Daily reminder that Israel has nuclear weapons, but why is this a bad thing?
Daily reminder that Israel has nuclear weapons, but why is this a bad thing?
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they will nuke the entire world if we don't let them do whatever they want
Samson Option
They refuse to admit it because they would be forced to sign the NPT to get any money from the US - all US funds to Israel are illegal.
They should be charged with theft for stealing US uranium and US nuclear secrets, listed as a rogue nation for larceny and the continued funding theft, be placed under US sanctioned and if it were ANY other nation we would have bombed them decades ago.
Israel can never admit they have nukes.
Israel is highly dependent on US foreign aid and military protection, both of which are illegal for the US government to provide under its own laws and under international treaty since Israel is a rogue nuclear state.
Isreal is a rogue state, territory violently conquered out of the Middle East within living memory (and after colonialism had become internationally recognized as essentially criminal) by white Europeans, who govern it under an apartheid system explicitly for the sole benefit of their own ethnic group. It is frequently caught performing acts of espionage against the USA and its allies, and is known to undertake state terrorism and sponsor terrorism abroad. It has a tacit alliance with ISIS, as shown by their interactions in Syria. Investigations into Israeli malice in attacks on the US, including 9/11 and the USS Liberty, have been compromised and their outcomes decided by political pressure, rather than pursued on their merits to honest conclusions.
There is no credible justification for the US to support Israel. It can only be explained by the disproportionate and highly improper influence of Israeli citizens over the US government. Any US politician supporting Israel must be understood to be corrupt and an agent of a foreign power.
>why is this a bad thing
Samson Option. Iran doesn't threaten to nuke the US, but nuking the US is part of Israel's foreign policy.
That milk is an odd color, and aren't most Asians lactose intolerant?
You have an odd color
That's the nicest thing someone's told me today, thanks!
source or you'll be an eternal faggot.
>no u
incase your not being sarcastic, thats semen fren.
Checked. Well stated user
on the image you fucking mongoloid
Not me, but yes it is.
Negative. 3 words is simple. Let people be puzzled and let the thinking ones explain. We are on the offense, not the defense.
because israel does not exist. its a fantasy world, a theme park.
Would you be comfortable knowing Disney had nukes? I sure as fuck hope not.
Nukes do not exist. It's the worlds biggest bluff.
I want to go full 1488 to, but I need to nut first.
>why is it bad that a country which uses ancient prophesy as state policy also is nuclear capable with all the standard delivery systems?
You could look it up on fucking Wikipedia...they are in violation of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty...you know who isn't in violation of the treaty? Iran.
What’s that beverage?
How can Israel receive foreign aid from the US if they have nukes and never signed the NPT? Isn't that against our own laws?
where do they even get that much jizz in the first place?
This is the 3rd time today you've made this thread. No one gives a fuck.
This. Israel has Americans by the balls because Americans know that there are nukes planted in every major city that they cannot find and Israel will detonate them if they don't play ball. It's as simple as that. So maybe that answers OP's question.
By hiring A LOT of men
Is that even human?
In this day and age, who knows, friend?
>Would you be comfortable knowing Disney had nukes?
Unironically, yes.
Walt Disney was redpilled on JQ
Hiroshima was a lie
Ask your parents
>Narcissistic psychopaths
user I...
Nukes? What nukes? Havent seen any nuke, have you?
We have no nukes, and absolutely no plans to destroy the entire middle east in a case where we lose a war. Absolutely not a nuclear 6 day war scenario where the air force is just waiting for the trigger to be pulled.
No one has nukes, everything is safe and no treaties were violated
one question, is that egg nog?
Because they never signed the Non-Proliferation treaty, and they obtained them illegally through spying and other nefarious means?
that's a lot of stolen gains
That pic
> If only you knew how bad things really are.
>implying im a valid source
Japan is very organized and manufactures high-quality funnels.
Hm... I wonder.
>Israel has Americans by the balls because Americans know that there are nukes planted in every major city that they cannot find and Israel will detonate them if they don't play ball.
