Tell me why abortion should be outlawed

why would you want people who are inclined to kill their own offspring, to raise children? oh, you want the state to raise them instead? most orphans are degenerates.

>inb4 any shade of christcukery
>inb4 muh most vulnerable
>inb4 morality spiraling

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>inb4 answers

Banning abortion will force people to be more sexually responsible in the long term

Maybe they should just not get pregnant?
Every abortion should automatically include forced sterilization.


ok why?

Banning abortion will force people to be wayyyy more responsible in all aspects of life.

I appreciate your nativity, it reminds me that we are evolving as a species. The prophecy foretells the coming of a dark age, but the prophecy also foretells you're a fgt.

I just support it because it’s the opposite of what my enemies want

abortion should be legal and state funded for underprivileged groups.

Most women wont admit it but they would never get pregnant with a nigger. If abortions are banned then women will stop sleeping with niggers as they will have to face the possibility that they will end up a single mother. Abortions encourage race mixing