Can any one of you fucks actually prove her wrong?
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>DNA is when life begins
Dead people have DNA, so I guess dead people are mass murderers.
By that logic, eggs have DNA. No more ovulating women.
You heard her
But I guess a leaf wouldn't understand simple biology
hair has dna, guess moptop heather has doomed everyone to grow their hair out from now on
Why the fuck would i listen to a women?
>Blood has DNA, so no more mensturating unless you want to be convicted of a felony, ladies.
You can apply the same retard logic in reverse.
Better go to jail for killing plants
Potential human being =/= literal human being
Blood has dna.
This is the power of the female intellect.
>DNA is when life begins
lmao what a tard
Gametes are not zygotes, retard. Woah, skin cells have human DNA that means exfoliating is BAD!!!
Fucking this.
Dumbass proved herself wrong comparing gametes to a zygote
>Oh look I have no real education
So called “"”””””””””””men”””””””””””” are ok with women wearing pants so men might as well wear skirts.
Women aren't allowed to have periods anymore.
Life began with RNA so shes retarded. Human life begins as a unique diploid copy of DNA. Haploid copies (sperm and eggs) are not human.
Sperm by itself is just a cell like an egg. A fertilized egg is what becomes a human
Would she make fried eggs if a developing chick fell out of the shell when she cracks an egg?
>YFW the left brings us into a new age of sexual repression and chastity
>"If I come up with enough convoluted reasons I can keep killing my children!"
Only for weak onions men.
Sperm has only half the genetic material necessary to produce offspring.
Stop menstruating, lest you become a felon.
Cucumbers have DNA.
Quit shoving it into your beef curtains.
Just because something has DNA doesn't mean that it is alive. Viruses have DNA (or RNA) but they are not considered to be alive. Case closed.
Did all women just skip learning biology?
Because clearly non of them understand it.
Why is she so racyst?
Abortion disproportionately kills African Americans.
To support abortion is to support mass genocide of African American via reduced population growth.
Milk has DNA.
Wine has DNA
You're gonna hate these criteria, roastie cunt.
It's my sperm
Sperm constantly dies and is replaced whether you're jacking off or not, so it's irrelevant. Electromagnetic waves are destroying everything slowly, not just our sperm, so you might as well turn it off completely, not just stop guys from using it... lol wtf. And then, skirts only? I don't know what that's supposed to do. The ballsack constantly changes shape in order to keep or remove heat based on the surroundings. Thinking a skirt would always be better doesn't make sense.
When liberals don't know how science works yet calls everyone else science deniers.
Alright, but what do I get in this deal, assuming I’m not just intended to take a losing deal?
Testes are constantly producing new sperm and old sperm breaks down even if you don't masturbate. So by her logic every man is involuntarily mass murdering thousands of babies a second simply by not being a eunuch.
>viruses are not alive
Saudi education
Ask her if she supports financial abortion
According to her logic her eggs that are being replaced during the menstruation cycle is murder too. These people create strawmen and attack it and claim that they defeated our ideology.
The argument has always been about when a fetus becomes an actual human being. So sperm being "potential" human beings, is irrelevant. To be life, it needs the capacity to reproduce and metabolize. A single solitary strand of DNA can't do that, neither can sperm. So its very hard to argue that DNA is enough for life.
Viruses cannot reproduce on their own.
She ain't even trolling.
Is a banana alive?
>Cellphones damage DNA
Take an entry level science course you dumb cunt.
>implying women don't have sperm
Teaching women to read was a mistake.
Hair follicles, saliva... I don't even...fuck..
>Viruses cannot reproduce on their own.
can you?
Different scientists have different opinions on this. Viruses can reproduce parasitically but have no cells or complex structures. But prions are literally just misfolded proteins that self-replicate by bumping into the correctly folded versions, so simply the ability to reproduce under certain conditions isn't generally considered sufficient to consider something to be "alive". Also it's hard to consider viruses as life without also including self-replicating robots and even memes and ideas as life.
Democracy was a mistake
Retarded. An embryo or a baby in utero is the combination of sperm AND an egg. A sperm alone doesn't qualify as life because left by itself, it won't mature into a full human being.
Any way, following the logic that killing a sperm should be a felony, all women should be jailed for menstruating because there is, by the quoted argument, DNA in the unfertilised egg.
Sperm aren't capable of the following
>implying that the limitless supply of sperm is equal to a woman's fixed number of eggs.
It only has half the DNA strand.
young men will need government appointed gfs to drain them every night before bed lest a nocturnal emission happen.
