How can we fix Capitalism?

Zoomers are abandoning it in mass

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>abandoning it in mass
where are they going?

1. stop overpopulation --> smaller workforce, higher wages, less competition. We need below replacement fertility rates in every country (not just western ones). sterilization etc
2. eliminate tax loopholes for rich corporations
3. end superPAC/special interest government spending (politicians will become more sympathetic to the demands of their constituents)

Socialism, anarchism, fascism and other special snowflake ideologies.

>less competition
the absolute state of whities

>We need below replacement fertility rates in every country (not just western ones). sterilization etc

Thank god you're too young to work Jimmy.

Now try getting yourself ready tomorrow morning when mommy wakes you up for homeschooling, ok?

>we need less competition
Nah, this type of stupid comes from public education.

>Neoliberalism: Capital > Labor
>Socalism: Capital < Labor
>Ideal: Capital = Labor
Create policies that ensure Capital interests is balanced by Labor interests using checks & balances so that neither force can dominate the other.

stop importing niggers and spics to fill up positions, pay proper wages, if you can't find someone for the wages on the table raise the pay, break apart tech monopolies and any other mini monopolies for that matter. Oh and boomers need to fuck off and retire already.

It won't be long before they can build their own businesses.

With few other options, I think they will succeed.

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Wrong question. The better question is, what do you value? Once you know that, you'll know what to do.

Wow, you mean capitalism works when people find their passion and add value to the world and get paid by everyone whose life they improve?

Just start a business, faggot

There is nothing to fix, it did its job. Each method of production creates the conditions for the next method of production. Capitalism is not broken, neither was feudalism, neither was the slave system before that. They all did what they were supposed to. The next step, socialism, is also only going to exist for a time, before it too is replaced.
You see everything is in motion, all is change.

>4 years in uni
>5 years of work experience
>land a job with a salary of 90k
>no wife and kids
I have 90k a year to spend on what I want. I like the current system :)

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but after food prices that's like poverty in america

>muh food prices
when will this meme die? it's just cherry picked food prices from Northern Ontario and Nunavut.

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should we tax corporations through ? I mean, we already tax people who corporation pay, shareholder money was already taxed when acquired.

I meant "though"

coulda had two wives and eight children in a mansion in the past :^)


We don’t fix capitalism
We kill it and replace it with national socialism

They have a point though. The hoops you have to jump thru just to get a call center job is insane. The pay is also way too low. There is no incentive for it ever to increase.

Fuck capitalism. When you think about it, its just a big scam. In the long run everything will be owned by a handful of people.

why the hell would I want that many wives and kids?

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Zoomers are not abandoning it lmao. They are posting about how its so evil on social media for the clout and then turning around and participating in mass consumerism because it's comfy.

it'll die the same time the meme about california prices die

Stop importing the third world. Start deporting the third world. Stop foreign imports. Break monopolies. Make boomers retire. Encourage women to get out of the workforce and raise kids.

In other words, do this:

Don't suppose you want to prove your stupid fucking opinion with anything?

Taxing businesses is a double tax, so no we shouldn't. As you point out any money taken out of the corporation as capital gains, dividends or salaries are already taxed.

There's nothing wrong with capitalism. I think what most people are complaining about is actually Keynesianism.

Capitalism will create a barren wasteland of a planet with no resources and nothing to spend the huge amount of profits on. Socialism will ensure whatever mutt survivors live on in our polluted hell-planet will starve to death afterwards. Hopefully some other life survives on our planet after us, and can do a better job.

>you can't get resources from other planets

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I know a guy who pursued the STEM meme. He works like a dog, is a virgin and miserable. All he wants in life is a woman to love him and a family. But he feels his only way to achieve that is to get insanely rich (he's on his way for sure). But the stunted growth and hair loss due to the stress of a high end STEM job just isn't worth it. Meanwhile another friend of mine is an idiot with 4 kids and living life happily...

Tell me faggot, is there a technology that exists or is set to exist in the foreseeable future that will be able to mine huge amounts of minerals from other planets and then fly them back to earth without being a complete waste of resources in doing so? "hur dur let's just go mining on Mars, cause I saw it in a sci-fi movie"

tell me when the earth will run out of resources

In Ohio you would be well off as one man with 30k a year. The fuck kind of food are you buying? Filet mignon every day?

That's not what I'm addressing. And I'm not saying the earth will run out anytime soon, though the forests and species are dying off at an impressive rate, similar to a mass extinction event. What I was pointing at is how you implied getting resources from other planets was actually a feasible thing to do . Stop deflecting boi and admit youre wrong and gay

He also doesn't realize that you can recycle huge amounts of shit from the landfills or that at some point life on earth will end regardless of if man is around to witness it.

Honestly, if you believe in nature as a higher purpose, you believe that humans are intended to spread into the solar system and possibly the stars. Nature always expands as much as it can it finds ways to use all possible resources it never asks if it is moral because life is the only thing it values because nature is life. Nature doesn't care if we destroy this planet as long as we get nature out on to new planets. left-wing environmentalism is a brain dead meme. Why the left thinks it is pro environment when they stole that from Hitler is beyond me.

fun fact, if the furher would have won there would be a lot less CO2 in the air. Because power would almost exclusively nuclear.


0 years at university, 5 years of work experience, and I cleared 183k last year. What’s the fucking problem?

No. They just raise their prices accordingly, taxes on businesses are taxes on the end consumer.

what does the idiot do for a living?

>see them grow to be good people
>family dinners (christmas, thanksgiving)
>a loving wife (remeber this is in the past before every girl was a whore)

id rather that than all the money in the world. as a single man you can live off like 40k a year

>being a wage slave to boss turno-shekelstien
Lmao laughing at you waggies in your caggies


College is waste of time nowadays, unless you want to go into a specific field that needs a degree, just get a job work, save up assets in stocks and other securities, you can use that as collateral to start your own businesses or buy a rental property, better than putting yourself in 50k of debt, which your not allowed to declare bankruptcy on, to graduate to crappy job market, starting you might make 50-60k, but it's just wasted on your debt payments.

Own your own business nigger

Limit credit creation.
It's THE problem. You could use gold or something else as the limit, but it has to be done.

>College is waste of time nowadays
AND money

4 years for a degree then another 10 paying off the debt you accrue if youre unlucky

>hurr-durr I can't compete in a free market
There is nothing wrong. You are supposed to die off. I don't want to pay for your food and healthcare because you're not my close family, I don't care about you at all.

>just start a business
what kind of business?


>how can we fix whites being allowed to own the means of production

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