Where will the last majority white population be in our lifetime?
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This is why I support land reparations not nigs.
Ship them all to Cali. Offer them free land. For a one time investment on our part, (((Hollywood))) taxes will be paying their Gibs while we enjoy a near 90% ethnostate in the Midwest, South, and East.
Everyone wins! Except for the Jews, fags, and spics of course.
Fuck off. Whites in Texas, Arizona should have shitloads of children. White conservatives should be encouraged to have high birthrates.
Think historically. The middle east was once majority white after all. Now, remnants of that ancient population only exist in enclaves from very specific and rare locations. As a whole, the US will become mestizo-ized, however.
Texas and others are too close to the border. It will be overrun with shitskins in a decade. Whites need to centralize in a more geographically strategic location to ensure survival, the question is where?
No send them back why the fuck should they get the most prime land in the country
East Europe
Everywhere. Millions of white conservatives in the Southwest will not ever move, so encourage them to shit out babies like a factory
I will be leaving California at the end of the summer for good. Southern California really does lack a cohesive American identity/community. The goal is to buy property, find a women and raise a White family.
In the states tbwill be Appalachia and parts of the Midwest. In Europe it will be central and Eastern Europe. Balkans too.
But to answer your question OP i will be heading to the Northwest. Idaho or Utah. We are thriving there.
Eastern Europe, Australia and the Cone of South America.
Logan county reporting in.
you deserve a trip to africa with niggers.
Based and pepperoni roll pilled
>white girls
>have babies
>like a factory
But you're not controlling your daughters and sisters. They sure are breeding, but not with White men. What happened to the US?
Pic related, pockets of Spanish survived for half a millenium in vast nations, holding to power and economic control. But Americans... you're loosing it slowly but surely in just a generation.
Maricopa County, AZ reporting. This place has become infested with mexicans, it wasn't like this just 15 years ago.
>breeding, but not with White men
Kike detected
Jewish professor, Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race."
Come home, to the Great North, white man.
Wow, New Mexico literally is new Mexico.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you so triggered that this is your opinion? No "fuck beaners"? No "lemme tell who's White" slogan? You can say what you want but can't deny the truth, you Ocasio-Cortez goblina lover.
Clown World will be BLACKED
>south dakota getting BLACKED
no where to run wh*teoid
Ok retard
In order to wall off the Jews, fags, and spics with a physical wall?
I mean gb2 Africa is also an option. I'd support that.
I honestly think it's worse than that, I hardly ever see white people in Nj lol
The town I live in is almost 84% white and I still think it has too many niggers lol
This was 10 years ago.
Full of aging leftist boomers who will be dead in a decade.
I live in Virginia and will more to fauquier county around Warrenton. It's like 90% white and close to stuff still. Much better than el ogro del sud americana infested prince William county, even fucking Fairfax where I'm from is getting overrun
We will be the last white majority state in the US.
College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.
Lol. Horseshit.
Does anyone else think bleeding vaginas like OP should just fucking kill themselves in minecraft and get it over with? I'm so tired of the blackpilled cowards who want someone else to save them and spend all their time trying to demoralize everyone else because they're pathetic sadsacks with no nutsack.
>aside from california, all the rest non-whites live in red states
Never mind. I may be retarded.
Hispanics don't control their daughters either otherwise they wouldn't always be teen pregnant
60 years ago maybe
Literally this, I'm from LA and live in Tijuana to go to school in San Diego for cheap living.
There's this early 20's guy in my math class that is half white and half beaner that has an "aztlan" pin that shows Mexicans supposee claims of territory in true NA.
Wow, take your meds.
See map of actual voting breakdown.
And yet Trump bragged that if he ran in Israel he'd win 90% of the votes.
>Offer them free land, that'll show 'em.
Then you'll be in the exact same situation after they've multiplied in poverty on their new land.
I don't know why people like to think in such ways like you're going to trick them by giving them what they want.
That pic
you glow
They're taking the land anyway. What difference does it make?
the disease will leave only pure white. i hope you are not impure.
If we pick the land we can concentrate them and make them the Jews/Fags/Spics problem.
Have any Injun problems lately? No, because they are in Oklahoma minding their own shit.
>having no rebuttal I will repeat any random thing I have seen on Jow Forums even if I don’t know what it means
Hey retard, fuck off back to plebit.
Antarctica. Nigs can't tolerate cold
It almost brings tears to my eyes seeing this. Whites are finally almost conquered. In just a short 20-30 years, it will actually be our country and we can move on from angry closet racists like the ones that infest this board. It's beautiful really. When the whole map is blue, we'll know peace.
Only AOC is non-white in that pic.
Poland, Hungary, but they will go extinct thanks to low birth rates anyway
something is off here. theres no way baltimore has up to 40% of white kids...sheboons are popping them off nonstop and are already 70% of the population
Pic is from 09
The combination of Scots Irish and Italians make West Virginians truly the master race.
>Women in politics
Nothing could be more dangerous for a civilization than a spic women in power.
They only push for commie ideas for a cushy roastie state, i.e. food stamps, Medicaid and other crutches for their single mother, mutt offspring lifestyle.
tl;dr: women are cancer and a plague to economical and technical progress.