absolute conviction that drug abuse, and this behavior is not tantamount to transgenderism

This is also true, statistically speaking.

It's difficult to ascertain why the United States hasn't annexed your entire country yet leaf. The day of the rake is coming, repent, convert to Americanism tell your friends to convert as well and perhaps you won't get raked.

Hahahaha, America can't have Canada because of Quebec. Sorry but u can have Toronto

Your parents did do this and are right to feel ashamed.

Shame is normal. Imagine what his brother and new sister feels

Anyone who doesn't convert gets the cross.

Cool story, didn't happen

Honk honk

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20 bucks says OPs father has contemplated ending it all at least once since then. Imagine your son, your flesh and blood embarrassing you like this in front of every generation of your family.

Catholicism is a path to hell.
It denies the power of Christ while elevating the power of the "church" and telling people to ask Mary for things because she's Jesus's mother.

Well, now look what you have.
A tranny at supper who broke up a family led by a weak man.

Repent, or it will only get worse.

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No, he will just work more.

10/10 pasta, ive had it before

al dente

As has been pointed out, this is his fault.

praise him

Yes. Blame the dad. Never the mom. Never the attentionwhoring pretend-woman.

>They obviously want you in their live
>just disappears for no reason
I doubt it. He could probably just cut all ties with this person and be better off. The person he knew as a brother is obviously gone, and this tranny is not his brother. This is just another example of how this degeneracy infecting the west has ruined another persons life, more than one this time.

No, that's not true. He cannot be responsible for the actions of another. He may be merely implicated

That read like a line from a Dostoevsky novel.

He hopefully thinks about killing his whole family and then himself

The disappearance is due to the loss of identity, and of course sufficient recovery time for the sex change operation. It's more about the brother, than not wanting to love and have the family.

fake story

True, you will be spared on the day of the rake.

It's what you get for abandoning Christianity. These days I can't tell the difference between Catholics and Mormons.

Fuck off other leaf. You're the reason people hate us around here. Kys

Why do you all rush to blame the father? For many years men were off working to support the family and only came home rarely. Many young men only saw their dad on weekends. Sometimes not even then. Yet generations turned out fine

This reads like shitty pasta.

You know kraut I long for the day when you hear the sounds of American bombers reducing you and your people to ash. I hope the last thing you see is a mutt face looking out the window of a plane at you.

Sage goes in all fields, faggot.

Yes but the women during those times were not fucking insane and vain as they are now. They still preached the bible, still had their kids in church etc.

It's bait m8

I'll believe a scammer on /b/ any day over this shit.

Religion plays a minimal role in this.

bla bla bla bla ..usa is best blablabla...we are the best blablabla

reichsflugscheiben will laser you away

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Why would a family of democrats be surprised when one of them cuts his dick off to be a woman?

get back to the tranny shit

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Political affiliation and support or transgenderism. I'm curious to see the relationship between these two variables

It's one thing to decide to go looking for your identity, which is a silly endeavor in the first place. It's another to just disappear unannounced. At least tell them, or look to family who love you so much for advice about finding your identity. Instead he just fucks off and finds this garbage degeneracy to fill the void. I bet this is more common than you think. People looking for something or wanting to fit into a group they can identify with, and finding groups like homosexuals and transgenders.
Even if it is, it can be a good topic for discussion.

>what is dresden

Add some minarets to that blueprint and it might be accurate for you.

Not intense enough.

If I ever become a trap promise me to kill me. Thanks

He could not have looked to his family because it was the family structure which was in juxtaposition to his deepest and darkest desires which was as we know now is to be a women

Hail Mary, full of grace, the lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruity of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Maybe the discord trannys got him. They blackmail people into taking the pills.

If a mom has 3 or 4 boys the odds of on of the youngest boys being gay is really high. I was reading this on a DNA site. It was a well understood process.

Everybody knows gay people it's time for pol to get over it. Read this and follow the advice it will be a liberating experience.

Don't use ethnic or gay slurs, shills will be easier to spot.
Serious the advice in that article is liberating

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>The pope would be ashamed for your family not accepting the Trans man and would excommunicate you from the church.
Go team Francis!

Love and acceptance regardless of sin is a central tenet of Catholicism