No, that's retarded. US / Israel pandering is because there are more jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, and also because money to Israel is a form of military weapons subsidy. Much like how paying farmers to grow corn works (immediate expense of tax dollars in exchange for longer term gains by preventing farmers from reacting wildly to short term weather conditions and maintaining optimal prices through stable supply), you can throw money at Israel without it being a loss because they're inevitably going to put the money back into circulation by way of purchases from American arms dealers.
so? even Jihadis have nukes
>Cool. So you agree that Israel is as big of a threat as Kim Jong Un and Osama Bin Laden. Let's stop funding them 38 billion and kick the dual citizens out of Congressn
I don't know who that user is that you're talking to, but I'm pretty sure they aren't in charge of US foreign policy.
Fuck Israel. Find their nukes and disable them. Then, invade the country.
Nukes make the world more peaceful. War has not occurred between countries that hold nukes and even the sand niggers don't want to get glassed by Israel.
>t. Literally JIDF
Nuclear weapons don't exist. It's a lie to keep people in line and protect the extremely weak nation of Israel.
Jews = bad
Nukes = bad
Nuclear Jews = worst
t.Mahmud Al-Goatfukker
>only mudslimes hate satan's chosen people
1st day?
Japan qt no!
Everything this Nazi says is undeniably true.
you wouldn't say this when once we make you a jew by force
Nukes do not exist. It's a bluff only to create fear. It's their only defense. We could just smash them, but we don't. That's what they're banking on.
say that Pakistan has nukes
you can't say it can't you mudslime faggot? kys
I couldn't find her nudes you faggot. All I got was some boring shit about Israel.
Based, however, it's pasta.
>whataboutism, again
Pakistan has nukes. Islam bad. But kikes and Israel are a bigger threat overall.
I am pretty sure there far higher chances getting nuked by Jihadis than Israel. Why would Israel nuke their greatest ally? dumb retard
You're a faggot. I couldn't find any more new Kim Kardashian sex tapes. I googled that shit, and it was just some really boring stuff about Israel.
>t. gonna go fap to Israeli porn now
Because we stop supporting them and they are being invaded thus activating the Samson Option out of spite. However, nukes aren't real.
>greatest ally
Thank you for continuing to remove all doubt that you are a kikeflag Israeliposter.
im into that beer and look
kys turk goatfucker nobody likes you
>Because we stop supporting them
when did that happen? in your dream?
>that slight hesitation when the webm starts
The Democrats are the party of anti-semitism, long term, the evil communist Democrats will cut all aid to Israel like Obama wanted to.
Pakistan has nukes
>Daily reminder that Israel has nuclear weapons, but why is this a bad thing?
Well, because they ILLEGALLY have them.
They deny it, they dont let any oversight in.
They are the greatest threat to the planet and all of its nations(!)
Well, all I know is, if I have to be a Jew, I'm gonna be the best Jew I can possibly be!
Have to go out and learn all the words to Hava Nagila, now...
> Later she gets throat fucked while upside down and pukes all the cum out.
That sounds extremely painful
Why is this so fucking hot bros?
Very valid point, bunch of crazy religious nuts with nukes
Really makes you think
Actually I made the Mel giving one, before we are done everyone will know about this.
its only hot if you're a degenerate
Nukes aren't even real
Suspicious how he's in every one of these threads trying to divert attention to Pakistan.
Once again trying to divert from the treat and the invalid aid sent to Israel.
>But Pakistan aid!
Millions for damages we did, not billions for nothing Israel gets.
This is why you never ever date a jap
>Later she gets throat fucked while upside down and pukes all the cum out.
Thats fucking vile dude
What is wrong with you Mexicans? That shit is literally vomit inducing.
Israel is not our greatest Ally. Allies don't attack each other and lie about it.USS Liberty will not be forgotten.
its obviously fake jizz, but i fell kid of bad for them
Either that or its horse jizz
Ignore this guy. The rainbow flag. Another attempt to derail. Hell just call you a muslim.
1967-Uss liberty
Lavon affair
Where do they get so much cum from?
Why did it take this long?