What does the black sun mean?

What does the black sun mean?

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International larper symbol

an anus haha

Devil worship


In Alchemy,a Black Sun signifies putrefaction.

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Means that they like getting uckked in the ass.

The actual sun is the source of, basically, all of our lives and energies and processes. It is the foundational stone of plants and animals and weather even. It is the foundation for all we can see and understand.

The *black* sun represents the foundational factor for all of the things we cannot see; for all things we might call supernatural or which can otherwise not be explained through natural sun. The black sun is the supernatural.

it's an giant anus represent a whitebois prolapsed sissy anus in a BLACK world.

fuck off larper, when we have a Dharmachakra on our flag as the reprsentation of the sun it's an "anus" when your whiteboi put a anus up as a whiteoid nationalist symbol it's suddenly a Sun or some shit.

it's your asshole.


black stars rise

we're all in Carcosa now

Why are you so angry and mean? Let them have their symbol.

If it is my asshole then you better kiss it

What does the Black Hole Sun mean?

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Only weak niggers hide their flag

Sun worshipers. Pagans. Hindus. Original aryans etc etc. Lurk moar faggot!


no u

>What does the black sun mean?
No more gibs for jews.

It is hard to explain.
The simplest way is this sentence: It is the truth behind the truth.

The Black Sun is a symbol, there are other variants of it. For example a spiral.
The spiral stands for that chaos is the ultimate order.
In the sense that if you have a room and there all kinds of things laying on the floor, it is ordered. Ordered by chaos. Were you to "tidy up the room" you introduce fabricated order into the room.

Read: Adolf Hitler the ultimate avatar if you want more info.

Larpers getting btfo'd by literally old miners and young schoolboys.

Have sex

Truthfully? its a symbol but whats interesting is what the symbol is tied to. This symbol refers to the sun and its use by the harnessing of its energy. The Symbol itself is the Bulgarian Symbol for IYI

The IYI symbol was a sign of the Dulo clan, from which descended the great Bulgarian rulers Kubrat and Asparukh, it was the seal of Ivan Shishman and a symbol of Boris or Simeon. Several scientist determine it as a symbol of Tangra (Tengri), although he was depicted with a circle with a dot in the middle

This is Rune symbology and IYI = Tangra = SUN = GOD

paganist subversion

50% of these guys are CIA glowniggers. The other 50% are FBI glowniggers. Who tricks who into doing something first?

Yes, I am trying.

Thank you for confirming that sex is a drug of the masses.

Look up "Zierscheibe"



Yes, this.

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it means "beware larpfags are near"

How many niggers do you know have an extensive understanding of alchemy, hermeticism, and western esoteric mysticism?
Can you respond to that question, Juan Muhammad Al Jamal bin tyrone?

Cult of the Black Sun, Saturnists

It means that the swastika has been destroyed with the daily jewish propaganda we consume so they changed the symbol. you see it with groups like the New Black Panther party or all the KKK spinoffs. They change the name or symbol because of guilt by association and optics to attract new members and hide from shills or authorities.

Do you think that the sun is bright in space? Why is space so dark then? Do we only see light after it hits our atmosphere? Seems so. What about the sounds that come from the sun? Well they would naturally follow a rhythm and/or a specific scale, in fact one with right angles. Remember these things were placed there for a reason, one we will all know in the end. Ill leave it there and let you dig further on your own.

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the source of the Faustian spirit that runs through the veins of every European man on this planet

Hate niggers

Thats some subversive shit

That's pretty accurate.

Muh free speech

I believe that it may be a reference to an early Aryan belief to the concept of a “hollow earth” within our own Earth, with a black “anti-sun” at it’s center. Much of European mythology centers on a belief that the “Nordic races” are descended from a long lost race of god like super-beings called the Aryans. In these stories, the Aryans are a race of pale skinned, blue eyed giants with telepathic powers that once ruled the ancient Hyperborean earth, before the Nordic races had lost their “magical powers” through breeding with the inferior races. The Hollow Earth is, in this story, where the Aryan race fled to…..and it is from there that they will return. A side note: it is very possible that the Swastika itself is but a further depiction of the Black Sun.
Now of course stories of superhuman giants MUST be pure fiction….right? Normally I would agree, BUT…..there are startlingly simialr stories in almost every culture. For the anciesnt Greeks, they were the Titans. For the early Hebrews, they were the Nephilim. For the Summerians, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians, they were Tiamat and the Annunaki. For the Norse, they were Wotan and the Valhallans. For the Mesoamericans, they were Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha. So maybe there is something there…..
However I also believe that “hollow earth”, if it actually exists, is not a real physical place, but that it is a depiction of the concept that their could be another reality, an alternate dimension, if you follow, within (or “on top/underneath”) of or own. “As is above, so below”.

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learn to code (java doesn't count)

The Black Sun, and similar iconography has been appearing in many different places throughout history. From ancient Alemannic broaches in northern Europe, to depictions of Quetzalcoatl and the astronomical calendars in Mayan and Aztec art, to even the official logo of one of the Catholic churches most secretive elements (a group that claims the current Pope as a member)….the symbol seems to permeate society. One final thought. So many ancient cultures and religions have been very focused on solar eclipses. The Aztecs and the Maya with their blood sacrifices and their Sun Stone calendar, the Norse with their Ragnarok, and even the Hebrews..…eclipses have great importance as harbingers of great changes and transformation. Over the last few years, an unprecedented amount of “blood moon” eclipses and solar eclipses have occurred on Jewish religious holidays. Could this be what the “Black Sun” is all about? A prophesied great cataclysm.

