Jow Forums rushes to the doctor

>Jow Forums rushes to the doctor

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But can it make my eyes green? Blue is okay... but I would much rather have green eyes.

My eyes are green. The rarest eye color of all. Suck on that blue niggers.

green and blue are nigger tier, gray is obviously the best choice

a study once found people liked green eyes more than blue.

green eyes+dark hair was the most desired combination

well its bullshit. Ever look at green eyes? Always ALWAYS a trace of shit nigger brown in there. Meanwhile my blue eyes are like the ocean on a calm day, sparkling deep blue

Sure they are, Chong. Sure they are.


i have black hair and brown eyes
i don' t want to change

>caring about cosmetics
Is Jow Forums full of women?

Meanwhile you are still an incel

I would love to have blue eyes, but this surgery would just be lying to myself and the world.

Don't get expensive surgery because of memes on Jow Forums or trivial cosmetic reasons. It's unnecessary and vain. You'll always have brown eyes on the inside, and every time someone looks at you they'll see a lie. Do you really want that?

Brown eyed monkeys will never know the beautiful eyes feel


A fact that brown eyed monkeys won’t admit

Now we’re making fake aryans?

>green eyes
>blnode baby
>brown adult hair

if you don't have 3/3, you're not actually white

Fuck those normie eye colors, I want literal cat eyes or cybernetic blood red glowing eyes

One shade away from piss.

How is dog vomit brown treating you?
>pic related
Its OK user, not everyone can escape noggerfication

Attached: green_eye.jpg (480x400, 78K)