We can save EVERY wasted seed.
Heather Anne Campbell... your a retard.... signed Jow Forums
nah, she is actually right.
masturbation is nothing good, carrying cellphones everywhere is nothing good and you should wear only short loose shorts when it's hot. or monk robe
killing uborns is still immoral af and will fuck you up real good
yeah but it still doesn't mean she gets to use this as an excuse to get her abortion back
So when she swallows she's basically a cannibal?
Based and Medievalpilled
I guess no more menstruation for her then.
If thats what it takes for women to stop fighting so hard to kill their babies then by all means give me a kilt and take away my cellphone, while we are at it, we should get me on a $3000 a month government tit to suck, cant risk my cummies getting ruined.
This is the correct response
My mind just got blöwn the fück öüt
>DNA is when life begins.
straw man
That would be great, thanks
Chart is decent but would also classify malignant tumors as living organisms since they meet all the listed criteria.
She's an idiot. Sperm has the DNA of its generator, same with eggs. It's no different from blood or dandruff in that respect. Only when the two combine does the DNA become unique, thus signaling new life.
Being a willful retard is retarded - it's like saying every male flower is carrying life. There is a process that happens that takes two to create life. Otherwise your sperm is no smarter than pollen.
This bitch is fucking stupid.
best post in thread
Imagine being so retarded that you think saying something like this is clever
yeah, Sperm isn't "alive" because sperm isn't its own developing into a child. When sperm and egg meet they start forming a child, so its its own being now.
Dont post here ever again.
" Dna is when life begins" This is literally nonsense that has no meaning. DNA is a thing not an action. Conception is when life begins because cells start dividing only at time of conception. Otherwise they die.
>t. Mühämmäd
This is satire making fun of pro lifers right?
>Suffer not a roastie to open her fucking mouth
>Beaten by the second post
Which one of you faggots replied to her?
Sperm has YOUR DNA, it is an extension of yourself, a fetus does not have the same DNA as the mother, however
Stop embarrassing yourself
sperm and eggs are monozygotic. They do not contain all of the possible DNA required to sustain a human life. This is a retarded argument propogated by someone who doesnt understand basic bitch levels of human biology/genetics. It's so retarded it needs to refutation
These people are completely clueless, right?
Yep she is right. Every single one of your cells has DNA and therefore is equal to a human life. Be careful out there
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
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>Can any one of you fucks actually prove her wrong?
Sperm has DNA
And egg has DNA
It is only when they are both combined that they have the DNA to create a human. It is the moment of conception that creates the human. Not the individual DNA of the two separate objects. It is the moment of conception. Not a second before, not a second after.
There your entire argument has been destroyed.
Now go eat a bullet retard. If you have to have such simple fucking concepts explained to you, then you're never going to amount to anything.
rhymes with page
sign me up
This woman is as stupid as she is smug, and the two tend to go hand in hand; you can't hold it against her, she is a woman after all. DNA is not when life begins, she doesn't know what she is talking about; pretty much everything has DNA; viruses typically have DNA and are not alive. Sperm is not a human being, just like an egg is not a human being. An egg and sperm *exchanging* their genetic information produces a growing human being. Masturbating kills sperm cells, not human beings; not every sperm cell is viable and can produce a child, this is why there is such an arduous journey for the sperm from the vagina to the egg itself, where the weakest sperm die off. Also, I don't understand how skirts protect your sperm from cellphone radiation. Just carry it in your hand or backpack. This broad is a comedian, she should stick to comedy lest she become the butt of the the joke.
>believing in jewish lies
An egg has DNA.
Therefore let's throw every woman who has had a period in prison for murder.
Because I don't want to join your Mossad honeypot psyop.
nice to see she's so concerned about increasing the fertility rate. Except she's just being a snarky condescending bitch, and her wannabe quirky statement is ridiculous false equivalence.
"hur I can't kill my unborn child because you care any living things? Then let's take away all your rights so your sperm doesn't get damaged hurr durrrrr am I right guuurls?"
LMAO what an embarrassment. And I bet it has over 6 million likes
sorry gametes im retarded
All life on this planet has a UNIQUE DNA. Gametes do not contain a UNIQUE strand of DNA; they are literally copypasted in our bodies until they combine with another gamete
So we dont need her then.
>Is anyone this stupid? Apparently so.
When the sperm enters the egg life begins. Its simple biology that was common knowledge until feminism happened.
She's right and you degenerates need to stop masturbating right NOW
Conception is when unique genetic code is created.
My sperm is no more unique than dead skin cells I shed in the millions a day.