>Jow Forums rushes to the doctor
Jow Forums rushes to the doctor
Elijah Sanders
Jaxon Scott
But can it make my eyes green? Blue is okay... but I would much rather have green eyes.
Chase Moore
My eyes are green. The rarest eye color of all. Suck on that blue niggers.
Lincoln Allen
green and blue are nigger tier, gray is obviously the best choice
Jace Hall
a study once found people liked green eyes more than blue.
green eyes+dark hair was the most desired combination
Jack Cruz
well its bullshit. Ever look at green eyes? Always ALWAYS a trace of shit nigger brown in there. Meanwhile my blue eyes are like the ocean on a calm day, sparkling deep blue
Nolan Gutierrez
Sure they are, Chong. Sure they are.
David Evans
Jack Price
i have black hair and brown eyes
i don' t want to change
Dylan Carter
>caring about cosmetics
Is Jow Forums full of women?