I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her that it's gonna be okay and that I'll protect her from all the white men and that fucking kike Ben Shapiro too.
What is it about this woman that's just so attractive?
She is ugly as shit
ben shapiors sister is way hotter
I thought she was a bit cute until I heard her actually speak. FUCK she has such an annoying voice.
You are the rare person unable to see her nose and her mouth are identical width. Or you're bong. Either work.
She has a big emotive face that seems more alive than regular peoples.
She has the voice of a child
She doesn't need a fag like you, user.
Ocasio-Cortez majored in international relations and economics at Boston University, graduating cum laude in 2011.
After college, Ocasio-Cortez moved back to the Bronx and found work as an educational director.
Following the death of her father, she took on an additional job working 18-hour shifts as a bartender and waitress to help her mother—a house cleaner and school-bus driver—fight foreclosure of their home.
Men feel like protectors so when they see a woman with mental illness it is natural for them to feel protective of them. Sorry, meant white knight cucks.
Dont you want to have her crazy eyes looking up at you while she sucks on your cawk
You are one thirsty virgin with no standards shame on you.
her teeth?
No, not particularly.
Strong incisors for mongling cock is a plus, user
She looks like a vampire goblin you faggot.
Hard pass
Bongs have no spics thus think they're spicy and dawwwwwadorable
I vote we ship burrito to shutter island then sit back nice and comfy and watch as that ends
attractiveness in the male-female relationship is all about dominance. in her particular case, her unusually low intelligence manifests itself in a weird, goofy, helpless looking face and thus awakens the male drive to protect (and simultaneously dominate).
I give Britain approximately 90 days to be completely fed up with The Adorable Exotic Latino. Three months tops and they'd be begging us take them back. We over here should start fetishizing and minimalizing the cultural sepsis of Pakis, frankly, just to show bongs how stupid and naive they look posting drivel like OP.
And yeah >
So what I'm angry