Isn't it funny that everytime some disaster for example happens, the people say they saw and felt the Christian God, even if they are Hindu, Buddhist or something similar. Muslims sometimes confuse our God with Allah, however no Christian has never seen Allah but plenty of Muslims have seen Jesus or Father.
Isn't it funny that everytime some disaster for example happens, the people say they saw and felt the Christian God...
>Isn't it funny that everytime some disaster for example happens, the people say they saw and felt the Christian God
This simply doesn't happen, I've had a spiritual experience that completely turned over my life and it WASN'T the christian god.
Well who was it?
I don't know, it happened after meditation, I wasn't expecting anything, I was atheist, suddenly God.
If you go to any religion (any of 'em) spirits haunt you and bad shit happens, and he shows anger.
It certainly is no religion I can find.
But yeah, the whole thing seems to be related to meditation.
its funny, you are full of shit
no one has ever said they felt the christian god, even if they are Hindu, Buddhist or something similar. Muslims sometimes confuse our God with Allah. How do you know, were you there too? You have regular conversations with god who speaks to you, to know?
get your fucking head checked
Meditation is essentially listening to God. Prayer is talking to God.
t. today, Im just going to write some random shit on pol, because I feel like it. I will be talking out of my ass, but people should agree with me anyways
Maybe, but he wasn't the christian God, he made sure I knew.
But how do you know it wasn't Christian God? Note, nobody has seen the face of Father so it could have been Him but you just don't know
>But how do you know it wasn't Christian God?
Because worshipping the christian god makes very negative spiritual things happen, synchronicities who warn you this isn't your god, you receive psychic impresions that you enraged god, your family goes almost bankrupt, you develop many diseases, your mind starts to deteriorate and so on.
It surely is everything save for positive signs.
No, not all meditation.
If you blank your mind into a fire or music or nothingness you might get a spirit that some might refer to as a demon, others would have called it something different in ancient times, being part of the reason their are all sorts of pantheons. They can be mean, they can be pranksters, they can be manipulative, usually something negative comes along with them.
>he made sure I knew.
Can you elaborate? I believe God as an infinite, omnipresent and eternal being must transcend the boundaries of individiual religions. So God simultaneously is and is not the Christian God.
I don't get what you mean, the Christian God does the opposite to you. You've been talking to a demon
>the people saw and felt the christian god
Source your ass?
If your mind is blank, you are not really meditating, but auto-piloting. When you are on auto-pilot, you have yielded all subjective agency. Yes, it can make you vulnerable. "NPC"s are the most vulnerable to possession. Highly aware individuals should be much less vulnerable.
>or nothingness you might get a spirit that some might refer to as a demon
This is, by far, the most dishonest comment I have seen on Jow Forums.
Meditation is seeking within you, to get to know your soul, so by this action, you get to know God because your soul and God are one. Therefore no, you don't get spirits UNLESS you meditate ON A DIVINE NAME THAT HAPPENS NOT TO BE DIVINE.
>it's a demon
Sure thing m8
I also happened to discover that the people on earth are mostly demons. Surely it is a coincidence that you want to talk me into abandoning this god and just believe some shitty religion I cannot verify :^)
If you mind is blank you are opening your mind for something to enter.
Many people call it meditation in modern times though regardless of it being a distortion of what meditation is.
Oisko aika laittaa se ES pois?
You just said you meditate and you have a problem with spirts
And then you turn around and try to claim there is no connection
You are confused
you are doing meditation wrong then
The thousands of cases. Do you really think that someone will see Ganesha or other heathen god?
If you are blanking your mind or focusing on something physical or outside of your body like music or fire, yes you are doing it wrong.
No, i said I meditated and met god, and by seeking religions I had problem with spirits, it's literally opposite of your claim, demon.
It's True. Christ is the one True God.
Exorcism is not a pleasant experience either, even though ultimately beneficial if you are possessed. If a demon has claimed you, you can be sure that any attempt at freeing yourself, such as getting closer to Christ, is going to cause you anguish.
That's your ego mind not God. God unconditional love.
*starts speaking in jewish lies*
I'm just trying to have a discussion with you. There is no malice intended.
Jesus was a prophet in Islam, not part of the Trinity. Also, God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is all the same being. Allah is just the Arabic term for Him in Islam.
How would you define the state of mind when you are about to fall asleep? Isn't that similar to blank mind?