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cope symbol fro the pagans because they lack a powerful and mighty symbol like the Cross.

I believe I saw a photo somewhere of document from some nazi officer writing to other officer or maybe even Hitler but not sure, it was pretty authentic and it said "We made it, the hollow earth is true! We might not get back but hopefully this message will get to you" + other text but this was the main part of it, will try to look for it

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its slavic symbol, 2000 years old, slavs invented tire, but only to make it burn and let it slide down a mountain.

it means constant rebirth of soul, aka reincarnation

germans just stole it cuz it looks "cool"


sooparpowa 2020

IMHO it is a CIA symbol used to identify shill informants. it has no association with national socialism and minimal use by pagans (wherein 12 rays are rarely present).

One could say it alludes to the zodiac. but it is pointless to blather about it because it is not a real symbol form national socialism, it is a symbol used by the mob run CIA and its informant shill 'terror cells'

Heeb Fear

in fact, the symbol is so cool that even the leftists are trying to appropriate it. It is no use denying or ridiculing the symbol because it is one of the best symbols made by mankind.
creativity has no limits, my congratulations to the symbol.

ask yourself, who introduced this ugly symbol and why? where is this image in american history and german history? has it ever appeared on any national flag or banner?

all i see is it is pictured with negative, dreary looking people wearing dark clothing flashing guns. its colrs oddly remind of alqueda as does the impression it gives off.

in other words, if you see anyone flashing this symbol do not associate with them.

do not associate with any group which uses this symbol as its banner.

this is a symbol for informants and shills. it has no association with any legitimate political movement of the past, no association with national identity and no clear creator. it appear as if from nowhere, with few references in literature and few anthropological/archeological examples to be referenced.

so then, where did it come from? its origins are hidden. why would that be? because it did not naturally organically appear. it was introduced artifically as a means of identifying people and is associated with violent groups and terrorism.

>where is this image in american history and german history?
nigger literally 5sec search

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I am envious of seeing that this symbol is of the white nationalists, this is so perfect.

I just reported the shit out of that video and its comments.

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that was added AFTER the war. there are no other examples that I am aware in national socialist germany.

if you want to associate with those blurry face guys with their al qaeda banner because it once appears in a castle, then by all means.

but to me it is obviously a symbol with no real context or explanation and associated with no political platform and no individual. did heinrich himmler, chief of SS ever endorse this symbol? if so, where? I never saw him do this.

so you wanna get smart about it with your one example from a museum castle, have it it. you wanna be associated with black and white al qaeda colors and play badass tought guy, by all means. but obviously this is being used as a terrorist symbol for terror mercenaries shills and undercover informants and shills, it is not a real political symbol. but by all means, project whatever delusions you want on it.

Some shit like this,
Jews love to make graphic simbols for everything, lizard mind you know the whitesupshit is just another jewish front

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if you wanna be brave, why not use a symbol hundreds of thousands of people actually died for, instead of some ugly, overly complicated millipede looking insect al qaeda banner?

imho, and with all my intuition and gut, it is an ugly unfriendly symbol. i would not associate with anyone that rallies around that symbol. i would not trust anyone that rallies around that symbol.

>it means constant rebirth of soul, aka reincarnation
this is basically true. it is the zodiac, which is basically the cycle of death and rebirth. the germans use it, like they used other ancient symbols, because they understood the knowledge of the mystery schools

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those are all swastika, black sun looks nothing like those.

i agree it is a zodiac symbol (12 wheels for each season, which are also sig runes) but as for it being "russian" and all that, that is just blabber.

to me it is obviously an invention or at least popularized by some modern intelligence agencies.

Its archaeological significance looks negligible. i find very few exact examples of this in history. there are similar wheels, but few with 12 spokes.

>that was added AFTER the war
[citation needed]

>those are all swastika, black sun looks nothing like those.
sure, i was just showing an example of how the nazi's used many older symbolism. the black sun is no different than saturn worship, which is ancient

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that amount of faggotry in that video is absolute appalling

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>homosexuality doesn't kill people
what is AIDs?

Saturn worship, same as the elite because they were controlled op

it means "time to peacefully sunset the blacks"

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As far as I can tell its basically an alternate version of the swastika/sun wheel that's had various other meanings tacked onto it. I don't know if was even called the "black sun" in its original context.

Did it have occult connotations, most likely (it was in Himmler's castle). Did it have the same occult connotations people ascribe to it nowadays? Probably not. There is a thing called the Black Sun in Qliphothic Satanic mysticism, but I've heard it explicitly said that they're not the same thing.

Find a toilet.

keep dreamin

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>it means nothing and everything. The only meaning and value it has come from the symbolism of men holding it up like an iwo jima monument

Isn't this shit actually Masonic symbolism?

Who cares? It's Nazi bullshit now.


That your time is up!

IDK but the term dark sun is used in context of Alciel, the dark sun in the lowest levels of hell.

i never saw the black sun used in "Saturn worship"

to me it is a newly invented symbol appropriated probably by CIA fronts. i wouldn't trust any of the nonsense philosophy ascribed to it. it is poison.

Lmao, that fur collor of dogs argument for why races dont exist.


to me it looks like CIA front. I really hope people don't take the bait.

even with tarrant, it looks just like ISIS with his black gun and white writing.

this is controlled opposition.

It's in honor of their wife's son.


>What does the black sun mean?
Ultimate LARP

It washes away the raaaaaaaain, user



Who was that guy?

It means you're a grandpa for knowing about that song.